One Picture Worth 10 Years In Jail


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Hillary Clinton Spent An Hour Reading Her Emails At A Mock Resolute Desk For Art

The 2016 Democratic nominee dropped by an art exhibit in Venice, Italy, featuring all 60,000 pages of the infamous emails: “They are just so boring.”
By Jenna Amatulli
09/11/2019 02:51 pm ET Updated 16 hours ago

Every Republican on the Judiciary Committee should hold up a large copy of the picture every time they ask Nadler when IG Horowitz will testify.

House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler shut down Republican Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan when he insisted on confronting the New York Democrat about inviting Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz to testify about his harsh reports on former FBI Director James Comey.

The panel met on Tuesday to consider gun violence prevention bills and other legislation.

In one exchange at the beginning of the meeting, Jordan doggedly pressed Nadler about when the committee might be able to question Horowitz about his report last month criticizing Comey for how he handled memos describing his discussions with President Trump.

Nadler repeatedly answered, "I don't know." He said the matter has not yet been discussed and a hearing will be held at an "appropriate time."

Jordan persisted. "I’m asking when that appropriate time is," he said. But Nadler ignored him, returning to discussing gun control legislation.

"Mr. Chairman, if I could raise one last point," Jordan tried again.

"No. I recognize the gentleman as out of order. He asked his question. That’s it," Nadler replied, shutting down further talk about Horowitz.

Over the past few days Jordan slammed the Democrats for focusing on their "ridiculous impeachment narrative" and "taking our guns." The congressman says the Judiciary Committee should instead focus on issues such as border security, as well as Comey.

The Justice Department declined to prosecute Comey on Horowitz's referral from his investigation into the former FBI director's handling of sensitive memos. But the DOJ watchdog, who criticized Comey in a report last year for his handling of the FBI investigation into Hillary Clinton's private email server, is now wrapping up an inquiry into alleged surveillance abuses that could also spell trouble for Comey.

Jordan told Fox News the question he is most asked by random people is, "When is somebody going to jail for wrongdoing that took place in the Trump-Russia investigation or even the Clinton investigation?"

In order to "get to the bottom of that," Jordan reasoned that "all" the information needs to be aired out. "And what better opportunity than to bring in the inspector general to answer our questions?" he said.

'Out of order': Nadler shuts down Jordan over dogged inquiry about DOJ inspector general testimony
by Daniel Chaitin & Jerry Dunleavy
September 10, 2019 08:31 PM
The Clinton machine can waltz in and steal the nomination in a deadlocked convention. Forget that Hillary is old and sick. She does not have to campaign for the nomination. She has women and blacks sewed up, and she will not spend a penny until after she gets the nomination. If beating Trump is the game, Hillary has the “I won the popular vote.” fairytale going for her. Naturally, she has to avoid being indicted before the general election.

Mark Steyn stopped short of endorsing my deadlocked convention scenario:
