OH! That's Right, We Ain't That Smart!!!!!!!


Verified User
What do you think would happen to healthcare and healthcare insurance if politicians and court judges in Washington D. C. and the States were actually loyal and respectful of the strict construction of our national Constitution?

Here’s what would happen.
Federal government politicians wouldn’t even be involved in the national healthcare except for possibly a minimal amount of federal regulatory issues mostly involving interstate commerce because nothing else related to healthcare is authorized by our Constitution for the feds to get involved in. Congress and the President would correctly leave healthcare and the insurance process thereof to the 10th Amendment authority of the States and the people.

It’s likely that some States would create Obama-Care/Romney-Care State healthcare programs or even Single-Payer State programs. Other States might leave the healthcare issue completely up to the people of the State themselves, maybe and likely with some amount of State regulations relating to policies allowed to be sold to State residents. Other States would likely decide to set up State exchanges that all insurance companies would have to sell policies through at competitive market rates without mandates for citizens purchases. Some States would likely allow insurance policy purchases across State lines, other States may forbid purchases across State lines. Some States would likely institute Tort reform and take control of malpractice awards and liabilities. Some States could and likely would totally exempt any and all healthcare payments including health insurance premiums from any State taxation and if leftist truly believe that healthcare is a “right,” they could lobby the federal government to exempt any and all healthcare payments including insurance premiums from any and all federal taxation. Oh! That’s right leftist love taxes and would never lobby against a tax, huh?

The point of all this is of course America would be a national laboratory of healthcare experiments that over time would yield absolute working evidence of good healthcare and bad healthcare, excellent healthcare and suck healthcare. States could change what they’re doing relative to WHAT ACTUALLY WORKS BEST Voters in a State could vote the bastards out in their respective States without interference from voters in other States forcing a “one size fits all” federal program down their throats if they didn’t like what the politicians in their particular State had instituted, or they could simply do what Reagan recommended they do and “vote with their feet” and move to another State where they were in better tune with the State’s institutions.

This is how healthcare and everything government does is supposed to be done folks!!! Read your fucking Constitution. Absorb the wisdom and genius of it. It’s the only chance we have to rationally and successfully govern ourselves.

Oh! That’s right. I keep forgetting that humanoids are the stupidest fucking animals on planet earth. The thing our brilliant founders overlooked is the fact that human have an “authoritarian gene” and are easily corrupted by bribery, money and lying fucking politicians.

Forget this entire thread we ain’t collectively that fucking smart!!!!!
It boggles the mind that people can be so ignorant of the intent of the founding fathers. We are, believe it or not, the UNITED States of America.

So, yes, I guess you ain't that smart, huh?
It boggles the mind that people can be so ignorant of the intent of the founding fathers. We are, believe it or not, the UNITED States of America.

So, yes, I guess you ain't that smart, huh?

I'm looking forward to your assessment of the founders design Mary.
It boggles the mind that people can be so ignorant of the intent of the founding fathers. We are, believe it or not, the UNITED States of America.

So, yes, I guess you ain't that smart, huh?

I'm betting a leftist dim bulb like you still thinks this a Democracy and that "promoting the welfare" means Government dependency.

Yes Howey; you're really THAT stupid.
It's somewhere on this forum. Several places. Try using the search function before posting such nonsense.

Why should he have to search the forum to get anything more than your typical banal trolling and baiting when he can get his fill of it right here?

Why don't you try to explain your interpretation of the Constitution that argues the State should be the "decider" of what kind of health coverage the Sheeple should have or the care the Sheeple need?

I'm betting you are incapable of thinking beyond the simple minded talking points you are fed and which you like parroting like a trained little circus monkey; so please elaborate for us...educate us oh sage gay intellectual.
Why should he have to search the forum to get anything more than your typical banal trolling and baiting when he can get his fill of it right here?

Why don't you try to explain your interpretation of the Constitution that argues the State should be the "decider" of what kind of health coverage the Sheeple should have or the care the Sheeple need?

I'm betting you are incapable of thinking beyond the simple minded talking points you are fed and which you like parroting like a trained little circus monkey; so please elaborate for us...educate us oh sage gay intellectual.

It's somewhere on this forum. Several places. Try using the search function before posting such nonsense.
It boggles the mind that people can be so ignorant of the intent of the founding fathers. We are, believe it or not, the UNITED States of America.

So, yes, I guess you ain't that smart, huh?
maybe you should enlighten us on what the intent of the founding fathers was.
It's somewhere on this forum. Several places. Try using the search function before posting such nonsense.

Not to worry Nancy, I'll never expect any actual thoughtful, rational, articulate post from the likes of you. You don't have balls enough to even attempt to debunk the facts I've presented in this thread. Your only talent seems to be displaying your faggotness.

The difference between a gay and a faggot is a gay doesn't need to publicly display his/her sexual orientation, but a faggot has to pretend he/she is shameless with "in your face" display.
Not to worry Nancy, I'll never expect any actual thoughtful, rational, articulate post from the likes of you. You don't have balls enough to even attempt to debunk the facts I've presented in this thread. Your only talent seems to be displaying your faggotness.

The difference between a gay and a faggot is a gay doesn't need to publicly display his/her sexual orientation, but a faggot has to pretend he/she is shameless with "in your face" display.
And a closet gay social conservatives has to bring up man sex frequently!
You have to remember to thread ban the two dumbest thread trolling whores on the forum to prevent their efforts to engage in their never ending circles of stupidity.

Actually I find it enjoyably how they insist on proving their incompetence to rationally and honestly argue a valid position. Fucking idiots so stupid they fail to even realize they're proving they're the assholes and morons they truly are.