Our "Reputation in the World"


New member
I see Liberals, whether the Paid ones, on TV, or the less-informed ones here, and therefore, VICTIMS of the Paid TV Liars, often worrying, whining, complaining, about Our "Reputation in the World".

It's FUNNY, but I don't SEE the Saudi Sheiks, the Syrian Assads, the Iranians, or Islamabad Power-that-be, I don't see THEM always crying and whining about their "Reputation in the World". They Chop people's heads off, ON CAMERA, and don't give two cent's woth of worry over it. They PUT it on Al-Jazeera. I don't see that Muslim Radical Terrorist Killers worried about their "reputation". It's always US. WHY is it always US?

It CAN'T be that we're the "Good Guys", 'cause Liberals tell us we're BAD, that WE are to BLAME, for Terrorists flying airplanes into Towers, killing 4,000 Innocent Men, Women, and Children! It doesn't MATTER that WE are the nation that FEEDS and HEALS the Continent of Africa, that we have HUNDREDS of Private and Government Aid, Adoption, Christian Children's Funds, they're too numerous to name, and not ONLY Africa, but INDIA, CHINA, WHEREVER in the World, there's a Disaster, Famine, Flood, whatever, THAT'S where you can find an American, trying to Help the suffering.

But THAT doesn't MATTER, according to Liberals. You see, we have SINNED. We have DARED to STEP, to place our feet, on the Holy Muslim land of Arabia, the country of Mecca, and therefore we must PAY. We, America, has GIVEN Saudi Arabia their Great Wealth, along with Iran, Kuwait, Dubai, and most other Muslim Oil-Rich Nations. Who do you think SHOWED them WHAT THEY HAD, and Drilled the Wells, Showed them HOW to Refine it, etc., etc.

But all this doesn't matter. We DARED try to help them, to show them how the REST of the World lives, in the 20th Century, and therefore, we DESERVE to have Buildings knocked down, and thousands of Innocent Men, Women, and Children Burned, Mutilated, and Butchered.
The Pony-Tail-Wearing Ron Kubee, and his Birkenstock-Wearing Ilk, the ACLU, do NOT want to see this Nation, America, Prosper. They want to see it BROUGHT TO ITS KNEES. They have some, sick, twisted desire to see America "Punished", and won't STOP, until they SUCCED. We KNEW they wouldn't be happy, until the Terrorists got ALL THE RIGHTS OF AN AMERICAN CITIZEN, EVEN THOUGH THEY HAVE KILLED, OR HELPED KILL, INNOCENT AMERICAN CITIZENS.

We did not declare War on MiddleEast Radical Muslim Islamo-Fascists. We never told them they couldn't continue to live like the 12th Century, chopping off their citizen's heads, for having sex, or hands, for stealing candy. If they want to ride camels, or SCREW camels, we could care less. But THEY TOLD US, by their Terrorism, by the MURDERS OF AMERICANS,, that WE could NOT be Freinds with Israel, with those "Dirty Jews", as Louis Farrakan, a friend of Obama's Church, calls them, and some on THIS website.
We never told THEM, that they COULDN'T TREAT THEIR WOMEN WORSE THAN DOGS, that they COULDN'T BEAT THEM DAILY, RAPE THEM WHENEVER THE THOUGHT CROSSED THEIR MIND. We never told them they couldn't practice "The Trimming of the Rose", whereby THEY CUT OUT THE WOMAN'S CLITORIS, THEREBY GUARANTEEING THEY WILL NEVER FEEL SEXUAL PLEASURE, and supposedly "keeping them faithful".

And YET, women, (obviously, only Very Confused, LIBERAL women) actually SUPPORT this treating OUR ENEMIES, these BUTCHERS, like Joe from New Jersey, who deserves EVERY RIGHT OF THE CONSTITUTION.
So ron Kubee, because he took some Law Classes, and could NEVER get famous, or laid, any OTHER way, wants to try to USE the LAW to Destroy our Nation. And Leftist/Socialists, some found right HERE, would help him.
Islamo-Fascists have been at WAR with America, since the 70's. They have been KILLING our people, since BEFORE they Hijacked airplanes, and shot the passengers w/machine guns, dumped them on the tarmac, even BEFORE they pushed Crippled and wheelchair-bound Leon Klinghoffer INTO THE OCEAN.
Oh Yeah, Brave Warriors, they chop heads of Journalists, hiding behind MASKS. They strap dynamite to 12 years old LITTLE GIRLS, and send them into crowed Israeli Markets, where there are many MUSLIMS, also. They don't care. As long as they can KILL SOME JEWS, AND MAYBE SOME AMERICANS.


:blowup: :doh: :blowup: :doh: :blowup: :doh: