One thing about American politicians


I'll say there is one thing about American politicians which appears to be lacking in their UK counterparts.
When a yank politician lies he braves it out until he's nailed to a pole. In the UK they colour up and squirm like a bucket of worms.

Scene: Headmaster's study, Royal Courts of Justice academy for the spoiled sons of the rich and corrupt, somewhere in London.

Cammers: You requested my presence sir?
Head master Leveson: Stand up straight, boy.
Cammers: Yes sir.
Head master Leveson:This is not the first time your name has been sent to me, boy.
Cammers: Y - y - yes, sir.
Head master Leveson: Prep, boy. Where is your prep?
Cammers: I have it here sir. In my school bag. Er... it's here, sir...I know its here, sir...I put it here myself, sir...I'm sorry, sir... it seems to be missing, sir.
Head master Leveson: Can I assume, boy, that you did not complete your prep?
Cammers: N - n- no, sir. I have done it, sir. It was here, sir. Honestly, sir. I can't imagine where it can be, sir.
Head master Leveson: Get out of my sight, miserable toad. And, boy, the next time I have trouble with you your mater and pater will be called to discuss your future. Go away. Get out of my sight.
Cammers: Y -y - yes s-s-s-sir.
I'll say there is one thing about American politicians which appears to be lacking in their UK counterparts.
When a yank politician lies he braves it out until he's nailed to a pole. In the UK they colour up and squirm like a bucket of worms.

Scene: Headmaster's study, Royal Courts of Justice academy for the spoiled sons of the rich and corrupt, somewhere in London.

Cammers: You requested my presence sir?
Head master Leveson: Stand up straight, boy.
Cammers: Yes sir.
Head master Leveson:This is not the first time your name has been sent to me, boy.
Cammers: Y - y - yes, sir.
Head master Leveson: Prep, boy. Where is your prep?
Cammers: I have it here sir. In my school bag. Er... it's here, sir...I know its here, sir...I put it here myself, sir...I'm sorry, sir... it seems to be missing, sir.
Head master Leveson: Can I assume, boy, that you did not complete your prep?
Cammers: N - n- no, sir. I have done it, sir. It was here, sir. Honestly, sir. I can't imagine where it can be, sir.
Head master Leveson: Get out of my sight, miserable toad. And, boy, the next time I have trouble with you your mater and pater will be called to discuss your future. Go away. Get out of my sight.
Cammers: Y -y - yes s-s-s-sir.

At least your time gone, while you were in that Chinese re-education camp, wasn't entirely wasted.
You now kow-tow better then before.