Ohio man fired at teens who vandalized his McCain lawn signs


Villified User
Ken The Shooter
Cops: Ohio man fired at teens who vandalized his McCain lawn signs

OCTOBER 28--Angered that two neighborhood teenagers knocked over a John McCain sign on his lawn, an Ohio man allegedly grabbed a rifle and fired three times at the duo as they sought to drive away from his Warren Township home. Kenneth Rowles, 50, was charged with felonious assault in connection with the Saturday afternoon incident, which resulted in one boy suffering a minor bullet wound. According to a Warren Township Police Department report, Patrick Wise, 16, yelled, "This is for Obama" as he knocked over the McCain sign. Wise's cousin, Kyree Flowers, 17, was waiting in the passenger seat of the SUV, which was struck by three bullets fired by Rowles. One bullet hit Flowers in the arm, while another shattered the passenger's and driver's side windows.

Well he said he was just shooting to scare tem off. 3 bullets in the suv and one in a teen...

A liar or poor shooter.

those McCain palin signs are the smallest chincy little things around here anyway. About 12/14 inches...
Not sure if it is cost or embaressment.

Heck the guy running for constable has bigger signs.
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Are we allowed to shoot people with rock salt anymore?

I know my grandfather did it years ago, but I'm not sure if its legal now.

Or would I get sued for causing high blood pressure or something?
Are we allowed to shoot people with rock salt anymore?

I know my grandfather did it years ago, but I'm not sure if its legal now.

Or would I get sued for causing high blood pressure or something?

heck you go to jail for shooting someone with a bb gun.
He kicked it over not took it
I had a friend complain about his Bob Schaffer and McCain signs being vandalized.

They destroyed the metal that the signs hang on with the McCain sign, tore the Schaffer sign in half, then used the metal part of that sign to stab the leftovers of the McCain sign.

I had to get him some new signs.... He's happier now, the new ones had "Palin" on them, when his previous one didn't. But the Ds in our area have been caught on camera taking R's signs.
I like those signs, great to stick targets to for shooting.
Too bad no pictures on them, would not need a target.
Question. Should this guy be allowed to have guns ?

Would you want someone who would shoot your kids for messing with a campaign sign to have a gun ?
Well there goes the nonsense answer. Anyone else ? Should that guy be allowed to have a gun ?
Especially around haloween.
Well there goes the nonsense answer. Anyone else ? Should that guy be allowed to have a gun ?
Especially around haloween.

i remember something about an armed society being a polite society. Maybe if people realized that they could end up with a backside or cranium full of lead, they'd stop vandalizing peoples personal property. It worked when I was a kid.
i remember something about an armed society being a polite society. Maybe if people realized that they could end up with a backside or cranium full of lead, they'd stop vandalizing peoples personal property. It worked when I was a kid.

There would be no amount of vandalism reduction worth needlessly taking anothers life. This would not have been self-defense, this would've been a summary execution. And it's apparent that's how you are casting this, since you're not talking about defense, and this clearly wasn't self-defense. You're talking about "maybe if people".... IE, deterrence. Which is the job of the JUSTICE system. Now imagine how much outrage from RIGHT-WINGERS there would be if a kid would be executed for vandalizing an Obama sign. That's what you're advocating, executions for vandalism, and like most conservatives, you are are a morally repugnant, disgusting subhuman.

And BTW, vandalism rates are most assuredly down from when you were a kid.
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There would be no amount of vandalism reduction worth needlessly taking anothers life.
and some people just need to be shot. This whole 'life is most important thing' bullshit is just that....it's bullshit. It's that ideology that has us in such a fucked up state of affairs as it is.

This would not have been self-defense, this would've been a summary execution. And it's apparent that's how you are casting this, since you're not talking about defense, and this clearly wasn't self-defense.
I don't believe I called this self defense, I called it getting an assfull of lead pellets.

You're talking about "maybe if people".... IE, deterrence. Which is the job of the JUSTICE system. Now imagine how much outrage from RIGHT-WINGERS there would be if a kid would be executed for vandalizing an Obama sign. That's what you're advocating, executions for vandalism, and like most conservatives, you are are a morally repugnant, disgusting subhuman.
Fuck off and put me back on your ignore list. Your nanny state idiocy is what has england respecting the lives and rights of criminals over that of decent people. I will not allow it to happen here.

And BTW, vandalism rates are most assuredly down from when you were a kid.
cite please, otherwise STFU!