Oversight of the U.S. Secret Service and the Attempted Assassination of President Donald J. Trump

Where would MAGA be without their tweets

Nearly everyone agrees the Secret Service f*cked up, they can be right a million times and wrong once, either ask for the women’s resignation or move on, being scapegoated infront of politicians serves little other than give birth to whacked out conspiracies
Where would MAGA be without their tweets

Nearly everyone agrees the Secret Service f*cked up, they can be right a million times and wrong once, either ask for the women’s resignation or move on, being scapegoated infront of politicians serves little other than give birth to whacked out conspiracies
I disagree. Part of our problem in this country is that 'we the people' have come to accept that it's ok for government to make mistakes. The downside to that is that government never learns from it's mistakes. They get to just pay out some money, our money, and go on with business as usual.

when government makes mistakes, they need to be hammered. Hammered so brutally that they never make that mistake again.