One People, One State, One Purpose


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Greetings everyone, it is with great honor and humility that I reach out to you today and ask for just a moment of your time. As you all know, we are facing the greatest economic crisis in history and it has become evidently clear that our governments do not have even the slightest idea of what to do. Now, there are many things which can be attributed to the present state of affairs, but there is no denying that poor leadership and corruption played a central role in all of it. National leaders need to take immediate action and work together to overcome this crisis, but unfortunately they are neither willing nor capable of doing so. The harsh reality is that global stability is deteriorating at an alarming rate and we are heading towards a complete economic collapse. So what are national leaders around the world doing to prevent this from happening? Unfortunately, our so-called leaders are doing absolutely nothing except blaming one another for a crisis they are all guilty of creating. The fact is that this crisis was deliberately created by them or at the very least made worse by their sheer incompetence. It is no secret that our governments are made up very largely of politicians who are either corrupt or incompetent. The only real mystery is how they have been able to hide their criminal activities from us for so long. But if this crisis has revealed anything about them it is just how quickly they will resort to lying and false accusations in order to cover up their mistakes. And what better way for a politician to evade personal responsibility than by diverting the public’s attention away from themselves? The unfortunate truth is that we have become tolerant of corruption and have forgotten that it is our constitutional right to not only remove criminals from office but, if necessary, create an entirely new government. The Declaration of Independence states “that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government.” We need a new government now more than ever which is why I invite you to read Sovereignty for free. Sovereigntism is a doctrine that aims to unite all people together, regardless of their nationality, to create a single State with a global government. I believe, as do my fellow Sovereigntists, that only by working together will we be able to save true democracy from corruption and ultimately prevent the impending economic collapse. There is still time for us to set things right, but only if we take action here and now. For Sovereignty!
Greetings everyone, it is with great honor and humility that I reach out to you today and ask for just a moment of your time. As you all know, we are facing the greatest economic crisis in history and it has become evidently clear that our governments do not have even the slightest idea of what to do. Now, there are many things which can be attributed to the present state of affairs, but there is no denying that poor leadership and corruption played a central role in all of it. National leaders need to take immediate action and work together to overcome this crisis, but unfortunately they are neither willing nor capable of doing so. The harsh reality is that global stability is deteriorating at an alarming rate and we are heading towards a complete economic collapse. So what are national leaders around the world doing to prevent this from happening? Unfortunately, our so-called leaders are doing absolutely nothing except blaming one another for a crisis they are all guilty of creating. The fact is that this crisis was deliberately created by them or at the very least made worse by their sheer incompetence. It is no secret that our governments are made up very largely of politicians who are either corrupt or incompetent. The only real mystery is how they have been able to hide their criminal activities from us for so long. But if this crisis has revealed anything about them it is just how quickly they will resort to lying and false accusations in order to cover up their mistakes. And what better way for a politician to evade personal responsibility than by diverting the public’s attention away from themselves? The unfortunate truth is that we have become tolerant of corruption and have forgotten that it is our constitutional right to not only remove criminals from office but, if necessary, create an entirely new government. The Declaration of Independence states “that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government.” We need a new government now more than ever which is why I invite you to read Sovereignty for free. Sovereigntism is a doctrine that aims to unite all people together, regardless of their nationality, to create a single State with a global government. I believe, as do my fellow Sovereigntists, that only by working together will we be able to save true democracy from corruption and ultimately prevent the impending economic collapse. There is still time for us to set things right, but only if we take action here and now. For Sovereignty!

Single state with a global government? Um, yeah, no thanks.
Without going into too much detail, I do not consider Sovereignty to be a "new world order" because it is not trying to take over the world or force its beliefs on people. Sovereignty just wants to expose the corruption within today’s governments and to provide a solution for eliminating it. We can all agree that no government is perfect and they never will be, but there is always room for improvement. And I personally believe that the only way we can improve our government is by removing every lazy, corrupt, and incompetent politician from office.
Without going into too much detail, I do not consider Sovereignty to be a "new world order" because it is not trying to take over the world or force its beliefs on people. Sovereignty just wants to expose the corruption within today’s governments and to provide a solution for eliminating it. We can all agree that no government is perfect and they never will be, but there is always room for improvement. And I personally believe that the only way we can improve our government is by removing every lazy, corrupt, and incompetent politician from office.

