Okay people... It is time...


Staff member
I am going to go ahead and try to install the Visions Dark Theme on the site and make it work with my current setup...

So, for a bit there will be no access to the site...

I'm hoping it won't take all that long...

The load was aborted. The xml upload referred to a non-existing file and died on each attempt. It appears as if Visions Dark is not going to be loaded any time soon...
Well, it appears as if I fixed that issue....

Now just to fix a few other things that make this skin not quite right... But I'll do that later as I figure it out.

The navbar is a little different, but all the stuff is there except the "links" dropdown....

I'll figure it out.

I think I have it all worked out. If you are using the new skin and see something not working quite right, give me a holler. I'll work that out too.
I don't like it either, but it won the voting before the "Coffee Time is Gay" remark that led to its "winning".
Pah, 'Visions Dark' indeed.

I suppose some people prefer a lighter background with the reassurance of having a dark name attached. Oh we like a dark sounding background but we wouldn't actually want a black one in the house, for goodness sake. What if our daughter married it? What would the neighbours say?

Fecking racists.
Pah, 'Visions Dark' indeed.

I suppose some people prefer a lighter background with the reassurance of having a dark name attached. Oh we like a dark sounding background but we wouldn't actually want a black one in the house, for goodness sake. What if our daughter married it? What would the neighbours say?

Fecking racists.
The black one is the default. It is even named Part trois Black...
damo i like this theme and ive been the most vocal about about theme change so clearly my voice gets more weight. Most of the lemmings don't know much about good web design anyway. You get a gold star.
Later I'll create some stats on who uses what themes and probably remove one or two of them if they just aren't being used. I think choices are a good thing.
damo i like this theme and ive been the most vocal about about theme change so clearly my voice gets more weight. Most of the lemmings don't know much about good web design anyway. You get a gold star.

That's not good web design. I switched it to visions dark for two seconds, got noscious, and immediately switched back.