Only Democrats Can Win Rigged Elections


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Trillions of voluntary campaign contributions year after year cannot win rigged elections for Americans so long as Democrats are funded by the XVI Amendment:

From now on, the GOP will be funded "by the American people" only. Ask every Trump voter to contribute $10 per month.

Seventy-four million Trump voters would be thrilled to fund a party that looks out for the little guy. Some may give $100 per month, some $1,000. But everyone has $10 per month to spare.

Let's assume only 50 million Trump voters agree. That's $500 million per month. That's $6 billion per year without a penny from corporations. That's $24 billion over the next four years -- the most money ever raised by any politician or political party. That's enough to win a lot of elections.

Forget how the election was lost:

Mail-in ballots didn't lose the election. Voter ID did.

Concentrate on how the XVI Amendment won the election.

Legislating fair elections is as worthless as legislating love; so you can forget everything about fair elections —— including voting in-person so long as television rakes in tens of billions of tax deductible advertising dollars every year. (Not one list of democracy’s parasites corrupting elections ever includes Madison Avenue when advertisers should top the list.)

With strict voter ID, you can't cheat by mail or in person. Dead people can't vote. Illegal aliens can't vote. It's all pretty simple -- to ensure fair elections and election integrity, we must demand proof of who is voting and ensure everyone only votes once.

With Biden and Democrats in charge, we can't get it on the federal level. And we're never going to get it in deep-blue states such as New York and California. But we just have to get strict voter ID laws in place in six states that determined the 2020 election: Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona and Nevada. Five of those six states have Republican-majority legislatures.

With this plan, even with all the damage Biden and the Democrats are doing to this country, we have a fighting chance at retaking America in 2022 and 2024.

The GOP Needs a Miracle to Win Elections in 2022 and 2024. Here It Is.
Wayne Allyn Root
Posted: Feb 07, 2021 12:01 AM

The High Court did not really need crooked voting machines in 2020 to validate a rigged election. In short: A truckload of laws cannot prevent the U.S. Supreme Court from accepting numbers large enough for the Parasite Class to claim victory. In fact, rank & file Democrats do not have to cast ballots in future elections. Whatever count Democrat Party officials submit to every state the number will be large enough to satisfy Supreme Court ethics.

If concerned Americans want a shot a winning in 2022 they better destroy the Democrat Party’s Democracy Movement real quick. Americans will get behind their country’s original form of government a lot faster than they will get behind the form of government television mouths and Big Tech is selling.

Legislating fair elections is as worthless as legislating love;

Here comes the proof:

"Every bad idea" that created problems in the 2020 election – mail-in ballots, ballots without postmarks, late ballots, unvetted voter lists, ballots that missed deadlines – would be allowed in every state under a new plan by Democrats.

"If you thought the 2020 elections were chaotic, just wait," writes J. Christian Adams, president of Public Interest Legal Foundation and a former Department of Justice lawyer,

Adams, who also has served on the Presidential Advisory Commission for Election Integrity, says the bill, H.R. 1, also would allow Congress to deprive any state where someone believes the "the right to vote is denied" of its representation in Congress.

"Without qualification or definition, Congress could rely on [one] sentence unilaterally to cut the number of House members from any state it claims is denying the right to vote," he said.

In a column for the Gatestone Institute, Adams pointed out the Democrats' plan criminalizes "anyone who uses state challenge laws to question the eligibility of registrants wrongly."

And it "prohibits states from conducting list maintenance on the voter rolls. That means deadwood and obsolete registrations will stack up."

It also criminalizes publishing "false statements" without defining "false."

And if a state doesn't meet Congress' demands for voting standards, the state standards don't apply.

"That is not all. Nationwide, states must accept mail ballots on Election Day plus 10 days later. States are allowed to add extra time to the window. No more election day. It will be election season, with a month of early voting and weeks of ballots arriving and being counted," he said.

The bill, nearly 800 pages, has "every bad idea about how to run elections and mandates that the states must adopt – the very things that made the election of 2020 such a mess," Adams said.

"It includes all of the greatest hits of 2020: Mandatory mail ballots, ballots without postmarks, late ballots and voting in precincts where you don't live. It includes so many bad ideas that no publication has satisfactory space to cover all of them. The Senate companion bill, S.1, might be even worse," Adams wrote.

Foundationally, it changes the relationship between states and the federal government.

"The Constitution presumes that states regulate their own elections, but the Constitution has a big 'but' in what is called the Elections Clause. The Constitution says, 'but the Congress may at any time by Law make or alter such Regulations.' For over 200 years, Congress rarely used this power. After all, the power was put in the Constitution only to prevent the states from suffocating the federal government out of existence by never holding federal elections," he said.

