OJ Going To Jail


LAS VEGAS -- Shackled, shaking and wearing a jail-issued blue jumpsuit, O.J. Simpson learned Friday how long he'll serve in prison: at least nine years.

Despite an emotional apology from Simpson, a judge said the former NFL star's actions during an armed confrontation last year showed "more than stupidity" as she slapped him with up to 33 years in prison. Simpson will be 70 when he's eligible for parole in nine years.

"I realize I was stupid, and I'm sorry," Simpson said in court, his voice breaking. "I didn't know I was doing anything illegal. I'm sorry for all of it."

But District Judge Jackie Glass, a no-nonsense jurist, was unmoved.

"I have to tell you, it was much more than stupidity," she said.

Glass had asked at an earlier hearing whether arrogance or ignorance led to Simpson's arrest on charges of armed robbery, assault and kidnapping. On Friday, she said she knew the answer.

"It was both," Glass said. "You believed you could do in Las Vegas what you couldn't do elsewhere."

Simpson's co-defendant and former golfing buddy, C.J. Stewart, will serve between seven and a half and 27 years in prison. Prosecutors told the judge Stewart was "less culpable" than Simpson in the September 2007 incident at the Palace Station Hotel and Casino.

Simpson, 61, and Stewart, 54, who have been jailed since a jury found them guilty on Oct. 3, will begin their sentences immediately. Glass denied motions from defense attorneys to release the men pending their appeals to the Nevada Supreme Court.

"I believe they're both flight risks," Glass said.

Glass could have sentenced Simpson and Stewart to life in prison. Court officials had recommended they serve 18 years, and Glass mostly followed those guidelines.

Under Glass' sentence, Simpson will be eligible for parole in nine years and Stewart in seven and a half. But parole is not guaranteed, and prosecutors said they expect Simpson and Stewart will serve more than their minimum sentences.


The sad part is, who will look for Nicole's killer now?

I think that his sentencing was what made the stock market go up at the end of the trading day.
I I"m just looking forward to putting all things OJ related behind us. Its only been 15 years.
Same here, lady T! Just like Bush, the sooner they are out of the public view, the better!
Whole thing sucks.

The only reason he's going to jail for it is because he's a celebrity.

Shit people do what he did all the time to get back their stuff. I've done similar stuff before.

It's completely and totally irrelevant whether or not the stuff was actually his. Armed robbers need to be in prison, and anyone who didn't go to prison for "similar stuff" is just a criminal on the run who hasn't had justice served to him properly like they fully deserve.
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God you're such a nutless faggot.

Have you ever once done anything cool or manly in your life?

I went to Manly Beach:

Yeah, I think the dude set him up too, but for Christ's sake, OJ's an idiot and I have little sympathy for stupid people. Especially stupid rich ppl.