Ok... perhaps I was wrong

Cancel 2016.2

The Almighty

Maybe there are more racist idiots out there than I thought.

These idiots should be tossed away for life.... and a public notice should be sent to the prison population of what their intent was. That way they can meet some nice new friends.

Obviously they have not been found guilty yet and I am responding in a knee jerk reaction to this story, but something tells me these morons will be looking out through bars for a very long time to come.

Maybe there are more racist idiots out there than I thought.

These idiots should be tossed away for life.... and a public notice should be sent to the prison population of what their intent was. That way they can meet some nice new friends.

Obviously they have not been found guilty yet and I am responding in a knee jerk reaction to this story, but something tells me these morons will be looking out through bars for a very long time to come.
Right. The Skinheads in prison are going to treat these morons as heroes. Their welcome in prison would be enhanced in that arena by such an announcement.
Yeah, they are going to find more like minds in prison than on the outside. Aryan Brotherhood will elevate these guys to mythic status. Their names will be tattooed on the arms of skins everywhere. Right under the tats that say "White Pride Worldwide" and RaHoWa.
Right. The Skinheads in prison are going to treat these morons as heroes. Their welcome in prison would be enhanced in that arena by such an announcement.

I forgot about that aspect. Point taken. I was thinking more along the lines of finding them really large brotherly cell mate who would show them some TLC.
Wow CNN says authorities say they were not a credible threat. That seems odd. They have guns and scopes and that's not credible? WTF?
Wow CNN says authorities say they were not a credible threat. That seems odd. They have guns and scopes and that's not credible? WTF?

Not to mention the "make me bullet proof" mentality of the meth. Again, this is just knee jerk on my part... but those boys were there to start some trouble.
Undoubtedly they were looking for trouble. But "sighted in at 750 yards"? (from the article) Gimme a break. There are damned few rifles with that type of accuracy, and I doubt those pimples would know how to load one, let alone shoot it. The bunch of them were probably creamed to the teeth and kept egging each other on until they got themselves in trouble.

Wonder if King Raw was one of them..... LOL
Undoubtedly they were looking for trouble. But "sighted in at 750 yards"? (from the article) Gimme a break. There are damned few rifles with that type of accuracy, and I doubt those pimples would know how to load one, let alone shoot it. The bunch of them were probably creamed to the teeth and kept egging each other on until they got themselves in trouble.

Wonder if King Raw was one of them..... LOL

There are quite a few rifles that can be sighted in to shoot that accurately.

There have been shooting competitions that use ranges up to 1,000 yards since the 1860s. In fact, the first win at an international target shooting match by the USA was at Creedmor in 1877. Each competitor would fire at ranges of 800, 900, and 1,000 yards.

Most centerfire rifles used to hunt deer can be sighted in at 750 yards. After that the only consideration is windage.

I hunt with a heavy barreled 7mm Remington Magnum, and that could be used at 1,000 yards. (not by me, but by someone who has developed the skills)

If these meth head freaks were part of an assasination plan, I would think they were just being used to transport the weapon in.

Maybe there are more racist idiots out there than I thought.

These idiots should be tossed away for life.... and a public notice should be sent to the prison population of what their intent was. That way they can meet some nice new friends.

Obviously they have not been found guilty yet and I am responding in a knee jerk reaction to this story, but something tells me these morons will be looking out through bars for a very long time to come.

They are ugly as fuck.
Admission that you were wrong.


I forgot about that aspect. Point taken. I was thinking more along the lines of finding them really large brotherly cell mate who would show them some TLC.


Not to mention the "make me bullet proof" mentality of the meth. Again, this is just knee jerk on my part... but those boys were there to start some trouble.


I'm sure if the thread was longer, you'd be wrong more and more. But there's only been 4 of your posts in your thread, so you're batting 750.

If you had made 400 posts, you would have been wrong a whopping 300 times, in ONE THREAD!


Maybe there are more racist idiots out there than I thought.

These idiots should be tossed away for life.... and a public notice should be sent to the prison population of what their intent was. That way they can meet some nice new friends.

Obviously they have not been found guilty yet and I am responding in a knee jerk reaction to this story, but something tells me these morons will be looking out through bars for a very long time to come.

If I may play devil's advocate many other attempts have been made on President's or potential candidate's lives. Must it only be due to racism that these crack heads wanted to take out Obama?
If I may play devil's advocate many other attempts have been made on President's or potential candidate's lives. Must it only be due to racism that these crack heads wanted to take out Obama?
No, but it is likely considering one of them wears a swastika ring on his hand and they were members of some supremacist group.

Maybe there are more racist idiots out there than I thought.

These idiots should be tossed away for life.... and a public notice should be sent to the prison population of what their intent was. That way they can meet some nice new friends.

Obviously they have not been found guilty yet and I am responding in a knee jerk reaction to this story, but something tells me these morons will be looking out through bars for a very long time to come.

cousins of yours?
If I may play devil's advocate many other attempts have been made on President's or potential candidate's lives. Must it only be due to racism that these crack heads wanted to take out Obama?

.....did you read the article?

From the article.....
"He don't belong in political office. Blacks don't belong in political office. He ought to be shot," Johnson told Maass."