Once again, Liberal hypocricy shines through.

Boris The Animal

It's Just Boris!

Many of you remember Kirk from the sitcom "Growing Pains". But he is an accomplished and outstanding actor with a wall full of awards and is hopelessly and passionately in love with Jesus Christ and his own wife (In a featurette on the movie "Fireproof", his wife was the stand in double in the kiss scene when his character and Erin Bathea's character reconciled) He will not even kiss any other woman on the set other than his wife. And that is something the Left go ballistic over.
'I think that it's unnatural. I think that it's detrimental and ultimately destructive to so many of the foundations of civilization.'"

how do you think people feel when you say their VERY existence is unnatural and destroys the foundations of society?
he attacked gay people for being alive
No, the homosexual ACT is what is unnatural. See, what may seem "natural" isn't always right. You weren't born with a cigarette or a shot of Johnnie Walker Blue Label in your hand. Everybody, even homosexuals, need redemption in Christ. Whether they choose to believe it or not, it's entirely on them.
this actors world view is detrimental to the freedoms of his fellow Americans.

he seeks the singling out of people who he disagrees with and wants society to punish them.

not very christainy of him
this actors world view is detrimental to the freedoms of his fellow Americans.

he seeks the singling out of people who he disagrees with and wants society to punish them.

not very christainy of him
No, it's about conveying the Truth. Not about making anyone feel good and all inclusive. Christianity is VERY exclusive. Only those who come to Christ on His terms (not ours) will enter the Kingdom of Heaven. And Kirk's integrity and fidelity are unquestionable!

Many of you remember Kirk from the sitcom "Growing Pains". But he is an accomplished and outstanding actor with a wall full of awards and is hopelessly and passionately in love with Jesus Christ and his own wife (In a featurette on the movie "Fireproof", his wife was the stand in double in the kiss scene when his character and Erin Bathea's character reconciled) He will not even kiss any other woman on the set other than his wife. And that is something the Left go ballistic over.

He's a freak who believes in a book of unproveable myths.
are you really claiming to be a christain?


if you are what Christianity has to offer mankind then you are a really shitty example of it
Nope. Once again you are biblically deficient. He said that His house shall be a House of Prayer, but you have made it into a den of thieves. it's all about doctrinal purity, not Communism nor socialism that you espouse.
Like I stated, just because something may be "natural" doesn't necessarily make it right.

As a former conservative let me tell you that you should abandon this issue, you've lost. The SCOTUS decision on prop. 8 pretty much means game, set and match. Just a matter of time before queer marriage is legal nationwide.