osama - obama

Don Quixote

cancer survivor
what is with fox news - three 'mistakes' in one short time obama called osama

i knew fox was biased, but this is a bit much even for them

hell, if this keeps up i guess i will have to vote for obama as a protest vote - wtf
what is with fox news - three 'mistakes' in one short time obama called osama

i knew fox was biased, but this is a bit much even for them

hell, if this keeps up i guess i will have to vote for obama as a protest vote - wtf

i'm not laughing at you DQ just the thought of a 'protest vote' going for the winner is funny.
Fox is geared to the mentality of their viewers as most of the MSM is.
Why I like PBS best. Sesame Street rocks!


however, i still mourn the demise of the cookie monster...:(

also, try NPR - national public radio

yeah I do NPR some. And like you I miss the cookie monster. A sad day in america when he went away.

Hey how did he depart, I missed that part. Was he skinned for his pelt by a republican ? Or what ?
yeah I do NPR some. And like you I miss the cookie monster. A sad day in america when he went away.

Hey how did he depart, I missed that part. Was he skinned for his pelt by a republican ? Or what ?


cookies were no longer politically correct or healthy - so now he is the vegetable monster - i think
Don, this is the network that called the fist bump between Barack and Michelle, a "terrorist fist jab".

They have no shame, and they certainly don't have an ounce of journalistic integrity.


unfortunately true, i guess human nature will not be denied:(