
New member

Last updated: 3:31 am
August 7, 2009
Posted: 2:30 am
August 7, 2009

Get this: The party of "community orga nizers" is now whining that President Obama's critics are organizing com munities -- against his health-care scheme.

The nerve of 'em, huh?

Faced with mushrooming opposition to ObamaCare, Democrats have launched a multi-media campaign that attacks foes as "extremists" who've "called out the mob" to "destroy President Obama" and "intimidate and silence regular people." They cite "the playbook of high-level Republican political operatives."

Actually, that sounds more like the tactics of the Chicago street, where Barack Obama and Rahm Emanuel cut their political teeth. Indeed, you can almost hear Richard Nixon grousing about angry anti-war protestors and pleading for "the great silent majority of Americans" to rise up.

Some Dems, like New York's Rep. Anthony Weiner, are even trying to hold town-hall meetings on the sly, with little advance notice, to keep critics from attending.

And the White House has called on its supporters to "report" any "fishy" information about ObamaCare that they may hear, even in casual conversation.

Talk about intimidation.

Yet poll after poll has shown that criticism is actually coming from -- yup -- "regular people," Republicans and Democrats alike, who just don't trust the plan.

That resentment won't be undone by the Obama team's brass-knuckle brand of political smears.

In case you haven't noticed, memes, the gripe is not "criticism" or opinions that run counter to the current proposal. The gripe is the widespread disinformation campaign, punctuated by angry mobs not engaging in debate or adding to the marketplace of ideas, but simply shouting down people who are trying to discuss the issue rationally (common connie con tactic...conformity is usually the only acceptable course of action).

Since you are part of that disinformation campaign, I don't expect you to get this. I expect a "move along now" or "Lets roll...bye bye" sort of comment. However, it begs the question: what are you & the protesters so afraid of? Why do you fear try to engage the actual issues surrounding the proposal?

It's a shame. Democracy used to be about coming up with your own ideas, and seeing which prevailed in the arena of public discourse.
In case you haven't noticed, memes, the gripe is not "criticism" or opinions that run counter to the current proposal. The gripe is the widespread disinformation campaign, punctuated by angry mobs not engaging in debate or adding to the marketplace of ideas, but simply shouting down people who are trying to discuss the issue rationally (common connie con tactic...conformity is usually the only acceptable course of action).

Since you are part of that disinformation campaign, I don't expect you to get this. I expect a "move along now" or "Lets roll...bye bye" sort of comment. However, it begs the question: what are you & the protesters so afraid of? Why do you fear try to engage the actual issues surrounding the proposal?

It's a shame. Democracy used to be about coming up with your own ideas, and seeing which prevailed in the arena of public discourse.

yeah, all of a sudden with a Democrat in office we are all suppose to Unite, be civil, and just listen...the Hugo himself stood up at one of his staged press conference and said "the time for debate is over"..
so don't preach about all this "lets be civil now"..
The Republican have their own plan, they haven't been allowed to present it, as we have been told over and over, "you lost, get over it.." we have a super majority, fuck the Republicans.
We are not spreading disinformation, we have posted time after time who is SPREADING disinformation, and it's you progressives..
so yeah, I will say again, Lets fucking Roll..
yeah, all of a sudden with a Democrat in office we are all suppose to Unite, be civil, and just listen...the Hugo himself stood up at one of his staged press conference and said "the time for debate is over"..
so don't preach about all this "lets be civil now"..
The Republican have their own plan, they haven't been allowed to present it, as we have been told over and over, "you lost, get over it.." we have a super majority, fuck the Republicans.
We are not spreading disinformation, we have posted time after time who is SPREADING disinformation, and it's you progressives..
so yeah, I will say again, Lets fucking Roll..

Yeah, riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight...that HAS to be it! Those EEEEEEVIL Democrats won't "let" Righties present their plan.

And what, pray tell, are Democrats doing EXACTLY to keep Republicans from "presenting their plan"?

Do you even read your own posts before you toss them out?
Yeah, riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight...that HAS to be it! Those EEEEEEVIL Democrats won't "let" Righties present their plan.

And what, pray tell, are Democrats doing EXACTLY to keep Republicans from "presenting their plan"?

Do you even read your own posts before you toss them out?

if you don't like to read my post, then don' old are you, you act like a young child most of the you read or keep up with what's going on in the country? sure don't act like just blaa blaa blaa for the Democrat party, no matter what wrong they might are a goosestepping Democrat sheep..

now go lay your intelligent post on your buddies, the give a shit what you have to say.

Last updated: 3:31 am
August 7, 2009
Posted: 2:30 am
August 7, 2009

Get this: The party of "community orga nizers" is now whining that President Obama's critics are organizing com munities -- against his health-care scheme.

The nerve of 'em, huh?

Faced with mushrooming opposition to ObamaCare, Democrats have launched a multi-media campaign that attacks foes as "extremists" who've "called out the mob" to "destroy President Obama" and "intimidate and silence regular people." They cite "the playbook of high-level Republican political operatives."

Actually, that sounds more like the tactics of the Chicago street, where Barack Obama and Rahm Emanuel cut their political teeth. Indeed, you can almost hear Richard Nixon grousing about angry anti-war protestors and pleading for "the great silent majority of Americans" to rise up.

Some Dems, like New York's Rep. Anthony Weiner, are even trying to hold town-hall meetings on the sly, with little advance notice, to keep critics from attending.

