One Example of Where Talking Points Come From


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OPINION: 'Learn To Speak Tea Bag'
New Animation From Independent Syndicated Columnist Mark Fiore
by Mark Fiore

text sizeAAANovember 12, 2009
Learning a new language doesn't have to be hard, especially when "Tea Bag" is so minimalistic! Mark Fiore offers his personal take in this animation. The Wall Street Journal dubbed Fiore "the undisputed guru of the form." He creates political animation from an undisclosed location somewhere in San Francisco.

Interested in learning more about the origins of the 'tea bag' movement? Jay Nordlinger of The National Review breaks down where the term came from, what it means, and why it's been embraced — and rejected — by conservatives and liberals alike...
Well, I better get to writing the "How to talk Teabagee" article so that we can have matching lunacy.

Rise of an Epithet : ”Teabagger” and what to do


To “teabag” or not to “teabag”: That is not the most pressing question of these times, but it is a question to consider. Routinely, conservative protesters in the “tea party” movement are called “teabaggers,” and those calling them that do not mean it in a nice way. Many conservatives are mulling what to do about this term: fight it, embrace it, what?...

The first big day for this movement was Tax Day, April 15. And organizers had a gimmick. They asked people to send a tea bag to the Oval Office. One of the exhortations was “Tea Bag the Fools in D.C.” A protester was spotted with a sign saying, “Tea Bag the Liberal Dems Before They Tea Bag You.”

So, conservatives started it: started with this terminology.

But others ran with it and ran with it.

Some conservatives are happy to embrace “teabagger,” or are at least willing to do so.

They are “owning the insult,” which is to say, taking what is intended as a slur and wearing it proudly. There are many words and names in our vocabulary that started out as slurs and became something else….

And this brings up the question of whether “teabagger” could be kind of a conservative N-word: to be used in the family, but radioactive outside the family.

ROFLMAO!!! Man, that was awesome!

Prediction #1: Anyone who gets this stressed out about being called a teabagger, has something shameful to hide in their closet…

Prediction #2: I’m totally not going to be surprised if someday we read about this guy being arrested for toe tapping and teabagging in a Men’s public restroom.
