Oh My God No!!!!


Villified User
I find this out after I voted Democrat :shock:

clip from story:

By Jonathon Moran

November 07, 2006 02:32pm

MORE fighting goes on in parts of suburban US than Iraq, according to Australian filmmaker George Gittoes who has just finished a documentary set in a Miami "war zone".

Gittoes' latest feature, Rampage, contrasts life for a family living in the blue-collar community of Brown Sub, Miami, with ongoing fighting in Iraq.

"It is much worse in Miami than it is in Baghdad," Gittoes said in Sydney today.
When was the last time he was in Baghad? When was the last time 25 men were found on a street in Miami with drill holes in their heads?
I personally think it is pretty funny that many will suck this right up.
Besides Miami has lights, water, sewer, no checkpoints, etc....
And all those New Yorkers moved down there and Cubans too, a volitile mix ...