OSC official quits in protest



WASHINGTON -- James M. Byrne, second in command at the embattled Office of Special Counsel, resigned his post effective Saturday after leaving his boss, Scott J. Bloch, a stinging letter suggesting that Bloch's "political agendas and personal vendettas" were preventing the agency from fulfilling its mission.

The two-paragraph letter, obtained by The Times, was sent to Bloch last week at a time when the Bush appointee faces a Justice Department inquiry that includes allegations of illegally erasing information on his government computer. James Mitchell, a spokesman for the independent agency, declined to comment on the matter.

Among other responsibilities, the Office of Special Counsel is charged with enforcing the Hatch Act, which restricts electoral campaign activities by federal employees. Byrne, a former Justice Department prosecutor, led a task force investigating the politicization of executive branch agencies during the Bush administration.

When the investigation was first announced, some outside advocacy groups challenged whether Bloch, a Republican appointee with a controversial record, would conduct a thorough, aggressive inquiry. Byrne, who has a background in high-profile criminal investigations, gave the team experience and credibility.

Bloch has drawn attention almost since President Bush appointed him to run the Office of Special Counsel. In 2006, Bloch announced he was investigating presidential advisor Karl Rove in connection with the probe of executive branch agencies. He also looked into the firings of U.S. attorneys by the Justice Department.

Bloch has been dogged by complaints that he retaliated against, harassed and intimidated employees of the agencies. In May, federal agents raided his home and office as part of a federal investigation into those charges.
Just another example of why nothing the WH has its hands in should be trusted.

So tell me again how Iraq is now a success because the WH did a study?
Just another example of why nothing the WH has its hands in should be trusted.

So tell me again how Iraq is now a success because the WH did a study?

the surge has been a success. Look at the deaths and violence in 2006 before the surge and look at it today. There were more killings of U.S. soldiers last month in Afghanistan than there were in Iraq. You can list me the reasons if you would like why the surge was not responsible for the drop in violence but the drop in violence is a fact.
Just another example of why nothing the WH has its hands in should be trusted.

So tell me again how Iraq is now a success because the WH did a study?

The results in Iraq also speak for themselves Desh. When Bush claimed Mission Accomplished while our soldiers were getting killed and the insurgency starting to rage it was obvious that he was wrong (he was correct that we had removed Saddam from power but the bad aftermath was begining).

As far as judging the surge if they claim all benchmarks have been met when they haven't it will show as the Iraqi government will not perform the tasks they were supposedly suppose to be able to do. There is some transparency in the proces which prevents the White House from simply making up the results in secret without anyone knowing.