Oh, for Socrtease, Darla, all who decry "getting wet"


New member
I almost forgot! Wasn't it you, who was whining and crying about enhanced interrogation? I guess you didn't read one of my previous posts, where I opined that Pres. Bush had failed, had let us down, because the Classified Information came out, that there were only THREE TERRORISTS taht were put in a chair, and had a towel put on their face with water poured on the towel, ONLY SCARING THEM, WHEREAS THEIR LIVES WERE NEVER IN DANGER.
I was DISAPPOINTED to learn that only THREE of the Murderous Animals were treated to this technique.

"Waterboarding has been used on only three detainees," Hayden told the Senate Intelligence Committee, publicly specifying the number of subjects and naming them for the first time, as Congress considers banning the technique.

Those subjected to waterboarding were al Qaeda suspects Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, Abu Zubaydah and Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri, Hayden said.

He said waterboarding has not been used in five years, but it was used then because of concerns of imminent catastrophic attacks on the United States and because authorities had limited knowledge of al Qaeda.

"The circumstances are different than they were in late 2001, early 2002," Hayden said.
So as I said, they poured water on a towel over the faces of 3 scum that HAD KILLED, and WERE PLANNING THOUSANDS OF MORE KILLINGS, OF INNOCENT AMERICANS, and they Lefist/Socialist Naiive Morons in this country started tearing up.....wait, I'm getting emotional,...Oh, Boo-Hoo, Boo...terrible...Hoo, I feel SO SAD for these viscious animal scum, who sliced right through the neck, throat muscles, and spinal cord of Americans ON CAMERA, and then LAUGHED, and made threats in Arabic, like, "this is what will happen to your women and children, too". The demented, brainwashed animals who take MENTALLY RETARDED YOUNG WOMEN, and PUT BOMBS UNDER THEIR ROBES, SEND THEM INTO A CROWD, AND DETONATE THE BOMB WITH REMOTE CONTROLS, LIKE THE COWARDS THAT THEY ARE. Even whn they do it themselves, it's only because they think there will be 72 (not 73, only Osama gets 73) virgins, who will...... WHAT, SPREAD THEIR LEGS, UP IN HEAVEN? That's REAL Spirituality, there, Terrorists.
So Left-Wing Nincompoops who whine and shed tears for Terrorists WHO WANT THEM DEAD, I can only feel sorry for their naivite', and their misplaced compassion. WE are the ones who help feed the world. WE, AMERICA, are the ones who have done MUCH more GOOD, than HARM. WE, AMERICA, DO NOT slice through innocent people's throats and neck muscles on camera, and laugh as the blood gurgles from the victim's mouths. That's right, it's DISGUSTING. THOSE ARE THE PEOPLE WE ARE FIGHTING. Maybe if Liberals took their HEADS OUT OF THE SAND (and other places), these Terrorists would REALIZE we are a UNITED FRONT, and this war would end much quicker, and SAVE many lives.
I almost forgot! Wasn't it you, who was whining and crying about enhanced interrogation? I guess you didn't read one of my previous posts, where I opined that Pres. Bush had failed, had let us down, because the Classified Information came out, that there were only THREE TERRORISTS taht were put in a chair, and had a towel put on their face with water poured on the towel, ONLY SCARING THEM, WHEREAS THEIR LIVES WERE NEVER IN DANGER.
I was DISAPPOINTED to learn that only THREE of the Murderous Animals were treated to this technique.

"Waterboarding has been used on only three detainees," Hayden told the Senate Intelligence Committee, publicly specifying the number of subjects and naming them for the first time, as Congress considers banning the technique.

Those subjected to waterboarding were al Qaeda suspects Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, Abu Zubaydah and Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri, Hayden said.

He said waterboarding has not been used in five years, but it was used then because of concerns of imminent catastrophic attacks on the United States and because authorities had limited knowledge of al Qaeda.

"The circumstances are different than they were in late 2001, early 2002," Hayden said.
So as I said, they poured water on a towel over the faces of 3 scum that HAD KILLED, and WERE PLANNING THOUSANDS OF MORE KILLINGS, OF INNOCENT AMERICANS, and they Lefist/Socialist Naiive Morons in this country started tearing up.....wait, I'm getting emotional,...Oh, Boo-Hoo, Boo...terrible...Hoo, I feel SO SAD for these viscious animal scum, who sliced right through the neck, throat muscles, and spinal cord of Americans ON CAMERA, and then LAUGHED, and made threats in Arabic, like, "this is what will happen to your women and children, too". The demented, brainwashed animals who take MENTALLY RETARDED YOUNG WOMEN, and PUT BOMBS UNDER THEIR ROBES, SEND THEM INTO A CROWD, AND DETONATE THE BOMB WITH REMOTE CONTROLS, LIKE THE COWARDS THAT THEY ARE. Even whn they do it themselves, it's only because they think there will be 72 (not 73, only Osama gets 73) virgins, who will...... WHAT, SPREAD THEIR LEGS, UP IN HEAVEN? That's REAL Spirituality, there, Terrorists.
So Left-Wing Nincompoops who whine and shed tears for Terrorists WHO WANT THEM DEAD, I can only feel sorry for their naivite', and their misplaced compassion. WE are the ones who help feed the world. WE, AMERICA, are the ones who have done MUCH more GOOD, than HARM. WE, AMERICA, DO NOT slice through innocent people's throats and neck muscles on camera, and laugh as the blood gurgles from the victim's mouths. That's right, it's DISGUSTING. THOSE ARE THE PEOPLE WE ARE FIGHTING. Maybe if Liberals took their HEADS OUT OF THE SAND (and other places), these Terrorists would REALIZE we are a UNITED FRONT, and this war would end much quicker, and SAVE many lives.

