Old guy

The Only Sarge

Semi retired ranching in South Texas. I grow/observe cactus/rattlesnakes and illegal Mexicans for a living nowadays :) Have always been engaged politically and wear my Independent status with pride. Both major parties piss me off equally. I have had the experience of living in a European Socialist society and of course free America.
I am enjoying watching this latest evolution of both parties taking place and found this place in my various research searches.. Thank you for having me and I enjoy learning from all viewpoints and positions.
Semi retired ranching in South Texas. I grow/observe cactus/rattlesnakes and illegal Mexicans for a living nowadays :) Have always been engaged politically and wear my Independent status with pride. Both major parties piss me off equally. I have had the experience of living in a European Socialist society and of course free America.
I am enjoying watching this latest evolution of both parties taking place and found this place in my various research searches.. Thank you for having me and I enjoy learning from all viewpoints and positions.
Welcome to JPP. Why did you leave America for Texas? ;)
Semi retired ranching in South Texas. I grow/observe cactus/rattlesnakes and illegal Mexicans for a living nowadays :) Have always been engaged politically and wear my Independent status with pride. Both major parties piss me off equally. I have had the experience of living in a European Socialist society and of course free America.
I am enjoying watching this latest evolution of both parties taking place and found this place in my various research searches.. Thank you for having me and I enjoy learning from all viewpoints and positions.

how much fertilizer do illegal Mexicans require to grow......