Only NOW She's Proud?


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Mrs Barack Obama: "We now have a woman and an African American running for President. I can finally say I'm proud to be an American."

Mrs Obama, and her husband are in the TOP ONE PERCENT of Wealth in this Nation. Neither has never seen slavery, neither has ever had to fight Bull Conner off with a fire hose(maybe Bull Clinton, but he's all talk), they went to Private Schools and the Best Colleges. And only NOW she's proud to be an American. What about when the Berlin Wall came down? What about when when we put a man on the moon? What about the way we all came together after 9/11?(even though some[The Left] forgot quickly.

But for these 2 Priveliged People, who have never experinced REAL hard times, who were not here before Civil Rights Era, who have had WAY MORE opportunities than I ever had, to say that they were ASHAMED of America before now, disqualies them in my eyes. It just shows once again the Hypocrisy of the Left, how they appreciate NOTHING and desire ONLY to Proagandize and tell the Public how BAD everything is (without THEM, of course). They see ONLY the path that has ALREADY BEEN PAVED FOR THEM, and then say it in NOTHING, that only THEY can "Save the World"

What a Bunch of Bull !!! :mun:
Mrs Barack Obama: "We now have a woman and an African American running for President. I can finally say I'm proud to be an American."

Mrs Obama, and her husband are in the TOP ONE PERCENT of Wealth in this Nation. Neither has never seen slavery, neither has ever had to fight Bull Conner off with a fire hose(maybe Bull Clinton, but he's all talk), they went to Private Schools and the Best Colleges. And only NOW she's proud to be an American. What about when the Berlin Wall came down? What about when when we put a man on the moon? What about the way we all came together after 9/11?(even though some[The Left] forgot quickly.

But for these 2 Priveliged People, who have never experinced REAL hard times, who were not here before Civil Rights Era, who have had WAY MORE opportunities than I ever had, to say that they were ASHAMED of America before now, disqualies them in my eyes. It just shows once again the Hypocrisy of the Left, how they appreciate NOTHING and desire ONLY to Proagandize and tell the Public how BAD everything is (without THEM, of course). They see ONLY the path that has ALREADY BEEN PAVED FOR THEM, and then say it in NOTHING, that only THEY can "Save the World"

What a Bunch of Bull !!! :mun:

Maybe if you could read you'd see there was already a thread on this subject .. where you can spout your complete ignorance of what Mrs. Obama meant.
Mrs Barack Obama: "We now have a woman and an African American running for President. I can finally say I'm proud to be an American."

Mrs Obama, and her husband are in the TOP ONE PERCENT of Wealth in this Nation. Neither has never seen slavery, neither has ever had to fight Bull Conner off with a fire hose(maybe Bull Clinton, but he's all talk), they went to Private Schools and the Best Colleges. And only NOW she's proud to be an American. What about when the Berlin Wall came down? What about when when we put a man on the moon? What about the way we all came together after 9/11?(even though some[The Left] forgot quickly.

But for these 2 Priveliged People, who have never experinced REAL hard times, who were not here before Civil Rights Era, who have had WAY MORE opportunities than I ever had, to say that they were ASHAMED of America before now, disqualies them in my eyes. It just shows once again the Hypocrisy of the Left, how they appreciate NOTHING and desire ONLY to Proagandize and tell the Public how BAD everything is (without THEM, of course). They see ONLY the path that has ALREADY BEEN PAVED FOR THEM, and then say it in NOTHING, that only THEY can "Save the World"

What a Bunch of Bull !!! :mun:

Great, they went to private schools and got a good education (according to republicans). That's awesome. Unfortunatly you quoted her incorrectly, that would get you an F even in public school systems.
Oh yes, "blackascoal", and "digitaldoofus", you KNOW what she meant, right? Because Left-Wing Socialists, like Obama, Hillary, and YOU TWO, are all MIND READERS. When ever a Leftist like Hillary says she will SLASH the defense budget, give Illegal Aliens voter and driver's licences, whenevr Obama has a Che Guevara flag in his office, and spouts the WORST Left-Wing, Communist/Collectivist Policies heard EVER in a Pres. Candidate, Leftists KNOW that "that's REALLY not what they meant", Haaaahahaha!

Every Liberal slip-up, when they give us a peek, by accident, of what they REALLY think, is a "mischaracterization", or "taken out of context". What a JOKE! But when a Conservative says something totally INNOCENT, like Trent Lott congratulating a ONE-HUNDRED YEAR OLD MAN for LIVING that long, Democrat LIARS twist, and twist, and twist the lies, woven by their willing accomplices in the "Made-Up Media", so as to DESTROY anyone who disagrees with their Socialist/Collectivist World View. Everyone KNOWS now that Liberals are nothing but lying hypocrites, running around in SUV's and limos, taking their Private Jets to Europe, meanwhile teeling US, the REST of America, we have to ride bicycles, turn our heat down, buy a hybrid car, etc. They're nothing but Hypocrite LIARS.
Oh yes, "blackascoal", and "digitaldoofus", you KNOW what she meant, right? Because Left-Wing Socialists, like Obama, Hillary, and YOU TWO, are all MIND READERS. When ever a Leftist like Hillary says she will SLASH the defense budget, give Illegal Aliens voter and driver's licences, whenevr Obama has a Che Guevara flag in his office, and spouts the WORST Left-Wing, Communist/Collectivist Policies heard EVER in a Pres. Candidate, Leftists KNOW that "that's REALLY not what they meant", Haaaahahaha!

Every Liberal slip-up, when they give us a peek, by accident, of what they REALLY think, is a "mischaracterization", or "taken out of context". What a JOKE! But when a Conservative says something totally INNOCENT, like Trent Lott congratulating a ONE-HUNDRED YEAR OLD MAN for LIVING that long, Democrat LIARS twist, and twist, and twist the lies, woven by their willing accomplices in the "Made-Up Media", so as to DESTROY anyone who disagrees with their Socialist/Collectivist World View. Everyone KNOWS now that Liberals are nothing but lying hypocrites, running around in SUV's and limos, taking their Private Jets to Europe, meanwhile teeling US, the REST of America, we have to ride bicycles, turn our heat down, buy a hybrid car, etc. They're nothing but Hypocrite LIARS.

Why argue? You're right, Obama is a Marxist who supports Che Guevera and Michelle Obama hates America!
This si a prime example of what will be going on in the coutnry for the rest of the year.

The right wing nut bags will be LYING about President O.

They are going to stick their dirty foot in their mouths and really blow this one big time.

The country now sees the right wing machine as liars and will not BUY the bullshit this time arround and the Republican party will just be chiseling their grave stone. You watch they are going to say something so racist at some point that it will take them decades to recover if at all.
yeah well George Bush's wife killed someone. Unless specific Bush backing conservatives had an issue with that I'm not even goign to humor this.
It's a small gaff, if this is the best the cons can do they will get hit more times than Tom Brady did in the bowl.