One week left for JPP, right?


1960s Chick Magnet
Unless I'm misunderstanding the situation,
JPP is shutting down a week from tomorrow
in favor of a new forum on a different webpage format.

I imagine some of us will regather on the new platform,
while others among us disappear into internet history.

Given my minimalist skills in the modern world of digital technology,
It's not the least bit unlikely that I will be one of the latter.
I still haven't figured out my new phone yet, after all.

Should that turn out to be the case,
such would hardly be a major disaster
in light of what's going on here on this seemingly doomed planet.

Thus, it's not with the intent to self-aggrandize or exaggerate
the significance of my own participation here
when I say with all sincerity,

It's been...different.:thinking:
Unless I'm misunderstanding the situation,
JPP is shutting down a week from tomorrow
in favor of a new forum on a different webpage format.

I imagine some of us will regather on the new platform,
while others among us disappear into internet history.

Given my minimalist skills in the modern world of digital technology,
It's not the least bit unlikely that I will be one of the latter.
I still haven't figured out my new phone yet, after all.

Should that turn out to be the case,
such would hardly be a major disaster
in light of what's going on here on this seemingly doomed planet.

Thus, it's not with the intent to self-aggrandize or exaggerate
the significance of my own participation here
when I say with all sincerity,

It's been...different.:thinking:

I haven't heard.

I guess im not invited.

well fuck all you deep state fags anyway.
Unless I'm misunderstanding the situation,
JPP is shutting down a week from tomorrow
in favor of a new forum on a different webpage format.

I imagine some of us will regather on the new platform,
while others among us disappear into internet history.

Given my minimalist skills in the modern world of digital technology,
It's not the least bit unlikely that I will be one of the latter.
I still haven't figured out my new phone yet, after all.

Should that turn out to be the case,
such would hardly be a major disaster
in light of what's going on here on this seemingly doomed planet.

Thus, it's not with the intent to self-aggrandize or exaggerate
the significance of my own participation here
when I say with all sincerity,

It's been...different.:thinking:

Ill just wait a week, no big deal.
Not a big loss, these “forums” are all over the Internet, the only thing that makes this one significant is that it is one of the few where sites as InfoWars, Gateway, Blaze, Breitfart, etc are taken as serious sources, and, where copying and pasting corny useless cartoons and doctored photos is the norm
Not a big loss, these “forums” are all over the Internet, the only thing that makes this one significant is that it is one of the few where sites as InfoWars, Gateway, Blaze, Breitfart, etc are taken as serious sources, and, where copying and pasting corny useless cartoons and doctored photos is the norm

Fuck off then Arsecheese, you won't be missed.
Not a big loss, these “forums” are all over the Internet,

JPP is currently the only online forum I post in. I -can- post in others, but I generally run into trouble in said other forums. This is the only forum I've liked posting in where I haven't gotten warnings or negative points or even temporarily banned.

the only thing that makes this one significant is that it is one of the few where sites as InfoWars, Gateway, Blaze, Breitfart, etc are taken as serious sources

I suspect the issue is more that threads aren't automatically relegated to the conspiracy theories section if they have a link to one of the above sources. I don't generally consult the above sources, particularly Blaze or Breitbart, but I don't dismiss them out of hand either.

and, where copying and pasting corny useless cartoons and doctored photos is the norm

Not generally my thing, though I do like the following meme:
Not a big loss, these “forums” are all over the Internet, the only thing that makes this one significant is that it is one of the few where sites as InfoWars, Gateway, Blaze, Breitfart, etc are taken as serious sources, and, where copying and pasting corny useless cartoons and doctored photos is the norm

Fuck off then Arsecheese, you won't be missed.

Speak for yourself. Civilized debaters can be hard to come by.
Speak for yourself. Civilized debaters can be hard to come by.

The internet is the very last place to look for civilized debaters.
The medium doesn't suit civilized debate.

While I do debate a few things offline, it's rare, and it's almost never about things like politics or religion. I also like this site's ability to thread ban people who the thread starters considers to be more trouble than they're worth.
JPP is just a place to get everything off your chest and blame your political adversaries for everything.

Yea Us and Boo them!

Now does everyone feel better? I know I do!

Actually, I don't- in reality. But, that's OK, because I think I feel better, and I'll take the JPP placebo!