Adams said the plan would prevent states from verifying signatures on ballots.

And it hinders any legal challenge.

"H.R. 1 rigs the system for any lawsuits challenging the constitutionality of the law. All lawsuits can only be filed in one court – federal court in the District of Columbia. And all opposition must be consolidated into one brief with only one attorney being able to argue the merits. It also grants automatic intervention to any legislators who want to join in the fight against the lone opposition," he explained.

"And of course, unlimited ballot harvesting – having a third party 'help' to fill in and gather up ballots, then drop them off at a polling station or other designated station – is guaranteed," wrote Adams.

"Misinformation, protests, unrest, and even violence were all symptoms of the trauma of 2020. Activist groups and collusive officials in 2020 turned courts into weapons to transform state laws into election procedures that were favorable to one particular party. H.R.1 would finish the job, and federalize the policies and election procedures that made 2020 such a mess."

Democrat bill implements 'every bad idea' for voting
By Bob Unruh
Published February 8, 2021 at 7:15pm
Here comes the proof:

"Every bad idea" that created problems in the 2020 election – mail-in ballots, ballots without postmarks, late ballots, unvetted voter lists, ballots that missed deadlines – would be allowed in every state under a new plan by Democrats.

"If you thought the 2020 elections were chaotic, just wait," writes J. Christian Adams, president of Public Interest Legal Foundation and a former Department of Justice lawyer,

Adams, who also has served on the Presidential Advisory Commission for Election Integrity, says the bill, H.R. 1, also would allow Congress to deprive any state where someone believes the "the right to vote is denied" of its representation in Congress.

"Without qualification or definition, Congress could rely on [one] sentence unilaterally to cut the number of House members from any state it claims is denying the right to vote," he said.

In a column for the Gatestone Institute, Adams pointed out the Democrats' plan criminalizes "anyone who uses state challenge laws to question the eligibility of registrants wrongly."

And it "prohibits states from conducting list maintenance on the voter rolls. That means deadwood and obsolete registrations will stack up."

It also criminalizes publishing "false statements" without defining "false."

And if a state doesn't meet Congress' demands for voting standards, the state standards don't apply.

"That is not all. Nationwide, states must accept mail ballots on Election Day plus 10 days later. States are allowed to add extra time to the window. No more election day. It will be election season, with a month of early voting and weeks of ballots arriving and being counted," he said.

The bill, nearly 800 pages, has "every bad idea about how to run elections and mandates that the states must adopt – the very things that made the election of 2020 such a mess," Adams said.

"It includes all of the greatest hits of 2020: Mandatory mail ballots, ballots without postmarks, late ballots and voting in precincts where you don't live. It includes so many bad ideas that no publication has satisfactory space to cover all of them. The Senate companion bill, S.1, might be even worse," Adams wrote.

Foundationally, it changes the relationship between states and the federal government.

"The Constitution presumes that states regulate their own elections, but the Constitution has a big 'but' in what is called the Elections Clause. The Constitution says, 'but the Congress may at any time by Law make or alter such Regulations.' For over 200 years, Congress rarely used this power. After all, the power was put in the Constitution only to prevent the states from suffocating the federal government out of existence by never holding federal elections," he said.

Adams said the plan would prevent states from verifying signatures on ballots.

And it hinders any legal challenge.

"H.R. 1 rigs the system for any lawsuits challenging the constitutionality of the law. All lawsuits can only be filed in one court – federal court in the District of Columbia. And all opposition must be consolidated into one brief with only one attorney being able to argue the merits. It also grants automatic intervention to any legislators who want to join in the fight against the lone opposition," he explained.

"And of course, unlimited ballot harvesting – having a third party 'help' to fill in and gather up ballots, then drop them off at a polling station or other designated station – is guaranteed," wrote Adams.

"Misinformation, protests, unrest, and even violence were all symptoms of the trauma of 2020. Activist groups and collusive officials in 2020 turned courts into weapons to transform state laws into election procedures that were favorable to one particular party. H.R.1 would finish the job, and federalize the policies and election procedures that made 2020 such a mess."

Democrat bill implements 'every bad idea' for voting
By Bob Unruh
Published February 8, 2021 at 7:15pm

Mail in ballots are just a little bit less accurate and easily monitored than in person. every test, every recount, every real piece of evidence shows this. Photo ID has no real affect on voting, only an idiot believes somebody would take the time and risk to show up to vote by impersonating some other voter, not knowing whether that guy had already voted, which would get him arrested, or that his one damn vote is worth it. even a trump voter probably would not risk jail or a heavy fine by showing up as some other voter just for that one vote!!

as far as mail in voting, are you calling sleazy asshole chickenshit traitor bitch Trump a liar?

