One Australian view


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The author, Bob Ellis, is an old leftie, a cranky, irrascible, grumpy and difficult man but nonetheless a sharp political mind. Nothing he writes will affect what happens in the States but I thought it was an interesting read, perhaps a view from a foreigner that may be of interest to Americans.

Last Monday Hillary Clinton said she'd "obliterate" Iran if Iran attacked Israel and on Tuesday picked up some Jewish, redneck, gun-loving, wog-hating, duck-shooting, Catholic and early-dementia votes in nursing homes and by 10 per cent won handily the "rust-belt", "lunch-bucket" and Amish-cluttered state of Pennsylvania in which she was leading by 30 per cent a month before.

"The road to the White House," she then exulted to her weeping followers, "runs through Pennsylvania!" - later amending this to "the road to Pennsylvania Avenue runs through Pennsylvania!"

I'm getting to hate this woman.

More at the link.
It's an interesting piece, and other than the fact that he engages in far too many gender stereotypes, he also does not know John McCain. He is right about Obama, and fairly right about Hillary, but he is dead-wrong in his conclusion that Hillary is the only one trying to take Obama down. The state republican parties are already in on the Wright bullshit, and peddling it hard. McCain is already in on it. The second Hillary is out of the race (if that is what is to be), the R's will take over completely, and there is no honor in McCain, he is the same as hillary. He will get on his knees to anyone, he will kiss any ass, tell any lie, shake any devil's hand, and he will attempt to destroy Obama. I find this fairytale that he won't, that only Hillary will, to be rooted in gender stereotypes; I can think of no other reason.

It's a long-shot that Barack Obama will become President. But if he does...then everything changes. How much it changes, I'm not sure yet. But have no doubt, there is more than Hillary standing in his way.
Thanks Darla that rounds it out a bit. I would have thought McCain would be pretty ruthless too. As for gender stereotypes, Ellis has form for it.