Ok, Forget That. How about THIS?


New member
It's all in "Ive changed my Mind", in brown and tan.
There was a BILL, to PROTECT NEWBORNS, that somehow survived abortion, to give them CARE, to be HUMAN, and give them COMFORT, and what did Mr. Obama, freind of Racists, Terrorists, Enemy of Flag Pins DO? He voted NO, DO NOT PROTECT THOSE INFANT BABIES. LET THEM DIE. tHEN HE TIED UP THE LEGISLATURE FOR ANOTHER year, TRYING TO GET THEM TO RENAME THE BABIES AS SOMETHING OTHER THAN HUMAN BEINGS. It's all in "Ive changed my Mind", in brown and tan.. Read it NOW, or read it in the Campaign Ads, your choice, Haaaaahahaha!
he didn't merge the threads so I guess he doesn't care.

He harbors. You should see the PM’s he sent me this morning, threatening me, because he didn’t like “my tone” last night.

I’m leaving in a few minutes to meet up with friends for cosmos, dinner, and then SITC. I really was never the biggest fan of the series, but I watched it sometimes. Did you see the movie yet
He harbors. You should see the PM’s he sent me this morning, threatening me, because he didn’t like “my tone” last night.

I’m leaving in a few minutes to meet up with friends for cosmos, dinner, and then SITC. I really was never the biggest fan of the series, but I watched it sometimes. Did you see the movie yet

No, I haven't seen the movie, so come on here tomorrow with spoilers!

have fun!!!!!:clink:
Any Straight men that go to SITC alone please turn in your man card.

No the part about Onceler seeing it is a running joke. Though, between you and me I heard that Topper was seen waiting in line on opening night with a fake moustache on. And of course, Superfreak has already seen it 7 times. He was on the news.