About 9,800,000 results (0.62 seconds)

Trump says vote by mail in Florida is 'safe and secure › Politics
Aug 4, 2020 — Trump's tweet encouraging Florida voters to cast ballots by mail is a massive reversal of the last several months.

Trump Now Says Mail-In Voting Is 'Safe And Secure' – But › sites › andrewsolender › 2020/08/04
Aug 4, 2020 — The president has long argued that mail-in voting is innately fraudulent despite himself voting absentee in Florida.

Trump reverses himself, says voting by mail — in Florida — is › News › Florida Politics › The Buzz
Aug 4, 2020 — Asked why Florida is ok for mail ballots, but other states aren't, Trump replied: “Florida's got a great Republican governor,” a reference to his ...

Trump backtracks on mail-in voting, says it's OK to do in › news › 2020/08/04 › trump-backtr...
Aug 4, 2020 — “Whether you call it Vote by Mail or Absentee Voting, in Florida the election system is Safe and Secure, Tried and True,” Trump wrote in a tweet.

Trump encourages voting by mail in Florida, says it's 'safe and › politics › 2020/08 › trump-encou...
Aug 4, 2020 — Washington — In an abrupt reversal, President Donald Trump now is encouraging voters in the critical swing state of Florida to vote by mail ...
"Every bad idea" that created problems in the 2020 election – mail-in ballots, ballots without postmarks, late ballots, unvetted voter lists, ballots that missed deadlines – would be allowed in every state under a new plan by DEMOCRATS".

Trillions of voluntary campaign contributions year after year cannot win rigged elections for Americans so long as Democrats are funded by the XVI Amendment:

From now on, the GOP will be funded "by the American people" only. Ask every Trump voter to contribute $10 per month.

Seventy-four million Trump voters would be thrilled to fund a party that looks out for the little guy. Some may give $100 per month, some $1,000. But everyone has $10 per month to spare.

Let's assume only 50 million Trump voters agree. That's $500 million per month. That's $6 billion per year without a penny from corporations. That's $24 billion over the next four years -- the most money ever raised by any politician or political party. That's enough to win a lot of elections.

Forget how the election was lost:

Mail-in ballots didn't lose the election. Voter ID did.

Concentrate on how the XVI Amendment won the election.

Legislating fair elections is as worthless as legislating love; so you can forget everything about fair elections —— including voting in-person so long as television rakes in tens of billions of tax deductible advertising dollars every year. (Not one list of democracy’s parasites corrupting elections ever includes Madison Avenue when advertisers should top the list.)

With strict voter ID, you can't cheat by mail or in person. Dead people can't vote. Illegal aliens can't vote. It's all pretty simple -- to ensure fair elections and election integrity, we must demand proof of who is voting and ensure everyone only votes once.

With Biden and Democrats in charge, we can't get it on the federal level. And we're never going to get it in deep-blue states such as New York and California. But we just have to get strict voter ID laws in place in six states that determined the 2020 election: Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona and Nevada. Five of those six states have Republican-majority legislatures.

With this plan, even with all the damage Biden and the Democrats are doing to this country, we have a fighting chance at retaking America in 2022 and 2024.

The GOP Needs a Miracle to Win Elections in 2022 and 2024. Here It Is.
Wayne Allyn Root
Posted: Feb 07, 2021 12:01 AM

The High Court did not really need crooked voting machines in 2020 to validate a rigged election. In short: A truckload of laws cannot prevent the U.S. Supreme Court from accepting numbers large enough for the Parasite Class to claim victory. In fact, rank & file Democrats do not have to cast ballots in future elections. Whatever count Democrat Party officials submit to every state the number will be large enough to satisfy Supreme Court ethics.

If concerned Americans want a shot a winning in 2022 they better destroy the Democrat Party’s Democracy Movement real quick. Americans will get behind their country’s original form of government a lot faster than they will get behind the form of government television mouths and Big Tech is selling.

All that you're doing is posting shit from one of the most notorious right wing disinformation site; everything that Townhall publishes is total and absolute shit, that only the gullible intellectually deficient believe.
"Every bad idea" that created problems in the 2020 election – mail-in ballots, ballots without postmarks, late ballots, unvetted voter lists, ballots that missed deadlines – would be allowed in every state under a new plan by DEMOCRATS".


Legion, didn't you fight for democracy???? Isn't voter suppression the tactic that fascist dictators use to stay in power????
To TexanManWithPlans: Asshole. Research my messages if you want to know what I think.