Proof positive why republicans/conservatives are shrinking everyday.

Getting this ignorant can't occur by happenstance.
You didn't say, though, "blackasanus", what YOU believe. Or are YOU a coward, also, like the terrorists who take MENTALLY RETARDED YOUNG WOMEN, and PUT BOMBS UNDER THEIR ROBES, SEND THEM INTO A CROWD, AND DETONATE THE BOMB WITH REMOTE CONTROLS, LIKE THE COWARDS THAT THEY ARE. And slice through innocent people's throats and neck muscles on camera, and laugh as the blood gurgles from the victim's mouths. Do you APPROVE of what these Terrorists have done? Do you think we should just "ask them nicely", to give us information that HAS and WILL SAVE AMERICAN LIVES? Or will you just continue to stick your head in the sand, as most of you Liberals do, and pretend "nothing is happening, it is allright". I'm OK, you're OK. All they need is some counselling, everything can be fixed with counselling. Maybe if we gave them a nice chicken sandwich, they would like us better, and stop slicing through our throats on camera. Now WHO is ignorant? WHO is naive? WHO is causing, or TRYING to cause, the DEFEAT of our American Soldiers? You have ONLY to look in the mirror.
You didn't answer, "blackascrap". I guess you CANT answer, without looking foolish. Next time, maybe you can have something INTELLIGENT to say, instead of just calling a NAME, like "ignorant", or "troll". I notice MOST of the Socialist/Collectivists on this site can do NOTHING but call names. You are all very impotent. I need to find a site with Socialists who AT LEAST have some intelligence, and can COME CLOSE to keeping up with me. But I haven't found any intelligent ones HERE, yet.
Why don't just ONE of you Leftists tell me WHY it is a GOOD thing to APPEASE these Terrorists, or WHY Communism is a GOOD thing. Even easier, can you tell me ONE NATION in the HISTORY OF MAN that TAXED itself into PROSPERITY?................................ I didn't THINK so. All you IMPOTENT LOSERS can DO is CALL NAMES. THAT takes a lot of brains, Haaaaaaaahahahahahaha!!!!
Why don't just ONE of you Leftists tell me WHY it is a GOOD thing to APPEASE these Terrorists, or WHY Communism is a GOOD thing. Even easier, can you tell me ONE NATION in the HISTORY OF MAN that TAXED itself into PROSPERITY?................................ I didn't THINK so. All you IMPOTENT LOSERS can DO is CALL NAMES. THAT takes a lot of brains, Haaaaaaaahahahahahaha!!!!

What a dummy.

Here you are shouting like a fool, questioning why no one takes you seriously.

Try posting like an adult and your silly-ass "arguments" would get ripped to shreds.
Im not souting. What makes you thing I'm shouting? I just use caps for emphasis, when it seems like I'm talking to a brick wall. I could CARE LESS whether YOU or any LIBERAL takes me "seriously" I KNOW I am "serious", and I KNOW that Liberals don't LIKE facts and logic. They have nothing to SAY, when hit with facts and logic, that's whay all of you can ONLY call names. You cant do anything ELSE. Prove me WRONG.
CAPS are "shouting" in Cyberspeak. Quit with the random capitalizing and people won't think you speak like that crazy dude on Police Academy.
"Ripped to shreds"? I have YET to see ONE LIBERAL ON HERE who even TRIES to put up an "argument", hahahaha! ALL YOU CAN DO IS call names,Haaaaaaahaha!
That's why you're ALl IMPOTENT! You can ONLY fool YOURSELF. Anyone who looks back through the archives will SEE that every TIME I hit a Liberal with FACTS or LOGIC, they run away scared, after using Liberalspeak like "troll", "fascist" "hatemonger", or any other KNEEJERK, SHEEP response. None of you ever have anything INTELLIGENT to say. Only the "code words" taught to you by moveon.org, Haaaaaaaahahahahahaha!
Im not souting. What makes you thing I'm shouting? I just use caps for emphasis, when it seems like I'm talking to a brick wall. I could CARE LESS whether YOU or any LIBERAL takes me "seriously" I KNOW I am "serious", and I KNOW that Liberals don't LIKE facts and logic. They have nothing to SAY, when hit with facts and logic, that's whay all of you can ONLY call names. You cant do anything ELSE. Prove me WRONG.

Using caps to comment is shouting.

"facts and logic"????

How about the right-wing agenda is in the toliet and the majority of Americans have run away from that ignorance with the quickness.

How about every last fucking thing right-wing buffoons said about Iraq, Saddam, and everythging else has been proven to be a fraud and a lie.

How about republicans jumping off the Ship of Fools as fast as they can?

Trools are stupid people who can't debate with any shred of civility and intelligence .. and you sir are a troll.

It doesn't matter if you don't know that.
Ok, I didn't see your message about caps, damo. But I'm still waiting(actually, been waiting for 2 or 3 years) for "black", "water", or ant other Lefist/Socialist to PROVE me wrong, just once. All they can do is call names, cause they're scared I'm going to destroy their Socialist World View.
Why is it that ever since the 60's when America saw how DANGEROUS the Left-Wingers are, that they care NOTHING about America or Patriotism, that they HATE America, We have elected Republicans to the White House, except the disaster of Jimmah Carter(double-digit Unemployment, double-dig. inflation), and the DISGRACE of Slick Willie Clinton?

Oh, BTW, I've seen many others use caps, also, so I think I can use them on occasion, for emphasis. I'll try not to get carried away. Communism Fails, every time it's tried. Just ask a Cuban, or a Soviet. The only ones who are happy are the corrupt leaders(Liberal Fascism)