Only in America... Baseball vs. Bailout


Staff member
Does anybody want to compare the time spent on finding out of some beefed up baseball player was on HGH as opposed to the amount of careful consideration to a bailout plan worth over a Trillion?
Are you talking days or hours?

To be fair, there was a little more urgency to the bailout...
The bailout was years in coming. People recognized it, proposed legislation and were basically told to shut up. Then suddenly when it comes down to it, after months and months of important investigation into baseball to distract us, we had to get it done in days?

Rubbish, the urgency was created because this is an election year and they all wanted something to show they were doing something.

The priorities are all f-d...
The bailout was years in coming. People recognized it, proposed legislation and were basically told to shut up. Then suddenly when it comes down to it, after months and months of important investigation into baseball to distract us, we had to get it done in days?

Rubbish, the urgency was created because this is an election year and they all wanted something to show they were doing something.

The priorities are all f-d...

Warren Buffet thought urgency was needed.

Damo didn't.

Hmmmmm....I just can't decide.
Warren Buffet thought urgency was needed.

Damo didn't.

Hmmmmm....I just can't decide.
What inanity. Taking a bit longer, a few days or so even, to really get into the meat of it is still recognizing urgency without just letting somebody ram it in.

This is the silliest garbage most on this board try to portray. Bush thought it was urgent too, and I have it on high authority that he is "stupid".

We could have been talking about this for months... Wait. We were! Shoot we were talking about it on this board at the same time they were spending all that time on the all important issue of HGH in the coffee in a baseball dugout!

People on a message board see something big, something important coming. Buffett only saw it this week? Urgency comes from ignoring a problem for the more "fun" object of making fun of baseball players with big foreheads.
It's a stupid comparison; pathetic, actually.

If the bailout wasn't done this weekend, the world markets would have tanked today. Maybe they could have recovered when Congress finally came through with something, but they'd be in an even deeper hole, and have that much more negative effect on the economy as a result.

In short, you don't really know what you're talking about.
It's a stupid comparison; pathetic, actually.

If the bailout wasn't done this weekend, the world markets would have tanked today. Maybe they could have recovered when Congress finally came through with something, but they'd be in an even deeper hole, and have that much more negative effect on the economy as a result.

In short, you don't really know what you're talking about.
One more time for the slow.

People on this board recognized a huge issue coming, talked about it, all while Congress focused on that really important issue of baseball players.

It isn't a "stupid" comparison. It really does show where their priorities lie.

Either they are too stupid to recognize what we knew was an issue, or they deliberately ignored it so they could ram the most distasteful garbage down our gullet.

Stupid is pretending that the urgency couldn't have been avoided by simply taking it up earlier, as some suggested before they were told "FM&FM are doing just fine..."
I asked my local wildlife control officer if they were selling lobbyist tags yet ? And when was the season. And did they have to have a tie on or not ?

you know the guy must have been a Republican, no sense of humor at all.
I asked my local wildlife control officer if they were selling lobbyist tags yet ? And when was the season. And did they have to have a tie on or not ?

you know the guy must have been a Republican, no sense of humor at all.
Just tell him they are Eider Ducks. You'll be fine.
I would have loved to see the reaction of conservative hacks here to any kind of bailout bill without the accompanying financial crisis, when the "free market" is such a great fixer...
I would have loved to see the reaction of conservative hacks here to any kind of bailout bill without the accompanying financial crisis, when the "free market" is such a great fixer...
Look into it. 2005, proposed legislation on FM & FM. See if you can find it. I think you may be surprised at which party opposed it.

But heck, clearly it could wait until 2008 when the poop is already all over us, can't stop it before it hits the fan.
Does anybody want to compare the time spent on finding out of some beefed up baseball player was on HGH as opposed to the amount of careful consideration to a bailout plan worth over a Trillion?


Good point. There were hearings for weeks!
It's a stupid comparison; pathetic, actually.

If the bailout wasn't done this weekend, the world markets would have tanked today. Maybe they could have recovered when Congress finally came through with something, but they'd be in an even deeper hole, and have that much more negative effect on the economy as a result.

In short, you don't really know what you're talking about.

still, those witch hunts wasted time and energy. clearly they had other $hit to do.