Once More into the Darkness


Verified User
I have been on so many of these sites and given up I wonder why I am trying again. Really, I have nothing to add to the debate and when I ask a serious question I have very rarely been answered by a serious person.

But then my tactical call sign was and remains "Polack", so here I am again.
try accepting facts and denying lies

it will improve

Your enjoyment of JPP will be vastly enhanced by putting the lunatics on ignore. Here is a minimum list and Evince is always on the top!

Legion Troll
Leon the Cat
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Name a fact that I have ever denied and lie I have accepted.

Democrats are world class liars, unfortunately.

She is an ocean going obsessive, incapable of rational discussion, with a potty mouth and truly mentally ill. Oh and she is from California, nuff said!
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I have been on so many of these sites and given up I wonder why I am trying again. Really, I have nothing to add to the debate and when I ask a serious question I have very rarely been answered by a serious person.

But then my tactical call sign was and remains "Polack", so here I am again.

Do you like Polack jokes?