Outing All Homos


Junior Member
We need a national policy of outing all homos. This example with Foley shows why you can't trust the sexual deivants. Out them in goverment, federal, state and local, out them in business, in education out them where you find them.

Does that make me a liberal now! LOL
We have a list of fags in the party..............October suprise!

>>20 offices said targeted
Not likely, say Mike Rogers and John Aravosis, the two men loosely heading an ongoing outing campaign on the Hill. As the date nears for a Senate vote on the Federal Marriage Amendment, which would ban gay marriages in the Constitution, Rogers said the outings have picked up steam — from 13 documented offices to nearly 20 currently on a target list provided by Rogers to the Blade.
In addition to Tolman, Rogers and Aravosis, working in tandem but not together, claimed in the last week to have outed via the Web Democratic Sen. Barbara Mikulski of Maryland and Republican Congressman Mark Foley of Florida.
While Tolman confirmed he is gay, the Mikulski’s office refused to comment on speculation she is a lesbian, something Aravosis implied last week on his site.
A spokesperson for Congressman Mark Foley (R-Fla.) also declined to comment after Aravosis specifically asserted that Foley is gay on his Web site last week.

Activists claim more outings to come
Both Aravosis and Rogers said they continue to collect information from their network of sources, which include employees of the Human Rights Campaign and Log Cabin Republicans, and plan on outing more staffers and members.
The leadership of the Human Rights Campaign, Log Cabin Republicans and other gay lobby groups have urged activists not to reveal personal information about gay Hill staffers or members of Congress.

The source : the gay blade!
the libs say sexual orientation doesn't matter but this case proves them wrong. They are so full of crap they can't smell thier own breath. LOL

Here they have an out list of fags. Why are the so concerned of sexual orientation of Republicans? How about a list for dems?
Dam, Desh has that on cut and paste. I called her on it a dozen times. She just misses it. And well, why even bother to post such a nothing comment anyway?