And the White House has called on its supporters to "report" any "fishy" information about ObamaCare that they may hear, even in casual conversation.

Talk about intimidation.

Yet poll after poll has shown that criticism is actually coming from -- yup -- "regular people," Republicans and Democrats alike, who just don't trust the plan.

That resentment won't be undone by the Obama team's brass-knuckle brand of political smears.


Obama is the biggest whiner I've ever seen.
DNC Web Ad: "Enough of the Mob"


The right-wing extremist Republican base is back. They lost the election.
They lost on the recovery act, the budget and children's health care.
The've lost the confidence of the American people after eight years of
failed policies that ruined our economy and cost millions of jobs.

Now, desperate Republicans and their well-funded allies are organizing
angry mobs -- just like they did during the election. Their goal?
Destroy Obama and stop the change we voted for in November.

This mob activity is straight from the playbook of Karl Rove.
They have no plan for moving forward, so they've called out the mob.

Hmmm, not bad.



yeah, all of a sudden with a Democrat in office we are all suppose to Unite, be civil, and just listen...the Hugo himself stood up at one of his staged press conference and said "the time for debate is over"..
so don't preach about all this "lets be civil now"..
The Republican have their own plan, they haven't been allowed to present it, as we have been told over and over, "you lost, get over it.." we have a super majority, fuck the Republicans.
We are not spreading disinformation, we have posted time after time who is SPREADING disinformation, and it's you progressives..
so yeah, I will say again, Lets fucking Roll..

You are spreading disinformation. The republicans presented their plan back in June and basically, it sucked.

"Rather than the complete health care overhaul that five different congressional committees are writing, Minority Leader John Boehner, left, said they would take the current system and improve it by reforming Medicaid and the State Children's Health Insurance Program.

How much the Republican plan would cost and how many uninsured Americans would gain coverage remains unclear. Rep. Roy Blunt (R-Mo.) said "we believe we can come up with a plan where every person in the uninsured has access to insurance."
of course I am spreading Disinformation..:rolleyes:

and as we all know it's only the Hugo's hostile take over of our entire health care system is good enough for those too lazy to pay their own way..

85% of the American people say they are happy with the way things are now, and do not want Socialized medicine, but that fact isn't going to stop the Hugo and his gang of crooks.
You are spreading disinformation. The republicans presented their plan back in June and basically, it sucked.

"Rather than the complete health care overhaul that five different congressional committees are writing, Minority Leader John Boehner, left, said they would take the current system and improve it by reforming Medicaid and the State Children's Health Insurance Program.

How much the Republican plan would cost and how many uninsured Americans would gain coverage remains unclear. Rep. Roy Blunt (R-Mo.) said "we believe we can come up with a plan where every person in the uninsured has access to insurance."

Read my signature. Deal with it.
of course I am spreading Disinformation..:rolleyes:

and as we all know it's only the Hugo's hostile take over of our entire health care system is good enough for those too lazy to pay their own way..

85% of the American people say they are happy with the way things are now, and do not want Socialized medicine, but that fact isn't going to stop the Hugo and his gang of crooks.

I presume you mean 85% don't want government health care. Where did you get that number?
I'll have to get back to you on this as I have all signatures on "ignore". :cof1:
Mayo Clinic says........The real losers of Obama's healthcare plan will be the citizens of the United States...Cleveland Clilnic said it is a bad plan... Obama's doctor for 20 years said it is a bad plan.

800,000 were not in the labor unemployment count for July, 2009. They gave up looking for jobs and are still unemployed.
Mayo Clinic says........The real losers of Obama's healthcare plan will be the citizens of the United States...Cleveland Clilnic said it is a bad plan... Obama's doctor for 20 years said it is a bad plan.

800,000 were not in the labor unemployment count for July, 2009. They gave up looking for jobs and are still unemployed.

Hannity falsely claimed Mayo Clinic "slam[med]" Obama's health proposal

Mayo Clinic, a renowned hospital that supports Obama's call for health care reform Says the bill must emphasize quality over quantity. Medicare should pay based on results, not procedures, which is why Mayo supports the administration plan for an independent review of the Medicare system.

I can't find where the Cleveland Clinic says the plan is bad, or anything about your 800K comment.
Hannity falsely claimed Mayo Clinic "slam[med]" Obama's health proposal

Mayo Clinic, a renowned hospital that supports Obama's call for health care reform Says the bill must emphasize quality over quantity. Medicare should pay based on results, not procedures, which is why Mayo supports the administration plan for an independent review of the Medicare system.

I can't find where the Cleveland Clinic says the plan is bad, or anything about your 800K comment.

Mayo Clinic’s reaction to House Tri-Committee bill

Although there are some positive provisions in the current House Tri-Committee bill – including insurance for all and payment reform demonstration projects – the proposed legislation misses the opportunity to help create higher-quality, more affordable health care for patients. In fact, it will do the opposite.
In general, the proposals under discussion are not patient focused or results oriented. Lawmakers have failed to use a fundamental lever – a change in Medicare payment policy – to help drive necessary improvements in American health care. Unless legislators create payment systems that pay for good patient results at reasonable costs, the promise of transformation in American health care will wither. The real losers will be the citizens of the United States.

The Cleveland Clinic administration was on cable, which you obviously don't get. I'll see if I can find the video.

The 800,000 comes directly from the Department of Labor.