To TexanManWithPlans: Where did I say it is?

Dimwit. For your edification: The Republican Party, and the Democrat Party, are for the Parasite Class. Neither party is for productive Americans.

Do you even read what you copy/paste?

Here is a direct quote from your post:

Seventy-four million Trump voters would be thrilled to fund a party that looks out for the little guy.
The Democrats did not have to cheat to win, all they had to do was get people out to vote, and by doing so they Won. The Repubs, specifically trump, Tried to cheat and lost anyway.
Now anyone that believe all the elections are rigged is free to not vote, life is full of choices, the American People made theirs on November 6, 2020, live with it.
All that you're doing is posting shit from one of the most notorious right wing disinformation site; everything that Townhall publishes is total and absolute shit, that only the gullible intellectually deficient believe.

Genetic fallacy.
Do you even read what you copy/paste?

Here is a direct quote from your post:

To TexanManWithPlans: Asshole. I did not say it, nor am I one of Trump’s seventy-four million voters.

I did say this about the little guy:

Repealing the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 was a snap for most Americans BEFORE Chief Justice John Roberts said it was a constitutional tax.

Roberts must have been talking about midgets when he said this at his confirmation hearing:

“If the Constitution says that the little guy should win, then the little guy's going to win in the court before me, but if the Constitution says that the big guy should win, well then the big guy's going to win because my obligation is to the Constitution.”

Roberts clearly voted for the big guy —— the federal government —— when he abandoned the Constitution in order to save Hillarycare II because every decision involving income tax revenues must go against the little guy.

You will find a NOTE about John Roberts in this addition:

If concerned Americans want a shot a winning in 2022 they better destroy the Democrat Party’s Democracy Movement real quick. Americans will get behind their country’s original form of government a lot faster than they will get behind the form of government television mouths and Big Tech is selling.

Sally Zelikovsky is doing her bit:

Time magazine’s “The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign that Saved the 2020 Election” by Molly Ball is supposed to come off as an epic tale of left-wing institutions swooping in to save democracy from untold chaos in the aftermath of the election but reads more like a confessional where the storyteller and her informants unwittingly reveal that the election was indeed rigged.

Ball stresses that the “shadow effort [was] dedicated not to winning the vote but to ensuring it would be free and fair, credible and uncorrupted.” In other words, they were not attempting to defeat Trump, but were focused on ensuring free and fair elections to prevent chaos if Trump were elected or refused to concede. This required a coordinated effort among a staggering number of left-wing organizations, the media and tech, titans of industry, an army of activists, #NeverTrumpers, and a whole lotta Benjamins, baby.

Through extensive interviews and access to documents, Ball lays out in earnest the game plan with absolutely no awareness that this nonadmission of wrongdoing is actually an admission that bolsters what the President has been saying all along (and is vital to his defense against this second impeachment):

They got states to change voting systems and laws and helped secure hundreds of millions in public and private funding. They fended off voter-suppression lawsuits, recruited armies of poll workers and got millions of people to vote by mail for the first time. They successfully pressured social media companies to take a harder line against disinformation and used data-driven strategies to fight viral smears. They executed national public-awareness campaigns that helped Americans understand how the vote count would unfold over days or weeks, preventing Trump’s conspiracy theories and false claims of victory from getting more traction. After Election Day, they monitored every pressure point to ensure that Trump could not overturn the result.

None of this could have happened organically. Democracy, you see, has to be manipulated in order for the good work of democracy to happen:

“Every attempt to interfere with the proper outcome of the election was defeated,” says Ian Bassin, co-founder of Protect Democracy, a nonpartisan rule-of-law advocacy group. “But it’s massively important for the country to understand that it didn’t happen accidentally. The system didn’t work magically. Democracy is not self-executing.”

That’s why the participants want the secret history of the 2020 election told, even though it sounds like a paranoid fever dream -- a well-funded cabal of powerful people, ranging across industries and ideologies, working together behind the scenes to influence perceptions, change rules and laws, steer media coverage and control the flow of information. They were not rigging the election; they were fortifying it. And they believe the public needs to understand the system’s fragility in order to ensure that democracy in America endures. [Emphasis added.]

In late 2019, senior advisor to the president of the AFL-CIO and mastermind of the shadow campaign Mike Podhorzer, was gobsmacked when he realized that the data and analytics strongly pointed to a Trump win. That was the moment the shadow campaign was born. During a frantic 11 p.m. Zoom meeting on election night, Podhorzer had to remind his co-conspirators that they knew Trump would pull ahead but would ultimately lose “as long as all the votes were counted.” [Italics added.] “Count all votes” was critical to the syndicate’s PR campaign and violated the norm, touted by conservatives, that all legal votes should be counted.

