OMFG....I'd jail these prosecutors for life if I could!


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DNA acquittals shaking up forensic science

Last week sheriff’s deputies in Chickasaw County, Miss., arrested Justin Albert Johnson for the 1992 rape and murder of a 3-year-old girl.

What makes the case noteworthy is that another man, Kennedy Brewer, was convicted and sentenced to death for the same crime. Brewer spent 12 years in various prisons and jails, including death row, at the Mississippi State Penitentiary in Parcham.

DNA evidence exonerated Brewer in 2001. But because certain prosecutors were reluctant to admit they made a mistake, Brewer remained imprisoned until last August. Charges against him are still technically pending, but they will likely be dropped soon.

Brewer’s case is yet another victory for the Innocence Project, a non-profit group that used DNA evidence to overturn 212 cases since 1992. Fifteen of the accused had been sentenced to death.

OMFG does this piss me off...This guy was acquited in 2001 but because the prosecutors were UNWILLING to admit that they made a mistake...the guy has been in jail for another 7 years already....

WTF? Man does this sound like Bush....Cant admit a mistake....

Those 7 years might be actionable in court because they sat on evidence of innocense. This is the American prosecutorial system in this country. I remember when DNA became more common in criminal cases, when it led to exhonoration prosecutors around the country fought it like a son of bitch. There was a guy in texas who was prosecuted for rape and murder and his conviction was based on blood serum evidence from several cigarette butts on the ground. The DA prosecuted him saying the cigarettes were evidence that no one else could have committed the crimes. Once DNA cleared the guy the DA retried him and the theory there was that he was not alone and the guy who smoked the cigarettes helped him. They NEVER posited a second person in the first case and NONE of the defendant's DNA was at the scene. The jury convicted him a second time. I have since lost track of the case.
Those prosecutors are scum....

Prosecutors generally make up shit to get convictions....That is so wrong.... The only good prosecutors are the ones that go after big businesses
