Oh Well! So, What Was Plan B?


I still get irritated when I read McCain saying “I like and respect her” about the woman he once was forced to apologize for telling this joke about: “Why is Chelsea so ugly? Janet Reno is her father.” And the woman about whom his supporter asked “how are we going to beat the bitch”, while McCain laughed and laughed and then when he finally stopped said: “Good Question!”.

However, this lying sac of shit’s pathetic pandering and mendacity aside; this is an amusing story.

Women voters lining up behind Obama
McCain hopes to lure Clinton loyalists. But polls show they are staying Democratic.
By Michael Finnegan
Los Angeles Times Staff Writer

June 16, 2008

Marilyn Authenreith, a mother of two in North Carolina, felt strongly about supporting Hillary Rodham Clinton in the Democratic presidential primary.

But once the former first lady quit the race, Authenreith switched allegiance to Barack Obama, mainly because she thinks that he -- unlike Republican John McCain -- will push for universal healthcare.

"I can't understand the thinking of how someone would jump from Hillary to McCain," she said. "It doesn't make any sense."

Now that the Democratic marathon is over, Clinton supporters like Authenreith are siding heavily with Obama over McCain, polls show. And Obama has taken a wide lead among female voters, belying months of political chatter and polls of primary voters suggesting that disappointment over Clinton's defeat might block the Illinois senator from enjoying his party's historic edge among women.

The rancor peaked two weeks ago with televised images of furious Clinton loyalists protesting a Democratic Party meeting in Washington to settle a dispute over Florida and Michigan delegates.

"There are women still struggling with a real sense of grief that Hillary is not the nominee," said Maren Hesla, who runs campaign programs for EMILY's List, a group that promotes female candidates who support abortion rights. But that sense "will grow smaller with every day that passes from the nomination battles."

Still, McCain hopes to capitalize on the disillusionment of women who voted for Clinton. The Arizona senator has appeared recently on "The Ellen DeGeneres Show" and "The View," TV talk shows with many female viewers.

A top McCain advisor, former Hewlett-Packard Co. Chief Executive Carly Fiorina, met last week with dozens of Clinton loyalists in Ohio. On Saturday, she joined McCain in a "virtual town hall" with other Clinton supporters.

"I admire and respect her," McCain said of Clinton.

Aides suggested that McCain's support for a gas tax holiday, a hawkish foreign policy and steps against climate change would appeal to many women.

But in a year that strongly favors Democrats, McCain faces an uphill battle to cut into Obama's advantage among women, who made up more than half of the voters in recent presidential elections.

"Women are voting for Obama because they dislike [President] Bush, they dislike McCain, they dislike the war, and they're upset about the economy, and those facts override any concerns about the Clinton-Obama primaries," Democratic pollster Mark Mellman said.

During the final weeks of the Democratic race, Obama took pains to praise Clinton almost daily and to avoid any appearance that he was trying to force her to drop out.

In the days since Clinton abandoned the race and endorsed him, the political arm of Planned Parenthood and other women's groups have rallied behind Obama and joined forces to attack McCain. Among other things, they have highlighted McCain's opposition to abortion rights. The Republican's moderate image, they say, has misled many women into thinking he supports abortion rights.

"It's astonishing the extent to which that's just assumed about him," said Hesla.

For a generation, women have favored Democrats, and men have leaned Republican. In 2000, Al Gore won 55% of the female vote; Bush offset that with 54% of the male vote.

In his run for reelection, Bush fared better among women, thanks partly to his emphasis on terrorism in the aftermath of the Sept. 11 attacks. Although he held a 7-percentage-point lead among men over Democratic rival John F. Kerry, Bush finished just 1 percentage point behind among women.

But terrorism is no longer the dominant issue. Bush administration shortcomings in the Iraq war and Hurricane Katrina have damaged the Republican Party. Four out of five voters see the country as headed in the wrong direction.

And now, the nation's economic slowdown is the top concern for voters, and they see Democrats as better suited than Republicans to lead a turnaround.

Among those most concerned about economic troubles are white blue-collar women, a swing group targeted by both the McCain and Obama campaigns.

"Women see themselves as more economically vulnerable than men, more likely recipients of the social safety net at some point in their lives, and they see a larger role for government," said Debbie Walsh, director of the Center for American Women and Politics at Rutgers University.

An NBC/Wall Street Journal poll found a wide gap last week: Women favored Obama over McCain, 52% to 33%. The survey also found that voters who cast ballots for Clinton in the Democratic primaries preferred Obama over McCain, 61% to 19%.

Authenreith, a 43-year-old business owner who lives in West Jefferson, N.C., said Obama "popped out of nowhere" last year and seemed less experienced than Clinton.

But Authenreith, who was a respondent to a Times poll in February, said there was no question now that Obama would better handle the economy and, she hoped, overhaul the healthcare system.

"I know if I vote a Republican in," she said, "it will never happen."

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Women voters lining up behind Obama

McCain hopes to lure Clinton loyalists. But polls show they are staying Democratic.