That's why we need Mason's NWO!
Will the Ownership Class still be in charge, or do we have to include the Worked Drones?

Greetings everyone, it is with great honor and humility that I reach out to you today and ask for just a moment of your time. As you all know, we are facing the greatest economic crisis in history and it has become evidently clear that our governments do not have even the slightest idea of what to do. Now, there are many things which can be attributed to the present state of affairs, but there is no denying that poor leadership and corruption played a central role in all of it. National leaders need to take immediate action and work together to overcome this crisis, but unfortunately they are neither willing nor capable of doing so. The harsh reality is that global stability is deteriorating at an alarming rate and we are heading towards a complete economic collapse. So what are national leaders around the world doing to prevent this from happening? Unfortunately, our so-called leaders are doing absolutely nothing except blaming one another for a crisis they are all guilty of creating. The fact is that this crisis was deliberately created by them or at the very least made worse by their sheer incompetence. It is no secret that our governments are made up very largely of politicians who are either corrupt or incompetent. The only real mystery is how they have been able to hide their criminal activities from us for so long. But if this crisis has revealed anything about them it is just how quickly they will resort to lying and false accusations in order to cover up their mistakes. And what better way for a politician to evade personal responsibility than by diverting the public’s attention away from themselves? The unfortunate truth is that we have become tolerant of corruption and have forgotten that it is our constitutional right to not only remove criminals from office but, if necessary, create an entirely new government. The Declaration of Independence states “that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government.” We need a new government now more than ever which is why I invite you to read Sovereignty for free. Sovereigntism is a doctrine that aims to unite all people together, regardless of their nationality, to create a single State with a global government. I believe, as do my fellow Sovereigntists, that only by working together will we be able to save true democracy from corruption and ultimately prevent the impending economic collapse. There is still time for us to set things right, but only if we take action here and now. For Sovereignty!
Without going into too much detail, I do not consider Sovereignty to be a "new world order" because it is not trying to take over the world or force its beliefs on people. Sovereignty just wants to expose the corruption within today’s governments and to provide a solution for eliminating it. We can all agree that no government is perfect and they never will be, but there is always room for improvement. And I personally believe that the only way we can improve our government is by removing every lazy, corrupt, and incompetent politician from office.

If today's human leaders are corrupt and incompetent what suddenly makes the one-world government leaders less corrupt and more competent?
Plus he's a Marxist!:)

Mason has shown great Leadership in bringing the Amazonerds out of the Desert and into the JPP PromiseLand.
Mason has successfully slaughtered the Evil Forces of Teflon Don, USF, Legina, and the other Serpents from Hell.
Single-handedly getting on every Thread Ban List that Red Team has conceived.
Mason is the only one that can get us through the 'Dark Future' that lays before us.
Mason has shown great Leadership in bringing the Amazonerds out of the Desert and into the JPP PromiseLand.
Mason has successfully slaughtered the Evil Forces of Teflon Don, USF, Legina, and the other Serpents from Hell.
Single-handedly getting on every Thread Ban List that Red Team has conceived.
Mason is the only one that can get us through the 'Dark Future' that lays before us.

(Voice of Elvis)Thank You,thank you very much!
To Flash, it all depends on how the government is organized. Sovereignty explains how we can prevent new politicians from becoming just as corrupt and incompetent as the present ones, but the only way we can truly ensure their loyalty is by eliminating government secrecy.
To Flash, it all depends on how the government is organized. Sovereignty explains how we can prevent new politicians from becoming just as corrupt and incompetent as the present ones, but the only way we can truly ensure their loyalty is by eliminating government secrecy.

you sound totally full of shit.
To AssHatZombie, constructive criticism is always welcomed, but your comment adds nothing. Does fighting corruption and government secrecy bother you that much?
Without going into too much detail, I do not consider Sovereignty to be a "new world order" because it is not trying to take over the world or force its beliefs on people. Sovereignty just wants to expose the corruption within today’s governments and to provide a solution for eliminating it. We can all agree that no government is perfect and they never will be, but there is always room for improvement. And I personally believe that the only way we can improve our government is by removing every lazy, corrupt, and incompetent politician from office.

is your answer less powerful structures because of innate human corruption?