Out of Touch

Do you want to know who's out of touch? The American people are out of touch. We have become a nation with no sense of history, no grasp of fact, and an inability to use logic within the context of discernible reality. The forces of history and empire are upon us; the days of bread and circuses are here in full force. More and more clamor for government handouts; massive, arrogant consumerism and a sense of entitlement; our intellect is beaten into a coma through Idol and Survivor.

KILL YOUR TV! Lenin said that religion was the opiate of the masses; were he alive today, he would understand that Television is the new opiate of the masses. The Feb 2009 mandatory upgrade simply improves the ability to deliver the videodrome signal - the visually administered anaesthetic.

"Change we can live with," right, that will do it... We worry about TV signals while our country rots at the core.

These times will be followed by the falling of the empire. There is not a damn thing that the government, under either an Obama or McCain administration, can do to halt it. A little tinkering around the edges, but it is inevitable that we will no longer be the greatest nation on earth circa 2050. The fall will be hard because neither of these two horrible choices will have the guts to do what must be done to lessen the blow. Pay me now or pay me later; in typical American fashion we will choose to pay later, and we will pay more.

The terrorists won in a brilliant stroke on 9/11. Our response to their action, not their action, has pushed us farther down the road of decline than we would have been through natural progression. "They hate freedom" is a fantastical rationalization and much easier to mouth than to try to reach a true understanding of the why and the what behind it all. Our response was to undermine our Constitution. I believe we are one major domestic terrorist attack away from martial law. That would only serve to hasten, not cause. I hate the pattern that history shows me, but I may never live to see the final collapse.

I have a progressive liver disease where the damage is permanent and cumulative. Every meal, every day, is a struggle to fight on. I was so depressed a while back that I attempted to eat myself into the grave. Alcohol, fat, sugar - all poisons to my system - ingested in mass quanitity. I put on weight and ballooned to 65# beyond the upper limit of the normal range for my height. I became obese. Continuation on that path would lead to death in ~ 5 years. I'm still a fatty right now, but I've been working back toward a goal weight of 175# and I will get there.

Thanks for listening to (another) rant.

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A truthful Rant Trog.

I do not expect to live to see the collapse either, but think we have both seen the start of it.

Give us our bread and circuses. adjusted for now mean Beer and TV.
I'm sorry, Trog! The little I know you suggests that you've already explored all possible avenues that might help, including transplant. Please, no more self-destructive behavior like eating yourself into a critical condition.

As to your rant, as usual you're right on target. I don't know who it was who described the six (?) stages of democracy, but we're now in one of the final two or three: complacency. Too few know how to work for what they want to achieve; too few have learned that they're not always right, not always wonderful, criticism can be a building block; education is so far down in our priorities that it's difficult to attract bright, talented, dedicated individuals to teach our children, and if we manage somehow to achieve that much, we constrain them so much yet expect so much more than teaching that too many of the good ones leave. Too many of those who remain don't have a clue, and they pass that along. And the children and society suffer for that.

OK, I too could rant all afternoon, but we all have more to do. :o
Do you want to know who's out of touch? The American people are out of touch. We have become a nation with no sense of history, no grasp of fact, and an inability to use logic within the context of discernible reality. The forces of history and empire are upon us; the days of bread and circuses are here in full force. More and more clamor for government handouts; massive, arrogant consumerism and a sense of entitlement; our intellect is beaten into a coma through Idol and Survivor.

KILL YOUR TV! Lenin said that religion was the opiate of the masses; were he alive today, he would understand that Television is the new opiate of the masses. The Feb 2009 mandatory upgrade simply improves the ability to deliver the videodrome signal - the visually administered anaesthetic.

"Change we can live with," right, that will do it... We worry about TV signals while our country rots at the core.

These times will be followed by the falling of the empire. There is not a damn thing that the government, under either an Obama or McCain administration, can do to halt it. A little tinkering around the edges, but it is inevitable that we will no longer be the greatest nation on earth circa 2050. The fall will be hard because neither of these two horrible choices will have the guts to do what must be done to lessen the blow. Pay me now or pay me later; in typical American fashion we will choose to pay later, and we will pay more.

The terrorists won in a brilliant stroke on 9/11. Our response to their action, not their action, has pushed us farther down the road of decline than we would have been through natural progression. "They hate freedom" is a fantastical rationalization and much easier to mouth than to try to reach a true understanding of the why and the what behind it all. Our response was to undermine our Constitution. I believe we are one major domestic terrorist attack away from martial law. That would only serve to hasten, not cause. I hate the pattern that history shows me, but I may never live to see the final collapse.

I have a progressive liver disease where the damage is permanent and cumulative. Every meal, every day, is a struggle to fight on. I was so depressed a while back that I attempted to eat myself into the grave. Alcohol, fat, sugar - all poisons to my system - ingested in mass quanitity. I put on weight and ballooned to 65# beyond the upper limit of the normal range for my height. I became obese. Continuation on that path would lead to death in ~ 5 years. I'm still a fatty right now, but I've been working back toward a goal weight of 175# and I will get there.

