Once again Obama just Dominates McSameHill on actual Issues


You're way off the reservation, kid. Republicans are praying they hold their grip on the white house on the basis of race baiting. It's been months since I've heard a rightwinger provide a policy reason for why their man should be allowed to continue Bush's third term. Well, except for superfreaks we might stay in iraq for a 100 years, because it might be just like Germany, reason.

Clinton has called for a 90-day moratorium on home foreclosures and $30 billion for an Emergency Housing Fund. Obama has called for a $10 billion foreclosure prevention fund to help homeowners who are victims of mortgage fraud sell their homes or modify their loans, to avoid foreclosure and bankruptcy.

score obama

Style points to Obama!

As to this idea actually DOING anything, ehhh. Viiiictims. Holy Christ on a crutch. Yeah, $10 billion is more than sufficient to cover all 5 of them.

You're way off the reservation, kid. Republicans are praying they hold their grip on the white house on the basis of race baiting. It's been months since I've heard a rightwinger provide a policy reason for why their man should be allowed to continue Bush's third term. Well, except for superfreaks we might stay in iraq for a 100 years, because it might be just like Germany, reason.
When we first entered Iraq, I was criticized for saying that I believed that we would have a significant military presence there for 50 years. At least McCain grasps the reality of what it is likely to take to achieve a stable Iraq that will not devolve, through civil war, into a theocratic, anti-American puppet proxy of Iran.
Style points to Obama!

As to this idea actually DOING anything, ehhh. Viiiictims. Holy Christ on a crutch. Yeah, $10 billion is more than sufficient to cover all 5 of them.

I support making sure actual victims of fraud are restituted (is that a word), however I think an even better plan would be tomake the banks/brokers pay fines that total the $10b
Too bad this election is not about issues.
It is about those too. What you want to say is "Too bad we can't just ignore this stuff because I think it is unimportant, and only focus on what I think is important.."
I support making sure actual victims of fraud are restituted (is that a word), however I think an even better plan would be tomake the banks/brokers pay fines that total the $10b

What about the individuals that committed fraud on their applications? How about we make THEM pay fines as well? The fraud is on both sides. While I support penalizing the lenders that committed fraud and make THEM pay for the loans they issued under fraudulent circumstances, I am against tax dollars paying for it.
When we first entered Iraq, I was criticized for saying that I believed that we would have a significant military presence there for 50 years. At least McCain grasps the reality of what it is likely to take to achieve a stable Iraq that will not devolve, through civil war, into a theocratic, anti-American puppet proxy of Iran.

You're fucking kidding, right?

I've been accused of not having any humor and not recognizing sarcasm and "play", so I don't want to be too hasty and call what would normally be deemed as stupid as a motherfucker, when in fact all it is is humor/sarcasm/play.
What about the individuals that committed fraud on their applications? How about we make THEM pay fines as well? The fraud is on both sides. While I support penalizing the lenders that committed fraud and make THEM pay for the loans they issued under fraudulent circumstances, I am against tax dollars paying for it.

You don't have to twist my arm on that issue.
I disagree with both Clinton's and Obama's proposals.

Clinton's proposal just delays events and wastes a bunch of money.

Though on the surface Obama's looks like a better solution, what it would actually end up doing is rewarding lenders who made fraudulent loans by paying them back with tax money so they don't foreclose. If the loan was fraudulent, the the perpetrator of the fraud should pay for it.