

Well-known member
It's a very bad day for the chronic climate change deniers at the right wing "think" tank, the Heartland Institute.

The folks at DeSmogBlog have discovered an inconvenient truth about the Heartland Institute's "500 climate scientists" list. Many of the alleged scientists are outrage to have their names used on Heartland's list:

Dozens of scientists are demanding that their names be removed from a widely distributed Heartland Institute article entitled 500 Scientists with Documented Doubts of Man-Made Global Warming Scares.

The article, by Hudson Institute director and Heartland "Senior Fellow" Dennis T. Avery , purports to list scientists whose work contradicts the overwhelming scientific agreement that human-induced climate change is endangering the world as we know it.

DeSmogBlog manager Kevin Grandia emailed 122 of the scientists yesterday afternoon, calling their attention to the list.

A sample quote:

"I am horrified to find my name on such a list. I have spent the last 20 years arguing the opposite."

Dr. David Sugden. Professor of Geography, University of Edinburgh
The net is just like paper, putting something on it does not make it true.
The right wingers are masters of deception.
And plenty of eager tools move in response to their string pulling.

How just like these scum to do this.

This is awesome.

USC is right. Anyone on the net could make a list of anything. There's probably lists that purport to show all the economists who still support Bushonomics, laughable as that may sound.