O'Reilly The Right-Wing's Beloved Idiot


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While channel surfing last night I happened across one of Bill O’Reilly’s infamous memo sessions. I’ll paraphrase a preposterous gob of drivel that blubbered out of his ignorant pie-hole.

According to O’Reilly, “We can’t tell people we understand the Constitution, nobody can make that claim because the Constitution is about interpretation. That’s why we need the Supreme Court to interpret the Constitution for us.”

Here’s a challenge for y’all O’Reilly fans out there. What part of the following do you need a gang of partisan ideological bastards on the Court to ”interpret” for you?

“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution nor prohibited by it to the States are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”(Amendment 10, United States Constitution)

Could it be any more clear to anyone that amendment 10 specifically forbids the federal government from any and all operations NOT authorized for the federal government by the Constitution and those powers/activities left exclusively to the States or the People?

Maybe O’Reilly needs to consider that the intended operations of the Supreme Court and Constitutional Lawyers is not to necessarily interpret the Constitution since most of it is self-explanatory, but rather to interpret the written sausage making/law that comes out of the hip pockets of politicians and their lawyered up staffs talented in linguistic gymnastics to make sure such concoctions live up to the mandates required by the Constitution, huh?
No they don't huh.

reality shows your the one who is lacking in the ability to understand the constitution
Depower the supreme court. The first step is to set term limits on the appointed judges that sit on it. There is very little that the SC handles that can't be handled by the state courts respectively.

The supreme court WAS SUPPOSED to settle federal disputes and not dictate laws to the different states within the deliberately created smallest branch of the federal government.
violating the constitution does not mean one understands the constitution. and you ignoring the constitution doesn't mean you understand it either.
Libs like Vinny want to change the Constitution, especially the 2nd Amendment. If they can grab the guns, then they can really try to Commie US, without the threat of an armed rebellion. Most of the Libs that post on these Forums are radicals, in some way subsidized by the likes of Georgi Soros and his Socialist cabalistas. Notice how I always spell George..Georgi like they do in Russia.
Libs like Vinny want to change the Constitution, especially the 2nd Amendment. If they can grab the guns, then they can really try to Commie US, without the threat of an armed rebellion. Most of the Libs that post on these Forums are radicals, in some way subsidized by the likes of Georgi Soros and his Socialist cabalistas. Notice how I always spell George..Georgi like they do in Russia.
Gun nut klamsman jibberish
While channel surfing last night I happened across one of Bill O’Reilly’s infamous memo sessions. I’ll paraphrase a preposterous gob of drivel that blubbered out of his ignorant pie-hole.

According to O’Reilly, “We can’t tell people we understand the Constitution, nobody can make that claim because the Constitution is about interpretation. That’s why we need the Supreme Court to interpret the Constitution for us.”

Here’s a challenge for y’all O’Reilly fans out there. What part of the following do you need a gang of partisan ideological bastards on the Court to ”interpret” for you?

“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution nor prohibited by it to the States are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”(Amendment 10, United States Constitution)

Could it be any more clear to anyone that amendment 10 specifically forbids the federal government from any and all operations NOT authorized for the federal government by the Constitution and those powers/activities left exclusively to the States or the People?

Maybe O’Reilly needs to consider that the intended operations of the Supreme Court and Constitutional Lawyers is not to necessarily interpret the Constitution since most of it is self-explanatory, but rather to interpret the written sausage making/law that comes out of the hip pockets of politicians and their lawyered up staffs talented in linguistic gymnastics to make sure such concoctions live up to the mandates required by the Constitution, huh?

O'Reilly is funny. He's a Republican that is on the brink of thinking beyond the platform. He's an idiot but I like that he thinks for himself. You can tell Jon Stewart is teaching him a lot about politics.

Classic Liberal I'm curious what media personallity you think is the best for information. I doubt you will answer this. :awesome:
No they don't huh.

reality shows your the one who is lacking in the ability to understand the constitution

Wow....I,m impressed.....desh bitch slaps the uber-pinhead, Classic Liberal......

I have new respect for her.....not a lot, but its new.

Rock on desh..............
No they don't huh.

reality shows your the one who is lacking in the ability to understand the constitution

OK moron Fatty Shitty panties tell us what the 10th amendment says and what your left-ass moron friends say it says.
violating the constitution does not mean one understands the constitution. and you ignoring the constitution doesn't mean you understand it either.

dear dense fool,

if not all people agree on what it says then you have to have a Scotus huh.

what you suggest we do is JUST TAKE YOUR INTERPITATION as law.

how can you be so willfully stupid as to think ANY sane person would agree to that?
O'Reilly is funny. He's a Republican that is on the brink of thinking beyond the platform. He's an idiot but I like that he thinks for himself. You can tell Jon Stewart is teaching him a lot about politics.

Classic Liberal I'm curious what media personallity you think is the best for information. I doubt you will answer this. :awesome:

Unlike you Goober I answer all questions, I don't ignore rational comments or questions.

My very favorite media personality is Judge Andrew Napolitano. I also like John Stossel, Lawrence Kudlow and Brian Lamb.
dear dense fool,

if not all people agree on what it says then you have to have a Scotus huh.

what you suggest we do is JUST TAKE YOUR INTERPITATION as law.

how can you be so willfully stupid as to think ANY sane person would agree to that?

"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively or to the people." (Amendment 10, United States Constitution)

Ok gutless Freak, why are we waiting so long for your interpretation of the 10th amendment?

Oh! I bet I know, you’re actually well aware there’s only one rational interpretation but since you’re the fucking moron and coward that you are you don’t even know what ”rational” is, huh idiot?
Unlike you Goober I answer all questions, I don't ignore rational comments or questions.

My very favorite media personality is Judge Andrew Napolitano. I also like John Stossel, Lawrence Kudlow and Brian Lamb.

Knew you were a Fox News tool LONG ago. Andrew Napolitano is a moron. John Stossel is much smarter. Yet John doesn't seem to understand the basics of profiling or the separate classes. Stossel uses surprise attacks on people who don't care about politics to make his points. I can't imagine how many informed arguments that moron edits out.

Fox news is for profit media. They rely on weak minded people to follow it so the rich can "take all" like the great depression. You think you are free, but you are fighting for your own oppression. Wake up.
Knew you were a Fox News tool LONG ago.

A “fox News Tool?” Where’s your evidence that I’m anybody or anything’s “tool?” I actually watch a total variety of news, usually beginning in the mornings with C-Span the only really unbiased political issues programming on TV. Lawrence Kudlow for your information is on CNBC not Fox and Brian Lamb is founder, director and moderator of C-SPAN not Fox, idiot.

Andrew Napolitano is a moron.

Andrew Napolitano is a “Constitutionalist.” Of course in your world Constitutionalist would be considered morons.

John Stossel is much smarter. Yet John doesn't seem to understand the basics of profiling or the separate classes. Stossel uses surprise attacks on people who don't care about politics to make his points. I can't imagine how many informed arguments that moron edits out.

That’s because everything you ”imagine” is a total smoking load of leftist hog-shit.

Fox news is for profit media.

And what kind of media is MSNBC, CBS, CNBC, ABC, CBS and Al-Jazeera, NOT for profit Charities?

They rely on weak minded people to follow it so the rich can "take all" like the great depression. You think you are free, but you are fighting for your own oppression. Wake up.

That can’t be true because if Fox relied on “weak minded people” you’d be their number 1 fan. Now let the folks in the white jackets put your fucking strait-jacket back on ya and maybe tomorrow you’ll get computer privileges again for a few minutes child!