Open Letter to Mr. President Joseph Biden

Alik Bahshi

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Alik Bakhshi

Open Letter to Mr. President Joseph Biden

Dear Mr. Joseph Biden, your words that the creation of a state for the Palestinian people will put an end to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict illuminated real hope for the long-awaited peace. By the way, Obama, in his famous Cairo speech, spoke about two states for two peoples, but having received the Nobel Prize for this, he no longer remembered it. So you, having said how to solve the problem, vetoed in the UN Security Council the resolution on Palestine's membership in the UN, thereby denying the Palestinians the right to create their own state. In this regard, Mr. Biden, it would be nice for you to remember that Israel received membership in the UN in 1949, with the condition that Israel comply with General Assembly Resolution 181 of November 29, 1947, which provided for the division of the British Mandatory territory of Palestine into Arab and Jewish states. However, this mandatory condition was not fulfilled by Israel. If this is so, then Israel cannot in any way be a legitimate member of the UN.

Further, the US representative explained Palestine's refusal to become a member of the UN by saying that Palestinians and Jews must first agree among themselves on the issue of creating the state of Palestine. They have been solving this issue for 75 years by military means with the participation of America, which supplies weapons to Israel. Don’t you think that this circumstance in no way fits with your opinion about the need for the Palestinians to gain their own state in order to stop the mutual bloodshed between Jews and Arabs?

Such a mutually exclusive political situation created by America, in which you, Mr. President, are directly the organizer, is immoral. I dare to suggest that your actions are explained by the upcoming presidential elections in order to attract to your side the powerful Jewish lobby, under the auspices of which right-wing Israeli politicians continue to take away Palestinian land for the construction of Jewish settlements. However, this fact cannot justify the American veto of the Security Council resolution allowing Palestine to become a full member of the UN and supported by a majority vote.

The ongoing massacre between the Jews of Israel and the Arabs of Palestine lies entirely on your conscience, Mr. Biden.

Alik Bakhshi

Open Letter to Mr. President Joseph Biden

Dear Mr. Joseph Biden, your words that the creation of a state for the Palestinian people will put an end to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict illuminated real hope for the long-awaited peace. By the way, Obama, in his famous Cairo speech, spoke about two states for two peoples, but having received the Nobel Prize for this, he no longer remembered it. So you, having said how to solve the problem, vetoed in the UN Security Council the resolution on Palestine's membership in the UN, thereby denying the Palestinians the right to create their own state. In this regard, Mr. Biden, it would be nice for you to remember that Israel received membership in the UN in 1949, with the condition that Israel comply with General Assembly Resolution 181 of November 29, 1947, which provided for the division of the British Mandatory territory of Palestine into Arab and Jewish states. However, this mandatory condition was not fulfilled by Israel. If this is so, then Israel cannot in any way be a legitimate member of the UN.

Further, the US representative explained Palestine's refusal to become a member of the UN by saying that Palestinians and Jews must first agree among themselves on the issue of creating the state of Palestine. They have been solving this issue for 75 years by military means with the participation of America, which supplies weapons to Israel. Don’t you think that this circumstance in no way fits with your opinion about the need for the Palestinians to gain their own state in order to stop the mutual bloodshed between Jews and Arabs?

Such a mutually exclusive political situation created by America, in which you, Mr. President, are directly the organizer, is immoral. I dare to suggest that your actions are explained by the upcoming presidential elections in order to attract to your side the powerful Jewish lobby, under the auspices of which right-wing Israeli politicians continue to take away Palestinian land for the construction of Jewish settlements. However, this fact cannot justify the American veto of the Security Council resolution allowing Palestine to become a full member of the UN and supported by a majority vote.

The ongoing massacre between the Jews of Israel and the Arabs of Palestine lies entirely on your conscience, Mr. Biden.

You realize that Hamas has absolutely no interest in a two state solution, right? What brandon says is meaningless.
Palestinians did not do the kidnapping. It was Hamas. Israel is following the Bush plan. When 9/11 happened he attacked Iraq, which had nothing to do with it, but they had oil. He was looking for an excuse to go in. Bibi saw this as a shot at taking over huge swaths of land quickly.