Order Executive Order Toilet Paper


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In case you are not paying attention to the latest scandal it is about tax dollars going to institutions of higher learning when the federal government has no constitutional authority to be in education.


President Trump treating the American people like dumbbells is the bigger scandal. He actually justifies giving tax dollars to education industry parasites if they play nice:

President Donald Trump signed an executive order Thursday directing the executive branch to tie university funding and grants to policies in place that protect free speech.


“The order directs 12 grant-making agencies to use their authorities over federal grants, in coordination with the Director of OMB, to ensure those institutions that receive federal research or education grants promote free inquiry through compliance with all applicable federal laws, regulations, and policies,” a senior administration official told reporters Thursday.

Trump should get the ball rolling by shutting down every one of those 12 grant-making parasite bureaucracies.

Apparently, Trump has no obligation to uphold his oath to the Constitution:

"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."

The last time I checked on the presidential oath of office I thought that every president was supposed preserve, protect and defend:


Trump should have his EO printed on rolls of toilet paper for as long as he sends UNCONSTITUTIONAL tax dollars to higher education:

The official continued that “the administration believes public colleges and universities should fulfill their obligation to uphold the First Amendment, and private schools should comply with their stated institutional policies regarding free inquiry.”

Trump Looks To Force Campuses To Protect Free Speech
4:26 PM 03/21/2019
Saagar Enjeti | White House Correspondent


If Trump is serious about protecting freedom of speech he should officially inform education industry parasites that hate speech is the most protected speech of all. Conceal

Bottom line: Criminalizing hate speech has been a cleverly concealed objective of universities and colleges from the day they began attacking the First Amendment.

Finally, putting trust in the SCOTUS is a bad investment. They believe that Socialist agitators full of hatred for constitutional freedoms are a lot smarter than Thomas Jefferson and James Madison. Proof: The haters are at least smarter than the Supreme Court. Every one of them knows that hate speech is absolutely criminal. They are so sure of their grip on the moral high ground they are very close to exempting hate speech from First Amendment protection —— while no Supreme Court justice ever knew the constitutional meaning of ABSOLUTE:

If an individual’s constitutional Rights are not as absolute as the government’s Rights the individual has no Rights at all. At best, an individual’s constitutional Rights become nothing more than lawyer-laws dressed up to look prettier than they actually are.
