Oppose the $700 Billion Bailout Democrats


New member
Do not get bullied by the idiots from the Right....

This is a bad deal any way you look at it.... If more banks need to go bankrupt than thats fine....

Let them sink or swim.... What you shouldnt do is bail out the rich billionaire CEOs....

Instead if you must spend the money divert the $700 Billion for mortgage relief for the taxpayers....

Do not get bullied by the idiots from the Right....

This is a bad deal any way you look at it.... If more banks need to go bankrupt than thats fine....

Let them sink or swim.... What you shouldnt do is bail out the rich billionaire CEOs....

Instead if you must spend the money divert the $700 Billion for mortgage relief for the taxpayers....

WEll I half agree, let the banks get themselves out of this mess. It is what they used to do. It was bad for banks to go broke.
I agree with half of your statement.

But mortgage relief for tax payers? Why would we do that? If someone bought a house they cannot afford, got a loan that had the huge balloon payment at the end, or got a variable rate mortgage that is now too much for them, then they should lose their house. The problem with the mortgages is in two places. First it is the lack of oversight of the banks and lending institutions. And second it is the consumer buying more than they can afford.

Neither one is the tax payer's responsibility.
I agree with half of your statement.

But mortgage relief for tax payers? Why would we do that? If someone bought a house they cannot afford, got a loan that had the huge balloon payment at the end, or got a variable rate mortgage that is now too much for them, then they should lose their house. The problem with the mortgages is in two places. First it is the lack of oversight of the banks and lending institutions. And second it is the consumer buying more than they can afford.

Neither one is the tax payer's responsibility.
What he said.
What he said.

The problem with doing nothing is that everybody is crying..... The Government doesnt have the balls to say "Man Up"

So if it must come up with something to at least seem to be doing something...than might as well do something for the American people...

The problem with doing nothing is that everybody is crying..... The Government doesnt have the balls to say "Man Up"

So if it must come up with something to at least seem to be doing something...than might as well do something for the American people...


Its about time they grew a pair. If we are gonna bail out one, then the other should get it too. If we are gonna let one sink then the other should be allowed to sink as well.
another point, if the politicians and such are estiamting 700 bill, at least double that for the final cost.
The problem with doing nothing is FDIC.

that is not a problem. Or I should say a seperate problem. FDIC gets bailed out is is a promise. Bailing out the non guaranteed stuff is not a promise.

trying to mix the FDIC in with the rest is very disingenious and fearmongering.
that is not a problem. Or I should say a seperate problem. FDIC gets bailed out is is a promise. Bailing out the non guaranteed stuff is not a promise.

trying to mix the FDIC in with the rest is very disingenious and fearmongering.

Springfield is famous for the disingeniuity and fearmongering part, as are all Republicans....

Do not get bullied by the idiots from the Right....

This is a bad deal any way you look at it.... If more banks need to go bankrupt than thats fine....

Let them sink or swim.... What you shouldnt do is bail out the rich billionaire CEOs....

Instead if you must spend the money divert the $700 Billion for mortgage relief for the taxpayers....


It would destroy our economy if banks failed. People would lose their life savings - not only stockholders and CEO's, but people who got insurance from them, and had their money in there. It would be bad for the common man to do that.

It is societies fault for deregulating, and it is societies responsibility to get thigns back on track.