ONE piece of Good News.


New member
I forgot to mention, yesterday, about the one good thing I heard. Even though we have admitted Socialists in our Legislative Branch,(Bernie Sanders), Unconvicted Murderers(Ted"The Drunk" Kennedy),Former Ku Klux Klan Cheifs(Robert "Dixie" Byrd),(ALL Democrats, BTW), and 2 Socialist, Tax-and-Spend Liberals that will DESTROY our economy if they get in office, at LEAST we have America-Loving Patriots in our Judicial Branch(Supreme Court, not 9th Circus).

The Supremes decided the other day to not even HEAR the Enemy ACLU's case, where some Left-Wing NutJob thought he could bring suit on America for the Patriot Act, because WE want to know what TERRORISTS are planning, which of our cities they're targeting, how MANY Millions of our civilians they're going to try to kill THIS time. If ONLY we had Pres. GW Bush in the White House sooner, instead of the "brilliant" man that didn't know how to keep it in his pants, and was too busy chasing "Bimbo Eruptions", to do his #1 job, PROTECTING the American People from its enemies, foreign and domestic. Maybe you weren't aware, but he SWORE to DO that, with his hand on a Bible. But I know that doesn't matter to some of you.

So we had Terrorists fly 4 Jumbo Jets into the Twin Towers, the Pentagon, and one into the Earth, thanks to Hero Todd "Let's Roll" Beamer. And after it happened, both Conservatives and Liberals alike ALL came together as Americans. Although angry and greiving, I was so HAPPY and PROUD of all of us, and to be an American, I could have cried. But THAT spirit and feeling of togetherness, of Oneness as a people, quickly faded. Pres Bush decided it was time we had a LAW that could help protect us, help the CIA and NSA FIND OUT what these bastards were planning, BEFORE they did it, so there wouldn't be ANOTHER 9-11.

What it said was that the laws would remain the same, except to listen in on terrorists overseas or domestically, we no longer had to wait for a HEARING, FIGHT THE AMERICA-HATING ACLU, with all their "motions", and variousother delaying legal tricks, all just to POSTPONE the inevitable ANYWAY, the permission for the govt. to PROTECT US. So the ACLU tried to whine and cry, but the Supreme Court said, "A LOWER court ALREADY threw it out, because the crybaby who brought the suit cant even PROVEthat HE was wiretapped! As I said, at least we have Patriot in the Judicial Branch. Although Nansky Peloski DISMISSED he "class", feeling it was MORE IMPORTANT to go on VACATION RECESS, that to vote on this IMPORTANT LEGISLATION. When we're attacked again, at least we will have someone to BLAME.
I have a question, did they let you out of prison or are you posting from some sort of jail computer?