Good find, Darla.

I knew that punditry BS about Clinton voters going over to McCain in any significant way was a bunch of crap. To be honest, I think some of that stupid narrative came from a sexist perception of "hell hath no fury like the woman scorned" baloney. Do you think that's possible?
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Good find, Darla.

I knew that punditry BS about Clinton voters going over to McCain in any significant way was a bunch of crap. To be honest, I think some of that stupid narrative came from a sexist perception of "the woman scorned" baloney. Do you think that's possible?

There might have been some of that, but exit polls in a lot of the primary states showed pretty large segments of Clinton voters telling pollsters they'd either vote for McCain or stay home if Obama was the nominee. There was also a significant, though smaller, segment of Obama voters who said the same thing.

It was something the party was genuinely worried about; I certainly had no idea how it would play out, since I've never seen a primary like this. The bitter feelings between Obama & Hillary supporters - the core groups - were real, and there was legit question as to how long it would take to heal & come together, if it would happen at all.

I think it has helped enormously that there is a candidate as inept & distasteful as McCain on the opposing ticket.
There might have been some of that, but exit polls in a lot of the primary states showed pretty large segments of Clinton voters telling pollsters they'd either vote for McCain or stay home if Obama was the nominee. There was also a significant, though smaller, segment of Obama voters who said the same thing.

It was something the party was genuinely worried about; I certainly had no idea how it would play out, since I've never seen a primary like this. The bitter feelings between Obama & Hillary supporters - the core groups - were real, and there was legit question as to how long it would take to heal & come together, if it would happen at all.

I think it has helped enormously that there is a candidate as inept & distasteful as McCain on the opposing ticket.

You might be right Oncelear,

But, you know what I think? First, yeah there may be some women who were pissed, and said they'd vote for McCain. Maybe that's true.

But, what I also know, is that in those rust belt states, and southern states there's a lot of Dixiecrats and Reagan Democrats who tend to vote republican on a national ticket anyway. As registered democrats, they might vote democratic in primaries and at the state and local level. But, a lot of them vote for a GOP candidate in a national election.

I think I saw a poll that showed something like 30% of registered democrats in Kentucky voted for Bush over both Gore and Kerry.

So, a lot of it could be a demographic thing....not the whole "woman scorned" thing.
"But, what I also know, is that in those rust belt states, and southern states there's a lot of Dixiecrats and Reagan Democrats who tend to vote republican on a national ticket anyway. As registered democrats, they might vote democratic in primaries and at the state and local level. But, a lot of them vote for a GOP candidate in a national election. "

That's very true. I remember W. Virginia & Kentucky had some of the biggest %'s of Clinton voters who said they'd go McCain if she didn't get the nomination. That's hardly a good indicator of anything.

I'm pretty happy with how the polling is playing out already. Just saw another that had Obama ahead in FL, which I thought was a lost cause. It's shaping up to be a pretty enjoyable election season; it's starting to sink in for me that there is nothing at all about McCain as a candidate that is formidable.
"But, what I also know, is that in those rust belt states, and southern states there's a lot of Dixiecrats and Reagan Democrats who tend to vote republican on a national ticket anyway. As registered democrats, they might vote democratic in primaries and at the state and local level. But, a lot of them vote for a GOP candidate in a national election. "

That's very true. I remember W. Virginia & Kentucky had some of the biggest %'s of Clinton voters who said they'd go McCain if she didn't get the nomination. That's hardly a good indicator of anything.

I'm pretty happy with how the polling is playing out already. Just saw another that had Obama ahead in FL, which I thought was a lost cause. It's shaping up to be a pretty enjoyable election season; it's starting to sink in for me that there is nothing at all about McCain as a candidate that is formidable.

Yeah, I think so too Cypress. I think that the "Democrats" who are going to vote for McCain because Hillary wasn't nominated, is the biggest faux media narrative of the year. So far anyway. I have faith in them to come up with an even "bigger" non-issue before it's all over.
Who told you to post on my thread?

LMAO. :cof1:

I was all set to respond wiht something serious to this thread and then I read this. Too much drinkign this weekend. I already forgot what I was going to write.
LMAO. :cof1:

I was all set to respond wiht something serious to this thread and then I read this. Too much drinkign this weekend. I already forgot what I was going to write.

LOL. I'm actually pretty buzzed right now. I'm not hanging around for long.
Yeah, I think so too Cypress. I think that the "Democrats" who are going to vote for McCain because Hillary wasn't nominated, is the biggest faux media narrative of the year. So far anyway. I have faith in them to come up with an even "bigger" non-issue before it's all over.

I hope so.
But personally speaking, if Hillary sleazed her way into the nomination, I wasn't going to vote her under any circumstances. I wouldn't have voted for McCain, but I wouldn't have pulled the lever for her.
I hope so.
But personally speaking, if Hillary sleazed her way into the nomination, I wasn't going to vote her under any circumstances. I wouldn't have voted for McCain, but I wouldn't have pulled the lever for her.

A lot of people felt that way or even stronger.