Oldie but a Goodie


Verified User
Hey all (let me try this again)

I was a member years back but went on sabbatical for awhile. I made a new account because I couldn't remember my old one. I have gone by Coolred before and then, after I made this one, I remembered another old account name, Gotcha68.

I will just start with this one.

Hope you all are having a great day.
Welcome back! Pay no attention to Hawkeye. He's just the village drunk who stays up all night posting bizarre non-sequiturs. lol
We'll see. Cool will be carefully sniffed and then the Feudin' Pitbulls will be summoned to attack. Wait for it. ;)

I'm a big pitbull over here by myself..

Hey now, I love a good spat. Point me in the right direction and I will free fall into the melee with joyous abandon.


You'll recall the bimbo from Amazon whose openly-stated goal was to get everyone on the LW banned? Still at it here, but with much less success. Same motley collection of members in the GossipGrrlsGang though -- weirdos, psychos, whine-asses, stalkers, and doxers. Some things never change. ;)
Hey all (let me try this again)

I was a member years back but went on sabbatical for awhile. I made a new account because I couldn't remember my old one. I have gone by Coolred before and then, after I made this one, I remembered another old account name, Gotcha68.

I will just start with this one.

Hope you all are having a great day.
Welcome back.

You'll recall the bimbo from Amazon whose openly-stated goal was to get everyone on the LW banned? Still at it here, but with much less success. Same motley collection of members in the GossipGrrlsGang though -- weirdos, psychos, whine-asses, stalkers, and doxers. Some things never change. ;)

Well that sounds down right delightful. Not sure if it pains me to know that people never change...or inspires me because at least you know where you stand with them.
Hello and welcome back Coolred44,

Hey all (let me try this again)

I was a member years back but went on sabbatical for awhile. I made a new account because I couldn't remember my old one. I have gone by Coolred before and then, after I made this one, I remembered another old account name, Gotcha68.

I will just start with this one.

Hope you all are having a great day.

Having a fabulous day, thank you. And glad to see another interesting mind join us.

I'm progressive and polite. And still I find a way to fit in around here.

By ignoring most of the garbage, basically.

I totally spoil myself on the highest quality of posts by filtering out anybody who has been disrespectful to me. I don't spend all day here, so I just like to come in, learn about a few issues or events, see what people are thinking about them, make a few comments, and bypass the personal stuff. Anybody who has mouthed off at me is on my Ignore List, so that means all right wing extremists and anybody else who is so angry with the world they are simply looking for somebody to unload on. No, thanks, on the enabler role...

I have found some conservatives who can be polite, but they are usually moderate.

My view is there is no reason to get personal when all one has to do to demolish the positions held by the right is properly present the appropriate facts, which conflict with their mistaken rumor-driven impressions of things.

Looks like you'll be a good addition to the discussions.