Oligarch wins.


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The oligarchy told people in Congress that they will give them bribes if they force Biden out.

Congressmen will hold onto their jobs. They want Trump in office.
Biden is a murdering asshole. Build his monument out of childrens' bones.

Biden now needs to resign the presidency. The same guy who can't finish a thought or sentence as a candidate, isn't any different as President.
Biden’s gonna be so mad when he watches the news tonight and finds out he’s dropping out.
When Trump is President all the media who were bashing Biden will pretend to be shocked that Trump is a fascist.
Congressional Democrats staged this coup. They think their jobs are more secure with Trump in office--as opposition.
The oligarchy told people in Congress that they will give them bribes if they force Biden out.

Congressmen will hold onto their jobs. They want Trump in office.
If you are unhappy with the democrat's, we the flat earthers for RFK could use and welcome your support?!!:rolleyes:
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