Thanks for listening to (another) rant.


Trog, I know you have probably tried everything known to humans, but have you tried an herbologist? I know milk thistle is proving to do wonder for the liver. My friend with hepatitis swears it has put her in remission. Hang in there. I wish you the best. I know what life threatening condition does to a person. It can cause PTSD, so be sure that you are doing something for your gloomy moods! I am now walking and it is the best I have found. The new dog helps, too! Big hug!
Trog, I know you have probably tried everything known to humans, but have you tried an herbologist? I know milk thistle is proving to do wonder for the liver. My friend with hepatitis swears it has put her in remission. Hang in there. I wish you the best. I know what life threatening condition does to a person. It can cause PTSD, so be sure that you are doing something for your gloomy moods! I am now walking and it is the best I have found. The new dog helps, too! Big hug!

You're right, Froggie, I forgot all about that. They take something called sylmarin extract from the milk thistle, and it is effective. Also a special diet that eliminates those foods that are especially hard on the liver helps. It can be tasty. Bet you find from time to time that yu just can't face certain foods; that's not unusual and you then late go back to them. Also you may need antibiotics from time to time to suppress intestinal bacterial production of ammonia, which might have contributed to your dark mood. Best.
Hello Thorn and thanks, I always try to pass along my trivia...some might help, some is just that!
That would only serve to hasten, not cause. I hate the pattern that history shows me, but I may never live to see the final collapse.

I have a progressive liver disease where the damage is permanent and cumulative. Every meal, every day, is a struggle to fight on. I was so depressed a while back that I attempted to eat myself into the grave. Alcohol, fat, sugar - all poisons to my system - ingested in mass quanitity. I put on weight and ballooned to 65# beyond the upper limit of the normal range for my height. I became obese. Continuation on that path would lead to death in ~ 5 years. I'm still a fatty right now, but I've been working back toward a goal weight of 175# and I will get there.

Thanks for listening to (another) rant.


That's incredibly depressing trog.

I don't usually read long rants but these ones you've been posting lately have been pretty good. I don't think America has a lot of time left. Whether we die in a bright flash or struggle on for a millennium like the Byzantines our glory days are over. We are extremely decadent. We sit at home all day and plug ourselves into our oil energy. We don't do anything that really makes us happy. That's why so many of us are depressed and restless. We are addicted to the way we live and that's the only reason we continue on like that.

The luxury that oil has given to all of us has made us complacent. It has made us unnatural creatures. Whenever it runs out theres nothing that can replace it. We are in a human bubble right now. And whenever it all runs out, America and Europe will have a generation of lazy whiny people who don't know how to live without burning energy producing everything for them. China will have two billion slaves. Totalitarianism will win out in the end. Democracy will be an unaffordable luxury. Hopefully they won't control everything but they're going to lead us for the next few hundred years.
Do you want to know who's out of touch? The American people are out of touch. We have become a nation with no sense of history, no grasp of fact, and an inability to use logic within the context of discernible reality. The forces of history and empire are upon us; the days of bread and circuses are here in full force. More and more clamor for government handouts; massive, arrogant consumerism and a sense of entitlement; our intellect is beaten into a coma through Idol and Survivor.

KILL YOUR TV! Lenin said that religion was the opiate of the masses; were he alive today, he would understand that Television is the new opiate of the masses. The Feb 2009 mandatory upgrade simply improves the ability to deliver the videodrome signal - the visually administered anaesthetic.

"Change we can live with," right, that will do it... We worry about TV signals while our country rots at the core.

These times will be followed by the falling of the empire. There is not a damn thing that the government, under either an Obama or McCain administration, can do to halt it. A little tinkering around the edges, but it is inevitable that we will no longer be the greatest nation on earth circa 2050. The fall will be hard because neither of these two horrible choices will have the guts to do what must be done to lessen the blow. Pay me now or pay me later; in typical American fashion we will choose to pay later, and we will pay more.

The terrorists won in a brilliant stroke on 9/11. Our response to their action, not their action, has pushed us farther down the road of decline than we would have been through natural progression. "They hate freedom" is a fantastical rationalization and much easier to mouth than to try to reach a true understanding of the why and the what behind it all. Our response was to undermine our Constitution. I believe we are one major domestic terrorist attack away from martial law. That would only serve to hasten, not cause. I hate the pattern that history shows me, but I may never live to see the final collapse.

I have a progressive liver disease where the damage is permanent and cumulative. Every meal, every day, is a struggle to fight on. I was so depressed a while back that I attempted to eat myself into the grave. Alcohol, fat, sugar - all poisons to my system - ingested in mass quanitity. I put on weight and ballooned to 65# beyond the upper limit of the normal range for my height. I became obese. Continuation on that path would lead to death in ~ 5 years. I'm still a fatty right now, but I've been working back toward a goal weight of 175# and I will get there.

Thanks for listening to (another) rant.


1st of all, Trog rules.

2nd of all, Sophia Comes.

3rd of all:
