Ole Miss students vote for new mascot


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Longtime Ole Miss mascot Colonel Reb was nixed in 2003 as part of the school's effort to distance itself from a reminder of Confederate history. Rogelio V. Solis

University of Mississippi students voted Tuesday to start looking for a mascot to fill the void left by Colonel Reb.

The old Southern gent with a cane and floppy hat was booted as the on-field mascot in 2003 as the school continued its move away from Old South symbols. Since then, the teams have been without an on-field mascot.

"This wasn't about Colonel Reb at all. This is a new body of students. This vote is about deciding that we need a new personification of what a Rebel is," said John Kaiser, the Associated Student Body's deputy attorney general of elections.

In Tuesday's vote, students had to decide whether the university should begin looking for a successor to the colonel. Some of his die-hard fans had been campaigning against the move.

Ole Miss senior Hannah Loy says she's disappointed with the vote. She says Colonel Reb's image has been misconstrued by an older generation.

"We're tired of having nothing to represent us," said junior Josh Hinton, a member of the Associated Student Body, which approved a resolution calling for the vote. "We've gotten our song taken away. We want to have some kind of tradition back."

Ole Miss, with its pristine lawns and white-columned buildings, has struggled for more than a decade with how to retain that tradition while shedding symbols of the Old South. It's all part of an effort to remove past racial tensions that date back to 1962, when a deadly riot followed James Meredith's attempt to become the university's first black student.

In 1997, the school ended the waving of Confederate flags at sporting events. Then Colonel Reb was booted off the field. Last year, the band stopped playing the fight song, "From Dixie with Love," to discourage the fan chant, "The South will rise again."

How did you feel about the former Ole Miss mascot? It was offensive and needed to go It was completely harmless.

Koriann Porter, a black sophomore who collected more than 1,700 student signatures in support of a new mascot, said much has changed on campus since the civil rights era. The school has clubs devoted to embracing its diversity, and 15 percent of the 18,344 students are black. The state's black population is a 37.2 percent.

"When it comes to racial reconciliation, we embody the utopian society," she said.

Maybe not altogether utopian: Richard McKay, vice president of the Associated Student Body, said he had received some hate e-mail about the vote.

"We've gotten a lot of input whether it was asked for or not," said McKay, who is white. "A lot of students are afraid that as soon as we have a new mascot, everyone will forget about Colonel Reb."

Still, Colonel Reb hasn't disappeared altogether from the university. Ole Miss holds the license to the image so it's still on bumper stickers, lapel pins and other merchandise on display at Rebel games.

Other vestiges of the Old South can also be found on campus. The Mississippi state flag, with its Confederate battle emblem, is still flown and the team nickname remains the Rebels, adopted in 1936 after a group of sportswriters voted to replace the Flood. That won't change even if the mascot does.

Collins Tuohy, a recent graduate interviewed a few days before the vote, said her parents recognized the need for the change when they attended the school.

"My dad was an athlete and my mom was a cheerleader. They saw firsthand that the flag and Colonel Reb were having an effect on people," she said of Sean and Leigh Anne Tuohy, who are depicted in the Oscar-nominated film, "The Blind Side."

Tuohy said when she was involved with the Student Alumni Council, there was more of a move by older alums to push for a new mascot.

Associated Student Body President Artair Rogers said a student mascot committee will be selected to develop and propose a new mascot. He said he would present a plan to the Associated Student Body Senate and Ole Miss Chancellor Dan Jones next week.
I personally think it is a shame. History has been so perverted by the PC crowd, and brainwashed public schoolers through the years, to view anything associated with the Civil War as something racist or representative of white supremacy, when that is not what the history indicates. No one who fought for the South under the Confederate battle flag ever owned a single slave. They were mostly peasant farmers who weren't much better off than the slaves, and in some cases, much worse off.

Still, this is where our society has taken us, and change is inevitable for institutions like Ole Miss. In light of the decision today, may I suggest a replacement mascot for the "Rebels"...

Either way, Dix, its still about treason.

No it's not.

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
No it's not.

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

Which says nothing to defend the treason committed by the American South from 1860-1865. Unless... The complaints they had were actually valid, in which case they would have still been guilty of treason, but would have been justified.

Apparently, the students at Ole Miss do not think that the South was justified in its treason. I happen to agree with them. In fact, I think that Colonel Reb should be replaced with Colonel Yank or Colonel Billy, because then they'd have a true war hero to rally behind.
Which says nothing to defend the treason committed by the American South from 1860-1865. Unless... The complaints they had were actually valid, in which case they would have still been guilty of treason, but would have been justified.

Apparently, the students at Ole Miss do not think that the South was justified in its treason. I happen to agree with them. In fact, I think that Colonel Reb should be replaced with Colonel Yank or Colonel Billy, because then they'd have a true war hero to rally behind.

Tell me, who was tried for treason as a result of the Civil War? And of those tried for treason, how many were convicted of treason?
Tell me, who was tried for treason as a result of the Civil War? And of those tried for treason, how many were convicted of treason?

The North had the silly attitude that leniency was the only way to secure the peace. That said, they still mandated loyalty oaths from the South, and not anywhere near 100% loyalty, either. I think they settled on 30%, which is a joke, but about the best you could expect from such a pathetic group of people.
I think its pretty screwed up that a war fought 150 years ago can still cause conflict today.

The racial problems that existed in Oxford MS back in the 60s are gone. There are still places in Mississippi that are backwards enough to stay segregated (socially, if not officially), but Oxford isn't one of them.

I hope the students find a mascot they can rally behind. They will need one in October when they come to Tuscaloosa to play my Crimson Tide.
A lot of older racist (Dixie) still cling to the trailer trash that is ole school confederate morons.