Oilman boasted "I have Gore in my back pocket"

Billionaire oilman Armand Hammer, the Soros of his generation, was a Communist spy.

His father, Julius, met Vladimir Lenin at a socialist conference in Berlin in 1907 and offered to help spread the Red menace throughout the world.

Julius, a doctor, built a small drug concern into Allied Drug and Chemical.

When the murdereous Bolsheviks wrested power in 1919, Julius worked with Ludwig Martens, Lenin's unofficial "ambassador" in the United States.

Julius used Allied, in which Martens was the silent partner, to launder sales proceeds of smuggled diamonds, big money that financed the revolutionary Communist Labor Party. Like today's leftist netroots, the Communist Labor Party was dedicated to overthrowing the elected government and establishing a "proletarian dictatorship".

Julius proudly brandished membership card No. 1. The CLP eventually morphed into the Communist Party of the USA, part of the Communist International, so beloved of leftists everywhere.

Hammer engaged in fur trading, and a Hammer-owned pencil factory was given a Soviet monopoly.

The most important element in the leftist enterprise was Allied Drug, which acted as the Soviets' de facto banker in the United States, laundering millions of Red dollars through bogus transactions.

His son Armand eventually made millions in oil refining, including the acquisition of Libyan oil rights for the Hammer-controlled Occidental Petroleum Company.

In 1950, Hammer made Gore, a notorious racist, a partner in a cattle-breeding business, from which the corrupt Senator made substantial profits.

Thereafter, Gore was Hammer's bought door-opener in official Washington. Hammer liked to brag that he had Gore "in his back pocket" while patting his wallet and chuckling.

When Gore retired from the Senate, Hammer rewared his vassal by making him president of Occidental's coal division, Island Creek Coal, where he earned more than $500,000 a year.

Son Al Jr. soon put the family's Senate seat back at Hammer's service.

At the 1981 inauguration of Ronald Reagan, Junior managed for Armand to lurk near the Republican who ultimately defeated the Soviet empire, but Reagan snubbed the Commie spy, and with good reason.

Years earlier, the FBI and numerous intelligence agencies had identified both Hammers as Soviet agents.

Gore Jr. continued to ply Hammer's firms with favors even after Armand's death.

Occidental tripled its domestic oil reserves overnight because of a deal engineeered by Vice President Gore. Gore sold the Elk Hills Oil Reserve to Occidental in the largest sale of US assets in history.



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