

LOL. Looks like Biden’s not the one we have to watch. Carly Fiorina just f’d the McCain campaign, and the Obama people are all over this. LOL.

"Carly Fiorina, a key surrogate for John McCain on economic issues, said on Tuesday that Sarah Palin does not have the experience needed to run a major company like the one that Fiorina formerly headed."

"Do you think [Sarah Palin] has the experience to run a major company, like Hewlett Packard?" asked the host.

"No, I don't," responded Fiorina. "But you know what? That's not what she's running for."

""No, I don't," responded Fiorina. "But you know what? That's not what she's running for."

Yeah - because running America is really no comparison at all to running HP.

Carly did a bad job spinning the "fundamentals" comment yesterday, as well.
""No, I don't," responded Fiorina. "But you know what? That's not what she's running for."

Yeah - because running America is really no comparison at all to running HP.

Carly did a bad job spinning the "fundamentals" comment yesterday, as well.

Sarah Palin – ready at a moment’s notice to become President of the most powerful country in the world and chief executive to 300 million people…not ready to run a company of several hundred thousand. Hmmm.

Why, it's just too bad that Palin doesn't live next door to an HP outlet store, you know Onceler? Cause, then, she'd be good.
Sarah Palin – ready at a moment’s notice to become President of the most powerful country in the world and chief executive to 300 million people…not ready to run a company of several hundred thousand. Hmmm.

Why, it's just too bad that Palin doesn't live next door to an HP outlet store, you know Onceler? Cause, then, she'd be good.

Actually, Palin drove past a Circuit City today so now she's qualified to be CEO of HP. Fiorina is mistaken.
I can totally see her working at an outlet store. "You're thinking about a Dell? Well, you should say 'thanks, but no thanks' to that...here's an HP model you'll like..."
LOL... Let's not mention that Obama, Biden and McCain are not qualified to run a major corporation like HP either. Being the CEO of a private commercial business is far different, and requires a far different skill set, than being the CEO of a branch of government. Maybe it shouldn't be, maybe we should nominate people like Bill Gates as our president, maybe our efficiency of government would be better if we did, but we don't... never have.
Oohhh, cat fight! Someone has been dissing Dixie’s girl!

Been a rough week for Dix. That "polls shooting through the roof" for McCain/Palin while Dems try to discredit them didn't really work, and Palin's "rock star" thing is already wearing off, as we learn all about how she ran the store up north, and how much she knows about the Bush Doctrine.
Been a rough week for Dix. That "polls shooting through the roof" for McCain/Palin while Dems try to discredit them didn't really work, and Palin's "rock star" thing is already wearing off, as we learn all about how she ran the store up north, and how much she knows about the Bush Doctrine.

Oncie, the polls are still favoring McCain by huge margins compared to a month ago. Palin is still a bigger star than Obama, which is why Obama has to make 'pig' comments about her, instead of focusing on McCain. And we already knew how she ran the store up North, she has a 90% approval rating. The fact that Charlie Gibson (and most pinheads) are incompetent when it comes to the various adaptations of the Bush Doctrine, is only a testament to how much smarter Palin is than you.

But keep sipping your koolaid... get all cocky again, and go back to pissing off regular Americans, that suits me just fine. I am enjoying the show, and looking forward to having the first female VP in November.
Oncie, the polls are still favoring McCain by huge margins compared to a month ago. Palin is still a bigger star than Obama, which is why Obama has to make 'pig' comments about her, instead of focusing on McCain. And we already knew how she ran the store up North, she has a 90% approval rating. The fact that Charlie Gibson (and most pinheads) are incompetent when it comes to the various adaptations of the Bush Doctrine, is only a testament to how much smarter Palin is than you.

But keep sipping your koolaid... get all cocky again, and go back to pissing off regular Americans, that suits me just fine. I am enjoying the show, and looking forward to having the first female VP in November.

Now Dix, I like Palin and I even acknowledge that her approval rating isn's at 90% even in Alaska......It's more like 80% or so. :)

Oh, by the way, among reporters I hear it is in the teens.....more reason for me to like her.
"Oncie, the polls are still favoring McCain by huge margins compared to a month ago. Palin is still a bigger star than Obama, which is why Obama has to make 'pig' comments about her, instead of focusing on McCain"

McCain has 1 pt. leads in Rasmussen & Gallup.

I see you've turned on the "pig" comment; you seemed to acknowledge it was a lie last week (which it was, btw)...
"Oncie, the polls are still favoring McCain by huge margins compared to a month ago. Palin is still a bigger star than Obama, which is why Obama has to make 'pig' comments about her, instead of focusing on McCain"

McCain has 1 pt. leads in Rasmussen & Gallup.

I see you've turned on the "pig" comment; you seemed to acknowledge it was a lie last week (which it was, btw)...

Well, the crowd Obama was speaking to, certainly seemed to "know" who the comment was directed toward. As I said last week, his speech writers were very clever, and the actual statement was not directed at Palin, and McCain shouldn't have responded to it, that was a mistake on his part, in my opinion. Not a big one, not nearly as big as Biden's long history of plagiarism, racist remarks, or asking people in a wheelchair to 'stand up!'

Take an objective look at this... take Obama's comment, along with the general tempo of the campaign, as well as the mountain of threads started by pinheads here in the past few weeks.... Palin has gotten in you heads! You're all completely off your game now, and reeling for answers. Yep, McCain leads in the polls, and we haven't even gotten to the debates yet. Obama is blowing the easiest win in political history, right before our eyes, and you can't do a damn thing to stop it. Most of you are wishing you had nominated Hillary now, you see the error in not doing so, because we know Hillary is smart enough to have picked Obama as VP, and that would have been a sure thing. Instead, you are stuck with what you've got, and you are about to get your clocks cleaned, and I think you know it.
"Yep, McCain leads in the polls, and we haven't even gotten to the debates yet. Obama is blowing the easiest win in political history, right before our eyes, and you can't do a damn thing to stop it"


You're already spinning your many threads from last week.

Don't you remember, Dix? By now, us lefties were supposed to be reeling because of Palin/McCain's huge lead in the polls, because you & the American people had had enough! The race was over, and we were going to be tripping over ourselves discrediting every poll by now.

Well, turns out that Obama has been closing the past few days, to within a point in the 2 polls that matter (he's leading by 4 in another today). I'd put money on him taking the lead back as early as tomorrow, too, because "the fundamentals are sound" ain't cutting it with most voters.

I hope you had a great couple of weeks there, though. Enjoy your stay in the long-term minority come November.