Occupied & Not Occupied


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Tucker Carlson’s fabulous opening monologue asked why our military is not defending this country? He was right on the money:



After Carlson’s first guest, Douglas Macgregor, came on I prayed they might touch on this:

The fact is that militarily occupying a defeated country is no longer the only choice. The lesson learned in the Algerian War (1954 - 1962), and the more recent war in Iraq, taught that future wars must be fought without occupation as the end game when it is certain a defeated enemy will fallback on terrorism to drive out the occupiers.


Bottom line: Military occupations are obsolete.


Neither occupation troops in foreign lands for decades, nor troops stationed in countries NOT being occupied, are justified. The latter begs the question: What business do they have being there? Short answer: They are there as the nucleolus for a universal police force controlled by the United Nations.

Parenthetically, the U.N. has a military force although it is not yet the force U.N. advocates want it to be: A universal police force.

A one government world has always been about giving ruling classes absolute authority, in addition to a universal police force crushing revolutions.

Incidentally, whenever contemporary revolutionaries decide to overthrow their national governments their primary military objective is never the armory —— it is always TV and radio transmitters.

Basically, the New World Order’s agenda is well known. Ditto the utopian economic doctrine that sells the garbage. The U.N. focuses on ending poverty, gender inequality, combating climate change, and opening up borders to illegal aliens and United Nations economic refugees.

Know this if you know nothing else about Democrats. Socialists are not about saving lives through humanitarian interventions. It is about giving the U.N. authority over America’s military might. Turning the U.S. military into a universal police force controlled by the United Nations is precisely what Socialists/Communists have been after since 1945. They will say and do whatever it takes to get there.

Those private sector Americans that still have a few freedoms today will suffer the most once United Nations saviors remove their masks. On the day the masks come off in the United States those personality types who always lust after absolute political power will possess all of the brute strength they have been striving for. Then there will be no more talk of individual liberties as Americans now understand them.

Liberty to the New World Order crowd wielding absolute power will mean the liberty to get even with previously-free private sector individuals because they took so long to submit to their government masters. Every score will be settled. Centuries of totalitarian frustration in the United States will be compensated for by cruelty; every knee will bend; every unbowed head will invite a bullet.

Those who are leading this country to domestic and global Socialism/Communism may not be here tomorrow to exercise the murderous powers they seek today, but their heirs will carry-out the wishes of their political ancestors with Caligula-like relish. The above scenario is inevitable once the machinery is put in place.
As an added bonus politically powerful globalist groups will increase their own entitlements on a global scale.

To cite just one possible entitlement: In the not too distant future every well-positioned government official in every country will be above the law —— with no fear of punishment coming from any judicial system in the entire world; à la American traitors and America’s judicial system. The corrupt World Court, and the equally corrupt International Criminal Court, will be controlled by the people who control every corrupt judicial system, along with controlling “their” universal police force.

Every nation will become a police state that is shielded by the U.N.’s universal police force. To better understand how that will work know this:

That which free people call a police force is called an army in a dictatorship. Once the threat of cross-border wars has been laid to rest, every national army must transform itself into a police force committed to protecting the ruling class, and suppressing private sector liberties. Why is that significant? Answer: A professional soldier serves a higher calling than does a policeman.

The populations in Third World countries will be brutalized from day one by their own governments because their leaders will know that a revolt will quickly be put down by the U.N.’s police force. Slowly, and with unstoppable progress, the sadistic abuse of private sector individuals will spread across the globe. After every private sector citizen in First World countries has been disarmed, those governments in “democracies” will join the rest in slaughtering their own citizens. Do not doubt my word until you understand where the U.N.-loving traitors in our federal government took this country since Woodrow Wilson made the world “Safe For Democracy.”

Also, disarmament treaties, and neutering America’s military capabilities, insures a “peaceful” transition to worldwide Communism administered by the United Nations. Left to the Democrats, the day will come when the remnants of America’s military will be placed under the U.N.’s command. Before anyone calls my prediction a conspiracy theory look back at our own federal government’s long history of trying to make America’s military a universal police force —— delivering meals on wheels in their spare time.

