One preachers message: Have hotter sex


Junior Member
But then Beam, a portly, silver-haired basso profundo dressed in khaki slacks, a sweater vest and brown tasseled loafers that make him look like a retired country-club golf pro, walks to the front of the room and proceeds to tell the men in the audience how to make their semen taste better.

Sweet stuff works, he says, which provides a built-in excuse because "then you can say, 'I'm eating this cake for you, baby!'"

Welcome to the world of hot Christian love.

The San Diego Church of Christ is Beam’s sponsoring group today, but as far as he is concerned it could be any conservative Christian denomination. The message would be the same: Married Christians ought to be having more — and hotter — sex.

how does he know his semen tastes bad?? does he eat his own?
Does it?

Um... There's this thing called language. Amazingly women, and or men, who have tasted it before can actually report on the experience.
Pretty good one Rob. But then most / many people will say something tases like sh*t, I have always wondered how do they know ?

Boy that preacher sure shows how one denomination can vary widely accross the country. Here the Church of Christ considers SEX a four letter word....
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This is not a bad message and not one out of line with the teaching of the Bible (NT in particular). It is a message I wouldn't want to present as I am a little old fashioned and would be somewhat embarassed to talk about it in front of a crowd.
Pretty good one Rob. But then most / many people will say something tases like sh*t, I have always wondered how do they know ?

Boy that preacher sure shows how one denomination can vary widely accross the country. Here the Church of Christ considers SEX a four letter word....

As a minister in the Church of Christ, I don't know if Sex is considered a four letter word here, but I do know that in some marraige counseling sessions I have talked about this very thing with couples 1 on 1. Sex is a part of life and is a gift from God, not to be abused but to be appreciated.
This is not a bad message and not one out of line with the teaching of the Bible (NT in particular). It is a message I wouldn't want to present as I am a little old fashioned and would be somewhat embarassed to talk about it in front of a crowd.

I agree.

Though I am not certain the way this man has expressed this message in the post above is really the way to go....but hey! to each his own.... :D

Care are just afraid if you had that 'sermon' in front of the whole congregation that they would FOREVER be thinking of you as some stud that is "getting lots of it" from his wife to most men, and as a Romantic to most of the women!

lol...j/k u!


care are just afraid if you had that 'sermon' in front of the whole congregation that they would FOREVER be thinking of you as some stud that is "getting lots of it" from his wife to most men, and as a Romantic to most of the women!

lol...j/k u!



Haha.....or it could have something to do with my relatives (Dad, aunts, brothers, .....) being in the audience and my tendancy to turn deep red when talking about the creation of dad's grandchildren.:)
The southern baptist churches in Mississippi officially prohibit alcohol consumption. I don't think I've ever met a baptist that wasn't drunk, though.
The southern baptist churches in Mississippi officially prohibit alcohol consumption. I don't think I've ever met a baptist that wasn't drunk, though.
I don't think I've ever met one that drank at all. Them or a Pentacostal. Amazingly dry and boring people...
I don't think I've ever met one that drank at all. Them or a Pentacostal. Amazingly dry and boring people...

Yep, never had so much as a taste of beer or any other alcoholic beverage in my life. I'm pretty boring too I suppose. Dry? I suppose that I'm dry too. Maybe that's why I like Steven Wright. By the way, most Baptists that I know don't drink either, but I don't know if it is "church doctrine" or not. With me, I definitely preach that alcohol is something that is better left alone. Now I'll hear all this Jesus turning water into wine stuff but will not take the time to explain. Suffice it to say that I don't think drinking will send a person to hell, I just think it is something better left alone.
imho excessive anything is wrong.
Most all things in moderation are ok. Well except for the really bad things of course.
Just my opinion though.
I grew up in a pentecostal church AoG and going to movies or dancing was a sin when I was little, but both are ok now ??? go figure.
Jesus actually gave advice to stay sober... You wouldn't want to be drunk when he returned. At least I think that was a verse from Jesus. If not, it is definitely in the Bible.
Yep drunkness, addiction, etc is wrong even without considering religion. The question is do you control it or does it control you ?
On that note , the preacher referrenced in this origional post might suffer from sex addiction :)