One thing I don't get about most pro-lifers


I dare you to stop us GL
Why are you for abortion rights in the case of rape? It's still a little baby in there! How does getting raped change that?!
Why are you for abortion rights in the case of rape? It's still a little baby in there! How does getting raped change that?!

That actually sounds like a valid question....

Death penalty....war....abortion....all mean killing for some reason or another...

Death a deterrent to crime? as punishment? revenge?
Throughout history the death penalty has been used in almost every culture at one time of another....valid reasons????

War....we must defend our property and possessions, our friends, our familys, and our own very lives....even if it means that some innocent die....
valid reasons....

Abortion.... because I'm not ready for a baby? I have a headache?
I don't want to get fat? Just ..because? I was raped? I was drunk? I was pissed off at; whoever....valid reasons???

Just what are valid reasons for taking anothers life...???? Thats the debate....

To deny we are taking a life is just the cowards way out of a social dilemma ..

I don't like taking any life, human or animal, but I have my own views when the action becomes valid...
as you know, i am pro-choice because there are two lives at stake - why should one be more important than the other

if you were female (i assume that you are male) would you want to carry with you every day for 9 months the reminder that you were the victim of a senseless and brutal attack, relive the utter feeling of helplessness - my daughter was raped and she told just how she felt about it - the man who did it is dead now:)
as you know, i am pro-choice because there are two lives at stake - why should one be more important than the other

if you were female (i assume that you are male) would you want to carry with you every day for 9 months the reminder that you were the victim of a senseless and brutal attack, relive the utter feeling of helplessness - my daughter was raped and she told just how she felt about it - the man who did it is dead now:)
So you remove it with the intent to bring it to term outside the uterus. Thus doing two things. Removing the need to intent to kill in a doctor, and the reality of enforced incubation for a woman.
That actually sounds like a valid question....

Death penalty....war....abortion....all mean killing for some reason or another...

Death a deterrent to crime? as punishment? revenge?
Throughout history the death penalty has been used in almost every culture at one time of another....valid reasons????

War....we must defend our property and possessions, our friends, our familys, and our own very lives....even if it means that some innocent die....
valid reasons....

Abortion.... because I'm not ready for a baby? I have a headache?
I don't want to get fat? Just ..because? I was raped? I was drunk? I was pissed off at; whoever....valid reasons???

Just what are valid reasons for taking anothers life...???? Thats the debate....

To deny we are taking a life is just the cowards way out of a social dilemma ..

I don't like taking any life, human or animal, but I have my own views when the action becomes valid...

I was out scouting today and planning where I will kill some deer in a little over a month.
So you remove it with the intent to bring it to term outside the uterus. Thus doing two things. Removing the need to intent to kill in a doctor, and the reality of enforced incubation for a woman.

perhaps, but if there is anything to passing on certain traits i think ending it would be best

oth, if it could be done and someone wanted it and was willing to pay for the procedure, it would still be up to the woman, but she might be more likely to pass it on to a childless couple

an another tentacle, there are over 6.5 billion of us and resources are running out
But don that is what wars are for. We can't abort em that does not support industry. We must kill off the excess population in a war so profit can be made.
But don that is what wars are for. We can't abort em that does not support industry. We must kill off the excess population in a war so profit can be made.
Necessity breeds invention. People tend not to look for solutions until the problem is at hand. I believe that humans will find the solution when it becomes necessary.
I was out scouting today and planning where I will kill some deer in a little over a month.

I've got wall space reserved in my classroom for this season's deer pics from my students that will succeed in killing a deer this fall/winter. Got one pic up so far, 6 days into the 11th grade girl got a six point with her bow.
Yeah sol, deermania is beginning here as well.

I pulled out my orange and red shirts so maybe I don't get shot.
Sometimes waiting until the problem is at hand to find a soloution is too late.
Too late for some but not for all. That is one of the problems with humans, that some will hurt because we wait until the last moment to fix things. IMO it is because the foresight of people is limited because of short life spans.
I've got wall space reserved in my classroom for this season's deer pics from my students that will succeed in killing a deer this fall/winter. Got one pic up so far, 6 days into the 11th grade girl got a six point with her bow.

Well done! My kudos to the young lady.

My 12 year old daughter will be hunting for the first time this year. Not bow, but rifle. That season does not start until mid November. But we have a good sport picked for the 2 person ladder stand. I think she will at least get a doe for the freezer.
Well done! My kudos to the young lady.

My 12 year old daughter will be hunting for the first time this year. Not bow, but rifle. That season does not start until mid November. But we have a good sport picked for the 2 person ladder stand. I think she will at least get a doe for the freezer.

I am going ot order a 2-man ladder stand for me and my 5 year old boy. Of course he won't be shooting yet but he'll enjoy being out there....and if I get one while he is along, which is very likely, he'll remember the moment for life. Got to love it.
I am going ot order a 2-man ladder stand for me and my 5 year old boy. Of course he won't be shooting yet but he'll enjoy being out there....and if I get one while he is along, which is very likely, he'll remember the moment for life. Got to love it.

My daughter helped me set up my stand last year. She also loved putting the reflective pins in the trees to mark the way in. She is looking forward to it. She is already a very good shot with a rifle or pistol.