One theory about the Tea Party

Some observers think that the new freshmen in Congress are out of control.

Speaker Boehner seems unsure of how to lead this group of inexperienced zealots.

He does appear to be more than a little apprehensive about their more radical statements and actions.

Is the GOP about to implode?
Some observers think that the new freshmen in Congress are out of control.

Speaker Boehner seems unsure of how to lead this group of inexperienced zealots.

He does appear to be more than a little apprehensive about their more radical statements and actions.

Is the GOP about to implode?

I think the conflict between the fiscal conservatives and the social conservatives is getting worse and about to create a division between them.
Some observers think that the new freshmen in Congress are out of control.

Speaker Boehner seems unsure of how to lead this group of inexperienced zealots.

He does appear to be more than a little apprehensive about their more radical statements and actions.

Is the GOP about to implode?

From my position on the other side of the globe.... er, wait a minute...YOU are on the other side of the globe, not me! From my position here we can see that this silly little tea party organisation has probably done more to harm American politics than even george bush...and that is saying something.
The world knew that dubya would be consigned to the Texas home for Idiots at the end of his term, but these tea party idiots will bring tears of laughter from us and tears of shame and embarrassment from good Americans for years and years.
From my position on the other side of the globe.... er, wait a minute...YOU are on the other side of the globe, not me! From my position here we can see that this silly little tea party organisation has probably done more to harm American politics than even george bush...and that is saying something.
The world knew that dubya would be consigned to the Texas home for Idiots at the end of his term, but these tea party idiots will bring tears of laughter from us and tears of shame and embarrassment from good Americans for years and years.

I should be consistently surprised that you nanny staters find the idea of freedom and liberty shocking.......but i'm not.
Some observers think that the new freshmen in Congress are out of control.

Speaker Boehner seems unsure of how to lead this group of inexperienced zealots.

He does appear to be more than a little apprehensive about their more radical statements and actions.

Is the GOP about to implode?
What's radical about limited government?
What's radical about limited government?

sadly, the current generations on this planet have only known massive government, so logically, any talk about limited government is radical and scary. I don't care. they can come kicking and screaming, or we can leave them without a nanny in the dark.
I sometimes wonder whether the supporters claimed by the Tea Party are simply disaffected or actually involved in political life.

Many of them seem short on specifics when questioned about their goals and motivations.

Smaller government, less spending, lower taxes.

I sometimes wonder whether the supporters claimed by the Tea Party are simply disaffected or actually involved in political life.

Many of them seem short on specifics when questioned about their goals and motivations.

Smaller government, less spending, lower taxes.


You want specifics? Read the Constitution, Article I Section 8. That's what we want the federal government to be limited to.
In my experience, they are often one and the same.

On occasion they may be. But the difference is hypocrisy. The fiscal conservatives follow their calls for smaller gov't and less taxation. The social conservatives claim to want the same thing, but also want the gov't to step in and interfere in people's personal lives.
On occasion they may be. But the difference is hypocrisy. The fiscal conservatives follow their calls for smaller gov't and less taxation. The social conservatives claim to want the same thing, but also want the gov't to step in and interfere in people's personal lives.

You have a good point.

But wasn't President Bush touted as a fiscal and social conservative by some?

The Bush Administration’s tax cuts deprived us of the revenue to address urgent challenges, while mortgaging our children’s futures and shifting the tax burden from the wealthy to the middle and lower working classes. The repeal of the estate tax, the lowering of the upper tax brackets, and the reduction in dividend and capital gains taxes means that our government is taxing working families more on their incomes than billionaires on the wealth they inherit (0%) or the stock profits they turn (15%).

Then, he led us into two undeclared wars and financed them with deficts.
But wasn't President Bush touted as a fiscal and social conservative by some?

as I recall he was presented as someone who would end the divisiveness we experienced during the Clinton administration as he had strong bipartisan support in Texas and had been re-elected governor by voters who had crossed party lines.....