Oh no! What kind of "change" are we in for?


New member
It continues on the right. Bill O'Reilly, Dick Morris, Limbaugh, Hannity - all lamented yesterday that we elected someone who "the American people" still don't know, a complete stranger who has "change" in mind, but no one has any clue what kind of change he's talking about. O'Reilly asserted that the only thing we heard from Obama was the word "change" in the campaign, and that we had no specifics to work with.

Seriously - what planet are they living on? Didn't people say that the debates were boring, because we kept hearing the same exact plans from both candidates over & over? I don't think Obama could be more specific on what he plans for the country. For anyone still in doubt, expect the following:

- economic stimulus package including broad middle class tax cuts, tax credits for small businesses & significant investment in our infrastructure
- $150 billion for alternative energy over 10 years
- major healthcare legislation
- phased withdrawal of troops from Iraq
- closing corporate loopholes & eliminating wasteful programs from the federal budget
- reforming NCLB, college tuition credits for families

Any more questions? I wasn't sure if the right could sound any dumber than they did during the Bush years; my bad...
Lets see, Obama, Biden and other liberal turds have all given different figures as to whose taxes would be raised, it started at those about $250,000 and last I heard it was around $120,000. Where is he going to find all this money to pay for all his socialist programs and free handouts? Obama gave talking points and generalized them with no real specifics and how he would accomplish them, and the sheep bought into it.