Olbermann leads left-wing meltdown against CNN, calling to ‘burn it down’ after Biden's performance


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Olbermann leads left-wing meltdown against CNN, calling to ‘burn it down’ after Biden's performance

Former MSNBC host Keith Olbermann led liberal outrage toward CNN, calling for the network to be "burn[ed] down," after its moderators otherwise received praise over its forum between President Biden and former President Trump.

While bipartisan voices lauded moderators Jake Tapper and Dana Bash, Olbermann and other Biden loyalists appeared to take their outrage at the president’s performance out on the moderators and network.

"No audience, no moderators, no journalism," Olbermann fumed as he opened the latest episode of his "Countdown" podcast.

Olbermann called what he characterized as the refusal to "fact-check" former President Trump one of the most "immoral decisions" in the history of American journalism.

"Literally, I am suggesting that at some point tonight CNN should -- it will not -- go off the air in shame, fire everybody, seal off the buildings, make sure everybody's out, and burn the Godd--- place to the ground," the onetime ESPN anchor added.....

:rofl2: :sadbaby: Olbermann is having a bad day. If Tapper and Bash fact checked Trump they would have had to fact check Biden. Biden lied when he said no soldiers died under his watch. Biden lied when he said Trump praised Nazis at Charlottesville. Biden lied when he said there were a thousand trillionaires in America. Biden lied multiple times in the debate.
Keith Olberman....really...it's hard to find a bigger case of TDS than him. Oh....I forgot Robert DiNiro. This is not the first time he has endorsed violence from the left. Yes, arson is a form of violence.
Olberman= extreme left wing nutter and always has been. Left wing nutters have gotten so used to to seeing political debates tipped so far to the advantage of the left wing candidate that they are absolutely shocked and appalled when they finely see one ran somewhat fairly. They are used to seeing right wing candidates getting " Candi Crowley'd" and quite frankly could give a shit less about the unfairness of it whatsoever. They TO THIS DAY go by the old tried and True Communist mantra of " If it furthers the cause it is moral if it does not further the cause it is not moral " Meaning........ANYTHING Goes and ACTUAL morals do not fall into the equation whatsoever.