Oh boo hoo


New member

Cop is upset that these guys are not going to do jail time for spiking his burger with pot. They get to taze citizens, shoot people, lie in court or do whatever they want, but somebody puts a relatively harmless substance in their burger and they should get sent to prison.

And alll his wining about what-ifs, yet cardiac arrest is an acceptable risk for talking back to an officer. Fuck the cops.

And look at that judge. I bet he eats at that burger place all the time.
I take it that RS (and others I perceive as libertarians) wants no laws pertaining to anything short of murder.
I take it that RS (and others I perceive as libertarians) wants no laws pertaining to anything short of murder.

No, these guys are clearly guilty of a crime, but I don't see them needing prison time. I am only bothered by the cop's feeling that he is somehow superior to citizens. Cops break the law all the time and don't even get arrested, much less probation or prison time.
No, these guys are clearly guilty of a crime, but I don't see them needing prison time. I am only bothered by the cop's feeling that he is somehow superior to citizens. Cops break the law all the time and don't even get arrested, much less probation or prison time.

Boston PD is pretty bad...

One time there was a party a floor below my friends apartment, the cops came into the apartment building and broke up the party, they then went upstairs to my friends place.... who was not making any noise and was actually studying for a midterm, and started banging on the door to be let in (they thought he was hiding people in his place from the party - which he wasn't)... he was a tad slow to get to the door so they busted it down and charged into his place without a warrant and started going through all his shit. They started getting up in his face and saying that when they say to open a door that he damn well better do it or he could face jail time....

Another story, sometime near halloween my brother and his girlfriend were coming back from a custome party. (My brother didn't go as anything but his girlfriend was dressed as a playboy bunny) Anyway, my brother who is about as straight laced as you can get, took a wrong turn down a road and ending up in a construction zone by accident. He was pulled over along with his girlfriend in the car and told to get out of the vehicle. The cops started accusing him of being drunk or high (my brother did neither at the time).

Keeping in mind that my brother is about 5 8 and 130 pounds, they threw him to the ground and started kicking him, his girlfriend was dressed as a playboy bunny and the cops started touching her and grabbing her ass. My brother is convinced that they were trying to provoke him into resisting in any sort of fashion so that they could arrest him or something. My brother pretty much just let them kick the shit out of him till they got tired of it, and they gave him some bullshit fine and told him never to come back to that spot.

I told my brother he should report the incident but he never wanted to because my parents are pretty much "the police are always right" type of people and he figured it wasn't worth the trouble. He's over it now and has moved on I guess.
LOL. Awesome. How did the officers even find out their burgers were spiked to begin with?
All police interrogations should be taped and open to the public. In fact, just about everything police do should be taped and open to the public. If a cop turns off their camera, they should immediately fired, because we should assume they are doing something unethical.
In Mississippi, there is basically no taping or oversight of what the police do at all. People are regularly beat up during interrogation, and the officers all claim it was self defense or that they had nothing to do with it, and who's side is the judge going to take. Last year a man, Jesse Lee Williams, died during a beating from officers while he was being held. The Sun Herald reported a lot on it, and there was a little outrage. Just a little. Jesse was black, BTW.

Hell, back in the 60's we had torture chambers, so I guess it's a bit of an improvement.
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