If it was foreordained that Trump would prevail, the Democrat Cabal had to protect the people from themselves -- subverting Democracy in order to save Democracy. So, they manipulated the election in their favor and called it “fortifying” even though they were really “rigging” it. They claimed the system was on the verge of collapse because Trump was going to be elected. And, because they couldn’t admit to rigging the election, they disguised their efforts with a massive PR campaign demanding all votes be counted to prevent chaos.

Massive PR campaign, indeed.

NOTE: Chief Justice John Roberts singlehandedly saving Obamacare gave Democrats the PR cover they got with COVID-19. Without the trillions of tax dollars DEMOCRATS & REPUBLICANS gave to the medical industry —— hospitals, lock downs, vaccinations, masks, etc. —— stealing the election would not have been possible. In short: ‘Rigging the election for democracy.’ cannot be separated from everything else Democrats did, and continue to do, for the Democracy Movement.

They had the good fortune of COVID-19 giving them cover for mail-in voting propaganda. BLM leadership was able to “harness [the momentum behind the George Floyd riots] for the election.” In other words, the riots were orchestrated to benefit Democrat candidates.

Corporate benefactors shoveled out gobs of money (i.e., $300 million dollars from the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative) to fund a massive reworking of state voting systems and procedures that bolstered mail-in voting in 37 states and D.C.:

The [National Vote at Home] Institute gave secretaries of state from both parties technical advice on everything from which vendors to use to how to locate drop boxes. Local officials are the most trusted sources of election information, but few can afford a press secretary, so the institute distributed communications tool kits.


Organizations tracked disinformation online and provided it to campaigns and the media so they could “out” the liars. Rather than pushing back against “toxic content” which invited more attention, they pressured platforms like Twitter and Facebook to police and remove content or suspend accounts.

Podhorzer enlisted the help of former military officials, cabinet members, and elected officials to convince the public, governors, AGs, and secretaries of state, that mail-in voting was safe. Former Democrat congressman Dick Gephardt raised $20 million dollars to fund these efforts. Now we understand why Kemp and Raffensberger in Georgia, and Wolf and Boockvar in Pennsylvania, behaved as they did.

They refocused election security on self-policing versus reliance on law enforcement and

created a force of “election defenders” who, unlike traditional poll watchers, were trained in de-escalation techniques. During early voting and on Election Day, they surrounded lines of voters in urban areas with a “joy to the polls” effort that turned the act of casting a ballot into a street party. Black organizers also recruited thousands of poll workers to ensure polling places would stay open in their communities.

In other words, they recruited a partisan army of poll workers who were backed by partisan “election defenders” to monitor voting and ballot counting. This is how Republicans ended up with poll watchers who were ousted, blocked, and situated light-years away from the count, and piles of ballots -- almost exclusively for Joe Biden -- coming out of the woodworks in the wee hours.

As 150 left-wing organizations prepped for violent nationwide demonstrations against a Trump steal, the AFL-CIO, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, and churches formed a powerful alliance with a carefully crafted message of preventing “violence, intimidation or any other tactic that makes us weaker as a nation.” Meanwhile, everything the shadow campaign did was violence, intimidation and other tactics that undermined our free elections -- classic projection.

All of this is boldly asserted in Ball’s article. It’s not unusual for victors to brag about some feat to the astonishment of onlookers. They become so obsessed with the righteousness of their cause, they proudly articulate what they did with seemingly no regard for the potential for any blowback.

The Nazis documented everything in the mistaken belief that their national obsession with world domination and cleansing the world of impure races was not only in Germany’s best interests, but those of the entire world. They honestly believed history would judge them kindly. But they were blind to the reality that, in recording their atrocities, they wrote the script for world condemnation of their crimes against humanity.

Similarly, in their sanctimonious fervor to boast about their role in “fortifying” the election and its aftermath, Ball’s informants actually outed themselves as the crooks, cabalists, and conspirators they really are. And poor Ms. Ball appears the useful idiot.

She quotes someone from the Democracy Defense Coalition as saying:

“There’s an impulse for some to say voters decided and democracy won. But it’s a mistake to think that this election cycle was a show of strength for democracy. It shows how vulnerable democracy is.”

While this can be read to mean democracy was in jeopardy until Democrats organized the shadow campaign to save democracy from a Trump second term, it’s really just a slick way of confessing to rigging the 2020 election and stealing it from Trump. Let’s hope Trump’s attorneys feature these admissions in his impeachment defense.

February 9, 2021
Destroying Democracy in Order to Save It
By Sally Zelikovsky