Our Troops


"As an internist at New York's Mount Sinai Hospital, Dr. Stephanie Santos is used to finding odd things in people's stomachs. So last spring when a young man, identifying himself as an Iraq-bound soldier, said he had accidentally swallowed a pen at the bus station, she believed him. That is, until she found a second pen. It read 1-800-GREYHOUND. Last summer, according to published reports, a 20-year-old Bronx soldier paid a hit man $500 to shoot him in the knee on the day he was scheduled to return to Iraq. The year before that, a 24-year-old specialist from Washington state escaped a second tour of duty, according to his sister, by strapping on a backpack full of tools and leaping off the roof of his house, injuring his spine.

Such cases of self-harm are a "rising trend" that military doctors are watching closely, says Col. Kathy Platoni, an Army Reserve psychologist who has worked with veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan. "There are some soldiers who will do almost anything not to go back," she says. Col. Elspeth Ritchie, the Army's top psychologist, agrees that we could see an uptick in intentional injuries as more U.S. soldiers serve long, repeated combat tours, "but we just don't have good, hard data on it." Intentional- injury cases are hard to identify, and even harder to prosecute. Fewer than 21 soldiers have been punitively discharged for self-harm since 2003, according to the military. What's worrying, however, is that American troops committed suicide at the highest rate on record in 2007—and the factors behind self-injury are similar: combat stress and strained relationships. "It's often the families that don't want soldiers to return to war," says Ritchie.

Soldiers have long used self-harm as a rip cord to avoid war. During World War I, The American Journal of Psychiatry reported "epidemics of self-inflicted injuries," hospital wards filled with men shot in a single finger or toe, as well as cases of pulled-out teeth, punctured eardrums and slashed Achilles' heels. Few doubt that the Korean and Vietnam wars were any different. But the current war—fought with an overtaxed volunteer Army—may be the worst. "We're definitely concerned," says Ritchie. "We hope they'll talk to us rather than self-harm."
Wow they are willing to harm themselfs to keepo from going back to Iraq only because some Americans (like 70%) think the war is wrong?

Your going to pull some muscles doing that stretch indistiguisable.
I'm telling you, this simply cannot be. Dixie convinced me that only liberal pinheads want to end this war, and that the troops & Iraqi people are resolute about "completing the mission" and want the U.S. to stay there for an indefinite period years into the future.

He's spoken to hundreds of them, and there hasn't been a one who has uttered any sort of protest or opposition to the war, or any reluctance about fighting it.

It just can't be.
Osama thanks you for your efforts.
Osama is in Afghanistan and Pakistan. The war in Iraq is not the war on terror. Hell Bush has moved the goal so many times in Iraq now I can't even remember what we are fighting for. I think this week it is still all about Iraqi freedom. Something the bulk of them have NEVER been willing to earn on their own. I love have you war apologists are now turning the fact that soldiers do not want to do 3, 4 and 5 tours of duty in Iraq into some evil that those of us that oppose the war in Iraq have caused. You are a good little goose stepper.
Why are you griping? Your campaign to undermine the troops is bearing fruit, just as you intended.

So, you don't want to enlist? You have to be at least getting close to the age where you're eligible.

Why wouldn't you fight? You seem to have a lot of passion about Iraq & the troops.
Why are you griping? Your campaign to undermine the troops is bearing fruit, just as you intended.

So no American can express any opinion on any war other than to support it or they are undermining the troops?

So if Obama takes us to war with Canada and Mexico you will do nothing but support it no matter the consiquences to the country?

Do you understand such action on the part of an American woudl be ....well .....UnAmerican to to founding fathers?
You must be so proud.

No I’m not. My heart goes out to these young men and women, who have already served in your war, while you sit here shooting off your big, stupid mouth, and who are so damaged by it that they will harm themselves to prevent having to go back…while you sit here, shooting off your big, fat mouth about it.

The question is; are you proud?

Only cowards pick fights they won’t fight themselves.
You must be so proud.

You are damned right I am proud. Everytime I speak out against the war in Iraq I am proud. If enough of us make enough noise we may bring them home a little sooner.

That would mean bringing MORE of them home alive instead of in a body bag.

That would mean fewer folded flags given to wives and mothers.

Am I proud? You betcha!

But if you think the reason the soldiers don't want to go back is the coverage of the anti-war people, you must be drunk or stoned.

Lets see......the threat of being blown up or news articles about war protests, being shot/shot at or hearing about people saying we should bring our soldiers home.

Now which do YOU think inspires these soldiers to hurt themselves?