Oil, Gas, and Your Children's Future


New member
Today, being my last day, I'd like to not get anyone TOO worked up, so I want to discuss something EVERYONE HERE will basically agree on. The Price of Oil, and Gasoline, is too high.
Ok, I'll try to make it short. A 9th grade High School student, Free Market Economics 101, can tell you, the Rules of Supply and Demand. When the Supply is shorter than the Demand, or just barely able to keep up, the Price WIIL rise.
There are ONLY 2 ways, in a FREE system, to Lower price. 1. Lower Demand. 2. Raise Supply. Now, we, in America, also have a Stock Market, where people BET on the FUTURE PRICE of commodities, like oil. It's called Futures, or Options trading. And when a Speculator KNOWS the supply just barely keeps up with demand, he knows ONE little problem, (like a Blown-Up Pipeline), will send prices SKYROCKETING, so he bets on prices Rising, which ALSO raises prices.

Look, there is NOTHING we can DO to affect China's, Russia's, India's, or anyone elses DEMAND. The ONLY thing we can do, is affect OUR SUPPLY! We can have MORE OF OUR OWN OIL, which will not only lower prices, IT WILL ALSO MAKE US LESS DEPENDENT ON SUDI ARABIA!
Do all of you know that there's 850 BILLION BARRELS OF SHALE OIL, in Utah, Wyoming, and Colorado? Do all of you know there's MORE Billions of Barrels in Offshore Fields, off Florida, and in the Gulf? I'm SURE you all know about the Billions of Barrels in ANWAR. The Anwar reserve is an area of 19 Million Acres. The "footprint" that the oil companies want to drill on, is 2000 Acres. TWO THOUSAND ACRES, OUT OF NINETEEN MILLION ACRES! We are letting a MINORITY with BIG MOUTHS, the Radical Militant Environmentalists, keep Oil Prices HIGH, and keep us DEPENDENT ON FOREIGN OIL. Why? Because a cetain Political Party OWES this Radical Militant group.

This SAME Political Party doesn't WANT Oil Prices to be lower. The Radical Militant Environmentalists have been saying for YEARS, "It's NOT FAIR! Europe pays $5 a gallon, and so should America!" Now that they have GOTTEN THIER WAY, by preventing any new drilling, they're AFRAID to take CREDIT. Instead, they try and blame those "Evil Oil Companies". THAT'S a good topic. "Evil Oil Companies". One of our Presidential Nominess(so far), says he wants to TAX those "Evil Oil Companies", because of their "Windfall Profits". Hmmmmmmmm. Oil Companies make 8-9 cents, on a gallon of Gasoline. The Federal GOVERNMENT makes 18.5%, around 80 cents per gallon. For the 8-9 cents the "Evil Oil Companies" make, they Risked their money, drilled the holes, pumped out the oil, refined it into gas, all which costs a LOT of money. For the 80 cents per gallon the Federal GOVERNMENT takes from your pocket, on every gallon of gas, THEY have done.............NOTHING. But the 8-9 cents, that's a "Windfall Profit", that MUST be TAXED, by our Prospective Nominee.

Today, the Controlling Party of Congress is doing a LOT, coming up with Helpful Ideas, to help the Price of Gasoline. They are giving a Congressional Book Tour, to Scott McClellan. I heard clips, this morning. Basically, they are letting him read PAGES OUT OF HIS BOOK, giving an Audio Version, maybe for the Blind. Do you think Congress would even have him in the BUILDING, if he didn't recently "change his mind, change his viewpoint", when an AGENT told him he could make a Wheelbarrow of Cash, if he would just write a Book Bashing Bush. McClennan HIMSELF said, "I didn't star off writing a book like this, it changed." The agent and publisher probably looked at a rough draft, told him, "Not juicy enough, it won't sell", so Scott justRewrote History. All those things he was 100% BEHIND, never said a WORD to ANYONE about these "disagreements", but when he smelled MONEY, he "remembered the difficuties I had with what the pres. was doing" Another example of the Lack of Charachter in our "leaders". And for the congress to SHAMELESSLY give this guy a BOOK TOUR, it's something EVERY single one of them should be thrown out of office. With all the REAL issues Congess has done NOTHING about, all they can do is take bribes, give themselves Pay raises, and Build Bridges to Nowhere.

They say this, every 4 years, but THIS time, it's TRUE. This IS the Most Important Election in 50 Years. In the 40's, we decided to Fight for Freedom, to fight the Nazis, and Imperialist Japan. NOW we have a Fight on TWO fronts. We have Radical Islamo-Fascism, with the Goal of controlling half of Asia, and already making Enclaves and inroads in Europe, with America next, from WITHOUT, and Radical Anti-American Socialism, from WITHIN. We MUST WIN on BOTH of these fronts, if we are to leave the SAME America to our Children, that our Parents gave to US. May God have Mercy on us All.
Have a Nice Day.

Do YOU think that's good Leadership, illegalimmigrant?
I meet the qualifications to be president jelly.

My ancestry goes back to colonial VA days. Far as I could trace it.

There's no such thing as OUR oil. It's all fed through the same international market. OUr oil is not ours; it is the worlds.

y'know, asshat, i thought you were a little smarter than that. Do you know what it says on the pumps in Iran, the price of a gallon of gasoline? EIGHTEEN CENTS, I saw it on the news. Are you saying Iran can do something that WE can't?
y'know, asshat, i thought you were a little smarter than that. Do you know what it says on the pumps in Iran, the price of a gallon of gasoline? EIGHTEEN CENTS, I saw it on the news. Are you saying Iran can do something that WE can't?

Now that is perhaps the best point you have ever made on here jelly.

Or the question of why WE buy fuel in Kuwait truck it to Iraq and sell it for a fraction of what WE paid for it ?
Well you won't hear it from Fox or any of the right wing pundits.
Might need to broaden you inputs a bit.