A universal police force must include the U.N.’s stamp of approval for military coalitions. Such coalitions are not the same as military alliances entered into by like-minded allies. U.N. military coalitions require Americans to serve with, and often under, military officers from enemy countries.

The trek towards U.N. omnipotence is being led by American globalists of questionable loyalty for the purposes of protecting their bodies, their incomes, their political power, and their privileges from the caprices of cross-border wars. That protection comes at the cost of American private sector liberties.

This is what it will take to make a global government stick:

Every nation will become a police state that is reinforced by the U.N.’s universal police force. To better understand how it will work just remember this: That which we call a police force in a free society is called an army in a dictatorship. Whenever the global villagers talk about an international police force dedicated to maintaining world peace, I cannot help thinking about every tin pot military dictator commanding a universal police force.

Totalitarian global government proponents talking about eliminating the cost of maintaining a military defense they do not tell you they simply want those savings diverted to increasing police powers in every country in the world. It is a lot easier for the global villagers to control a universal police force than it is for them to dominate military officer corps in a bunch of sovereign nations.

Neither individual liberties protected by a dedicated military, nor a U.N. police state, can be had on the cheap.

The global government crowd’s hidden objective is to protect their own political power in a revolution-proof world because cross-border wars can be prevented with a minimum amount of political courage exercised by a few militarily strong freedom-loving sovereign nations. In short: The world does not require the United Nations to put an end to cross-border wars. Without any assistance from the U.N. worth mentioning, the United States and its allies standing fast against military conquest by an aggressive government is easier than eating ice cream.

NOTE: The line between revolution and civil war turned out to be as useless as the Maginot Line.


“Good revolutions” that were supposed to bring freedom and democracy to the Middle East are degenerating into totalitarian governments worse than the ones that were overthrown, as well as increasing the certainty of a major cross-border war.

Parenthetically, a universal police force must begin with the U.N.’s stamp of approval. Indeed, the U.N. opposes self-defense military alliances entered into by like-minded allies. Vietnam and Iraq are two examples of the U.N.’s opposition. The U.N. requires Americans to serve with military personnel from enemy countries; even requiring Americans to wear United Nations apparel of one kind or another.

U.N.-approved military coalitions that are always being encouraged are nothing more than American quislings leading the UNIC’s relentless march towards control over a universal police force implementing Socialist policies and non-existent International law. The UNIC police force will be called Universal Peacekeepers up until the day all opposition is silenced; then the lie will no longer be needed.

Nothing but the will of a few powerful nations can eliminate prevent cross-border wars in a world without the United Nations.

Finally, young Americans should be very careful not to be suckered into fighting in a crisis manufactured by the New World Order crowd. They will do whatever it takes to put all of the power to govern in the hands of the United Nations.

“But, remember, the elite who are behind this are experts at manufactured crisis and their motto is ordo ab chao, which means ‘order out of chaos.’ This was a term coined by the Masonic leader Albert Pike,” McGuire told WND. “The new global order will be birthed by either a global financial crisis, the prospect of World War III involving Islam, Russia, Ukraine, NATO, Iran, Syria and Israel and a manufactured climate-change crisis.”

Obama puts U.S. on 'fast track' to world government
Posted By Leo Hohmann On 09/30/2015 @ 8:00 pm

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Basically, the New World Order’s agenda is well known. Ditto the utopian economic doctrine that sells the garbage. The U.N. focuses on ending poverty, gender inequality, combating climate change, and opening up borders to illegal aliens and United Nations economic refugees.

The Democrat Party and their media stooges betraying this country for the United Nations realized they were shoveling shit uphill with their sales campaign combining capitalism and Socialism; so they came up with the bright idea of combining Socialism’s parasites with climate change parasites:

The left has a new tool to bring illegals to America — to wedge border doors a bit wider in defiance of law and order — and it goes like this: climate change.

The weather.

The weather is making people flee their countries and come to America.

And as the left sees it, America has a duty — an obligation — to let these poor people in and take care of them.

Wow. This is a new low even for the left. It’s U.N.-speak, pure and simple.

'Climate refugees' -- Democrats' new tool to kill U.S. borders
By Cheryl K. Chumley
Tuesday, April 16, 2019
